Day 44

466 22 5

Thursday, Feburary 9/2015

Oh shit, I forgotten that we shouldn't tell Smarty about this, but now the whole world is going to now. Well, soon enough that my Minxlings will now. But I don't want them to know right away.

Me, Dlive, Chilled, Ze, Ohm, Pewds and Cry decided to do a TTT livestream. Slowly Ken, Entoan, Joel and Lizzie joined the livesteam with us.

I was the terrorist Innocent, like always. I killed Ohm alot, I found that funny. Like always Chilled joked by hitting on me. Then I'll go all agresstive and be mean back to him saying "Fuck You." Pewds always blame killing people on me.

It was a fun time. Then for a while, Dlive started killing me, when the round starts, right away. He did that for about 10 rounds, I got angry and threaten him that I'll punch him. But he got a comeback saying that he has face-cam on right now. I didn't really care and punch Dlive anyways.

After when I got back to my chair, Pewds sniped me, I was raging really hard. I started swearing every single word that popped into my head, expect for the 'n' word.

After the livesteams, I layed on my bed thinking. Soon I drifted to sleep.

Love ya Krism! Wonderful Livestreams

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