You would think that you would know my name by now

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Kara did not know how to explain this. Nor did Barry. 

They were facing the New Directions and the Warblers. Luck did not seem to like them. 

Just out for a drink at a local pub after defeating some crazed villain that meant that Barry needed Kara's help. They thought that the environment of the pub would be good for them. When they said 'they', they meant Team Flash and Alex. It's not so relaxing and good for them when the sweet burn of liquor does nothing to their livers and their brain functions. 

So now they were faced with the looks of the New Directions and the Warblers... Who for some reason or another decided that teaming up together and forgiving the past would be a great way to find their missing members. To them, it seemed like it did, for Kara and Barry... it seemed like the worst decision in the world. 

Oh, also that Snart now had the Flash and Supergirl out to get him. But that was not important. 

During the middle of the wonderful conversation that they were having, both Barry's and Kara's phones rang, their screens showing their respective sisters. 

"Hey, Iris... What do you mean that you have seen the perfect opportunity to take our group to? Oh... The Warblers and the New Directions are in town and have a show together... Sounds wonderful... Oh, it's in a week? Can't wait!" Barry talked with fake enthusiasm. 

"Hey, Alex... Wait, you want to get all of our group here and to watch this amazing thing in a week? ...New Directions and Warblers... Yeah, of course, I will be there. Can't wait!" Kara said at the same time as Barry her voiced equally laced with fake enthusiasm.

"We're dead..." They both spoke simultaneously, their heads ringing against the metal table.

The collective group of members chuckled at the two's misfortune. 

"Now would you like to inform us of who Iris and Alex are? Lovers perhaps?" Blaine asked the two of them when they had finally calmed from their mental crises. 

"Eww!" Both of them explained before saying together again, "they are our sisters!" 

Yet again there were some chuckles from the groups presented before them. Nick could not stop his laughter at both the misfortune and the fact of the sister as well as the fact that it had happened to both of them. Kurt was overly joyed by the pain that Barry seemed to be in.

"I thought that your sister wasn't called Iris and that you did not have a sister?" Blaine asked them. Receiving a low chuckle from both and the collective group to go silent at the new information. 

"Long story short. My mother was killed when I was eleven, father sent to prison wrongly for her death. Adopted by the Wests... Bullied to when I was sent off... Nearly died through drugging and other sorts... Then was adopted by the Smythes, my uncle... Then I moved back as Barry Allen to Central City. She is an alien, sent from her dying world and is from another dimension and got adopted when she was found without a family here, she is now called Kara Danvers," Barry summarised quickly - not far away in speed to becoming his speed talk but still able to be understood. "So... Any questions?" 

"Yeah? Why are you not drunk yet?" 

And like that the evening was filled with joyful laughs again. 

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