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The woodland was wet and thick enough to where if one was not careful or mindful of their surroundings they would trip over stumps and underbrush as well as all other little twigs and similar rubbish and large mounds of moist mosses until they froze to death and I'm certain that being covered in mud while bleeding like a stuck pig did not help at all with my chances of leaving this horrid place safely with my little son who cradles himself against my bosom shaking with hunger and cold like a newborn lamb.

Yet as I look upon him like this with his beautiful blue eyes waning as he grows weaker I cannot help but feel a fire grow in my soul and erupt through me like hot mead in my veins and with this fire, I somehow gain the power to stand.

My legs burn like they are being scorched by iron and I feel weak and wobbly as my vision goes to cloudy but squint my eyes and breathe deep and calm in order to ground myself before I short to the river I hear in the distance.

I fear that I may drop the little one like this so I instead carefully place him over my back and hold him in place there with my right arm and hand as I use my left to steady myself on passing trees.


I know that my Siftrethörn is alive 

He must be

I shall not lose my only son


The King ventures through the forest in a desperate search for Siftrethörn only to be met with the sight of blood and a half complete death rune with his son nowhere to be seen.

Siftrethörn my boy where ever have you gone?

The King ran to the river as fast as his legs could carry him to have his heart lifted at the sight of his beloved son beside the river bank ...with an enemy child in his arms?


He calls out as he runs to his son and it takes Siftrethörn a moment to gather his bearings he flinches and hides the boy in his chest ready to attack any who comes to close to the boy but as soon as he sees his father he smiles and embraces him.

"Son I am glad that you are well!"

"I am glad that you are well also father!"

"But my son to whom does this strange child highland belong to?"

At this the prince is speechless but as he looks down at the boy asleep in his arms he feels warmth flutter in his heart until he can't help but smile and the king finds himself more confused but after what his son says next he finds himself baffled.

"Father he came to me from the forest and he is my son!"

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