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The band of men had wandered deep into the moor with the Gæianð leading them on their way until they came to a halt at the sight of two mawed men near a cave.

"These fools committed a grave crime and have paid its price," Vålo said as he walked closer to the cave where he knelt beside it and called out a name.

"Högga it is time!" he called to her and she emerged from the den with her son at her side who was yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Siftrethörn felt his eyes well up with tears as he fell to his knees with his arms outstretched and the moment the boy saw him he ran into his arms and hugged him.

"Oh, my son! My babe! My joy!" the prince cried as he jumped up onto his feet and spun his son around in his arms while he covered the little boy's freckly face with kisses.

The men cheered and gave hugs to the prince and his son all while the king watched silently knowing that he had almost made the most horrid mistake and that he was glad his son was back with his child again but it also hurt his heart to know that his new grandchild was afraid of him but as he and everyone calmed down a bit more people became aware of the fact there was a whole pack of wolves sitting in front of them all.

Vålo stood next to them all and called the prince and the king over to the she-wolf and the both of them complied with the prince a little nervous but trusting and the king confused.

Vålo said to them "look upon this she-wolf called by Högga, the name given to her by the goddesses and respect her for she is the queen of the redwood wolves and the mother of this child!"

Siftrethörn took a few steps closer to her and knelt in front of her where he then said in a heartfelt voice.

"Thank you Högga for saving this child and giving him a mother's love!"

The boy reached out to her and spoke to her in a series of wolvish sounds to which she seemed to respond and then replied back to with happy barks and yips.

"Nanna says thank you too Då!" said the boy happily as he hugged his father again.

Siftrethörn had been told of the boy's gifts but still actually hearing his son speak to him in his own language made him smile as he hugged his son back and kissed his nose.

"You must now be on your way to go and bring the boy and Högga's pack back to the camp!" said Vålo matter of factly.

Håldr quickly asked, "but our ship is stranded in the pass?"

"Yes I know and I must now leave you but help shall come to our aid!"

The king nodded his head still silently in doubt but saying nothing as men all got ready to march again this time with their faith restored and hearts set for home.

As the prince turned around to thank the Gæianð he found that said creature was gone without a trace, not even a footprint but still with a smile he gave thanks even if the wind would all that would hear and he wrapped his son warmly next to his chest and with the she-wolf at his side he rejoined his men on their way back to the pass.

Days had passed the band was thought to be dead by the men still with the ship at the pass until from the forests the band came with red wolves at their sides and seemingly every woodland creature appearing from the frozen wood and wandering down to the boat where they took hold of the ropes and began to pull the ship free from the frosty pass.

The men were beyond astonished, to say the least, but the voice of the little boy rang out through the confusion.

"You have to pull too! They can't do it all alone!"

They all took the miracle as a sign from heaven and did as the boy had said and each pulled a rope with all their might with all the men from the band joining them and telling them the glorious tale of the chosen son, then the ship was pulled free from the pass and with songs of joy it was pulled down the mountain and to the shoreside where the animals made their way back to the woodland while the men extolled and venerated the child.

Many asked what the name of this sorcerous child was and the prince was taken aback for through all the chaos he never did think of a name for the child but with a glace down to the she-wolf and a reflection upon the recent happenings of the past few days, it finally came to him.

"This son of mine is called by the name Æthaindel meaning the prince of wolves!" he said proudly and the men cheered the boy's name as they set sail once more.

Soon they quiet down enough for Æthaindel to fall asleep at his mother's side soundly but with a sudden start Æthaindel jumps awake and holds onto his mother as he tells her something in the wolves tongue but both the king and the prince can tell by the boys frightened voice and the she-wolf putting her ears down that something must be wrong.

"Perhaps he is afraid of the sea," said the king.

"I don't know!" the prince said as he walked over to his son and tried to comfort him.

"What's wrong sweet?" he asked his son softly as he pet his head softly.

"A nice lady told me a bad guy is coming!" said the boy with tears in his eyes.

"Tis only a dream little one!" said the prince's uncle Hullr but the prince wasn't so sure.

The king and his brothers were called to the other side of the ship to come see something and as they left the prince chose to ask some more questions.

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