31-sorry sorry sorry

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A picture of them old together for fun.
Everything hangs on Zayn's answer...

"I guess maybe it was."

Harry closes his eyes. Tears run down his cheeks. Zayn walks over to him, but he doesn’t touch him.

"We can be happy here Harry... I can make you happy here."

Harry cries quietly.

"We’ve had a great few months. It doesn’t have to end... "
Harry turns to face him.

"We’re going to be okay, Haz."

"I hope so Zee. I really hope so."

Zayn stands at the picture window watching Harry approach the children. He squats on the ground so he can be at their height and talks to them. Michael tries to get into his arms. Jennifer turns away and walks sulkily across the grass.
Zayn looks into his coffee cup. He doesn’t look like a man who won an argument.

Two drumsticks spinning in a spotlight. They click out a rhythm, and crash into a number. On-stage
are four perspiring middle-aged men
with day jobs. Couples on the dance floor. A line of the single people at the bar. The Styles-Malik's and Ritz's sit squashed into a booth on the side of the dance floor. Several empty glasses have accumulated. Perrie is beating the
edge of the table with red drink straws. She’s a few drinks ahead.
They have to shout over the music.

"Hey! Remember the first time you brought us here? You said, it takes a special kind of taste to enjoy Twist Log Cabin!" Perrie shouts over the music.

"It’s so awful it’s kinda nice!" Xander shouts.

"That’s right!" They laugh at the old joke. Then Perrie begins to weep.

"Look at me...! I’m just so happy. Our little gang’s back together again!" She wipes her eyes.She knocks her drink back. The number finishes.

"At least Europe’s not going anywhere."

Harry stares out at the dance floor. Zayn looks at him. A new number starts.

"Wanna dance?"

"I don’t really feel like it." Harry says, looking away.

"I’ll dance!" Perrie takes him by the hand and pulls him away. Xander and
Harry watch. Then Xander turns his attention to Harry.

"Guess Harry’s pretty blue ‘bout Paris, huh?" Perrie says, tipsy.

"Think she’ll be okay?" Zayn asks

"Oh, sure. Give us girls a couple of days and we can get over anything!"

Zayn turns his attention to Perrie. He’s a good dancer. His movements are fast and aggressive, his mind on Harry.
Perrie is a little too drunk, and hurries to keep up, perspiring through her dress. He spins her around and around, back and forth into his arms. Perrie begins to look slightly dizzy.

"... Zayn."
He doesn’t hear her over the music, nor does he care.

"Zayn... I..."

"You okay?" He says with sudden remorse.

"Gee...I’m afraid I’m not very..."
Her body spasms with the need to be sick. She turns and rushes for the lady’s room.

Zayn leads the way through the cars.
Xander supports Perrie who is now falling down drunk.
Harry walks alone a few paces behind...
They reach Xander's car, which is trapped behind several other cars.

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