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"Your son!...haha! my boy I bethink a night without neith'r food nor drink hast done thee in a little! The child is probably a runaway slave! We should leave him and beest on our way home now lad!"

At this Siftrethörn can't help but knit his brows in anger as he cradles his new little boy closer to his chest.

"I shall do no such thing, father! I care not for whatever he was or is for he now belongs to me! He is my son and I shall keep him as my own!"

At this, the great king Håldr finds himself truly taken aback, his only son a young golden-haired boy of only 14 summers was like a doting and protective mother hen for some stray chick he found even cuddling it to his breast like a mother with a baby.

A slave highland child no less! A slave boy!

But he decided that his son would give up once he understood the risks.

"Well then my son if this child now belongs to you as you say than it should be no trouble to carry him by oneself over Ìskördergmerahm and all the way to the homelands"

"No trouble at all father!"

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