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The men once again sadly retreated with a handful of the unhappy band placing the blame on king Håldr for his overprotectiveness and dismay and the prince for becoming distracted with a child of all things but as they set sail over the salty sea ounce again with their spirits low they didn't have the energy or the pride to say much at all.

They sailed the frigid waters with broken hearts bound for home and appetites longing for the cooking of their women for ten nights and nine days until they docked their ships at the rocky land leading up to the great mountains of Ìskördergmerahm that's snowy expanse rose high above the clouds then they tied their strongest ropes and with all of their manpower they pulled the ships onto the rough landscape.

Even Siftrethörn who despite his wounds was determined to prove his father wrong in order to keep his boy with him no matter his pain or the looks of his men designating him a coward.

But they all heave onward even Siftrethörn with his boy tied to his back only stopping to feed the boy goat milk and cheese.

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