Flash-Backs to the lessons!

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"Hate you all..." Snart growled as he was dragged by ropes - along with Barry mind you - by Team Flash.

He was ignored.


"Here we are for your reading lessons!"

"Do we look four to you?" Both Snart and Barry drawled.

The others raised an eyebrow at them only to receive matching glares in return.

"No. But reading fanfiction is a different art than reading normal books. They are about things the writers and readers want or think off when they either; see or read about different characters and objects. In fact, the ones we will be using this lesson are ones recently wrote about our resident superhero..." The instructor started.

Team Flash at least had the ability to look guilty. Snart was smug that Barry was going to get the short straw of this.

"...and Captain Cold!" The instructor ended.

Now it was Snart's turn to look so distraught.

"You will each be paired up together and will have a single fanfiction to read. By the end of it, I want you to describe what happened in the fanfiction!" The instructor chirped as she went around pairing them up.

The pairs where;

-Joe and Iris

-Catlin and Cisco

Meaning that left...

-Barry and Snart

Silently, the other pairs took a few steps back from the final pair.

The title of Joe and Iris' was - Cold's Lucky Escape.

They thought that maybe they would not be killed after this.

The title of Catlin and Cisco's was - When The Flash Turned Dark.

They were crying inside.

Now, the title for Barry and Snart was - ColdFlash, The Tale Of An Unlikely Pair.

Everyone was going to die.


They all read through it, there was a few giggles from the first group. The final group was only barely holding back their growls and snarls.


"Now it is time to talk about what you have read!" The instructor chirped before pointing over to the first pair.

"The title of ours was 'Cold's Lucky Escape'... It was a fight between Captain Cold and The Flash." Joe started.

"All it end was how Cold got away at the end after leaving The Flash in a mirror maze." Iris finished, shrugging.

"Amazing, I think you covered everything there. I even heard you giggling at different points so you got the humour." The instructor praised before getting the others to go on with theirs.

"Ours was called 'When The Flash Turned Dark'... It was about how during a usual fight between the Flash and a random criminal The Flash snapped." Cisco started.

"And how Cold was the only one that was able too calm The Flash down enough to save the criminals life. It then finished with how the two paired up together in a life of crime." Catlin finished, cringing slightly as she explained.

The others were surprised when they got no reaction of the final pair.

"Well done, I would suggest looking more into hidden meanings behind what is wrote, but other than that. You got everything!" The instructor chirped again, missing the thick tension filling the room. "Ok, the final pairs turn! This was one of my favourite stories out today!"

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