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Håldr had helped Æthaindel take his mother’s skin after they had taken back their ship then they stopped at a small island where they gave the rest of her a warriors funeral and named the island Höggarshire after her yet still it felt as if no honors would befit the tragedy of a mother stolen away from her child too soon especially not to the poor Æthaindel who would barely eat instead only weep for her in his father's arms.

One could say that in that short amount of time the child was never quite the same for even though he was still unspoiled and rather innocent he became different since that day in the way that he would never let himself be taken advantage of again.

He swore to his father and all those who could hear that no one would ever dare to dismiss him again and no one would dare to ever take that which he loved again or else he would paint the lands and the seas with blood.

Over the next few weeks of sailing, Æthaindel became even iller to the point where he had almost died in the night several times which his father was sure had both to do with the fact of his mother's death and also his exposure to the smoke on the old ship but none the less the child survived even if his life seems to be hanging by a mere thread from time to time.

Then after finally many months of sailing and terrible grief, the day had finally came where they landed on the shores of their long missed homeland and not only were the king and his son welcomed into the long awaiting arms of the queen but so where all of their men into the arms of their wives and mothers sisters and daughters husbands and sons.

Queen Fyjanr was well-beloved for her grace as Queen and renowned as a remarkable woman for before she had married the king she was one of the bravest shieldmaidens and even successfully defeated a small battalion all alone by herself but she decided to give up her days of battle in order to become a mother and she loves both of her children dearly, in fact, the only reason that she had not come after her daughter herself was because she was injured during the attack at which her daughter was stolen.

She was very intrigued, to say the least when the men had told her of the story At first she was irritated that she was being bombarded by them before she herself could even get to embrace her husband and son yet at the mention of a surprise grandson she felt her heart skip a beat for well nothing could ever fill the hole that her daughter's death had left in her heart perhaps in some way this child was a blessing from the gods in the midst of all the tragedy.

She ran into her husband's arms and kissed him tenderly than she swiftly hugged her son and kissed him sweetly but he hushed her from speaking then jostled his son out of his furs and slowly rocked him awake.

"Come now sweet one do not be frightened it is only your father-mother!"  The prince said as he kissed his shy son.

Was just one look into his eyes the queen fell into awe of her new grandson and absolutely adored him in every way if he wasn't spoiled already he definitely was by her and also by all the women and maids who all cooed to him sweet nothings as they doted on him with gifts and treats not only fit for a prince but  for perhaps a little god.

"What a lucky woman is this queen to have such a beautiful grandchild!"  The queen would sing as she rocked her new grandson then tucked him into bed. 

However, once again tragedy reared its ugly head for suddenly only a few days after his return home king Håldr’s wounds become badly infected until he died of fever leaving Siftrethörn as the new king which he reluctantly accepted meaning that his son's care and raising was mostly left up to his grandmother no matter how much the new king would try and get away from his duties.

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