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The weekend has come to an end and after Elliot left to go to his house on Sunday, Angelo felt the silence lingering in his room. It was like the room itself got used to having a company that once it was gone, the happy vibe within it were all sucked out.

Even though it was a daily routine for Angelo to be alone in his hotel, it still felt weird not having Elliot there. Perhaps this is because he has grown to really enjoy Elliot's company and now, he can't even sit still without hearing his calming voice or staring into his ocean blue eyes.

And this time when thoughts like these made its way through, he didn't even hesitate to let it sink in. The two of them were now dating; it was only normal for them to want to be with each other and have the other person constantly on their minds.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of wanting to pound his head against the wall for turning into a softy when it comes to Elliot, Angelo has now fully accepted his feelings and was completely allowing his thoughts to wander.

He only wondered if Elliot felt the same way for him.


My body itself is here, but my mental state is nowhere near.

Elliot jotted down those lines as he stared at his phone; contemplating whether, or not it was too soon to text Angelo telling him things like, "Hey, I miss you" or "I had a lot of fun with you over the weekend."

Sure, he wanted to, but he didn't want to be clingy or sound desperate.

As much as he wished he could be free-spirited like Angelo, Elliot thought about things too deeply. Sometimes this caused him to overthink the littlest things and make things more complicated than it is. But that was something that made Elliot special. He was a great listener since he would analyze words as he looked at things through the other person's perspective.

Thinking deeply just meant that he would stop and listen before opening his mouth. It was a smarter way to go at things; made fewer mistakes this way.

The phone buzzed against the table and Elliot jumped a bit. Startled by the sudden noise, he picked up the phone to see who it was.

To his excitement, it was an incoming call from Angelo. He swiped his phone and held it next to his right ear. "Miss me yet?" The deep, husky tone from Angelo's voice echoed into his ear.

As odd as it sounds, Elliot loved his deep masculine voice. "I suppose so, but I can say the same thing about you since, well, you're the one who decided to dial this number specifically"

"Indeed, but you answered within the first few rings which I can safely assume that you were waiting for me to call?" This made Elliot a bit red, so he was thankful that this conversation was through the phone; if it wasn't, he would've fled from the scene whilst hiding his flushed cheeks.

"You can think what you want, but I won't admit to anything. But I will say that I enjoyed spending time with you. I even miss sleeping in that crammed bed alongside you"

"That makes two of us. I also miss kissing your forehead every now and then while you were still asleep"

"You took advantage of me while I was not conscious?!" Elliot smiled when he heard Angelo let out a husky laugh. "Sorry Ellie, I couldn't help it, you have an adorable sleeping face"

"I am not used to compliments...or nicknames for that matter"

"Well, you better get used to it since 95% of what comes out of my mouth will be composed of compliments accompanied by the name Ellie" Angelo relaxed when he heard Elliot chuckle.

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