6-put your hands on me

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I've been working with Photoshop so yeah I'll tell ya if the picture above isn't mine . This one is mine :) song: portrait scene.

Mohamed decided to send Lovejoy to find Harry. Lovejoy has looked everywhere except for Harry's room.

Harry, fully dressed now, returns to the sitting room. Harry and Zayn hear a key in the lock. Harry takes Zayn's hand and leads him silently through the bedrooms. Lovejoy enters by the sitting room door.

"Mister Harry? Hello?" He hears a door opening and goes through Moe's room toward Harry's.

Harry and Zayn come out of his stateroom, closing the door. He leads him quickly along the corridor toward the B deck foyer. They are halfway across the open space when the sitting room door opens in the corridor and Lovejoy comes out. The valet sees Zayn with Harry and hustles after them.

"Come on!" Harry and Zayn break into a run, surprising the few ladies and gentlemen about. Harry leads him past the stairs to the bank of elevators. They run into one, shocking the hell out of
the operator.

"Take us down. Quickly, quickly!" Harry rushes the operator. The Operator scrambles to comply. Zayn even helps him close the steel gate. Lovejoy runs up as the lift starts to descend. He slams one hand on the bars of the gate. Harry flips him off and laughs as Lovejoy disappears above. The Operator gapes at him.

Lovejoy emerges from another lift and runs to the one Zayn and Harry were in. The Operator is just closing the gate to
go back up. Lovejoy runs around the bank of elevators and scans the foyer... no Zayn and Harry. He tries the stairs going down to F-Deck.

In a functional space, with access to a number of machine spaces, like fan rooms and boiler uptakes, Zayn and Harry lean against a wall, laughing.

"Pretty tough for a valet, this fella." Zayn catches his breath.

"He's an ex-Pinkerton. Moe's father
hired him to keep Moe out of trouble... to make sure he always got back to the hotel with his wallet and watch, after some crawl through the less reputable parts of town..."

"Kinda like we're doin' right now- uh oh!" Zayn spots Lovejoy.

Lovejoy has spotted them from a cross-corridor nearby. He charges toward them. Zayn and Harry run around a corner into a blind alley. There is one door, marked CREW ONLY, and
Zayn flings it open. They enter a roaring Ran Room, with no way out but a ladder going down. Zayn latches the deadbolt on the door, and Lovejoy slams against it a moment later. Zayn grins at Harry, pointing to the ladder.

"After you, m'lady."

Zayn and Harry come down the escape ladder and look around in amazement. It is like a vision of hell itself, with the roaring furnaces and black figures moving in the smoky glow. They run the length of the boiler room, dodging amazed stokers, and trimmers with their wheelbarrows of coal.

"Carry on! Don't mind us!" They shout.
They run through the open watertight door into boiler room six. Zayn pulls Harry through the fiercely hot alley between two boilers and they wind up in the dark, out of sight of the working crew. Watching from the shadows, they see the stokers working in the hellish glow, shovelling coal into the furnaces. The whole place thunders with the
roar of the fires.

Moe sits at a card game, sipping brandy.
"We're going like hell I tell you. I have fifty dollars that says we make it into New York Tuesday night!" Colonel Gracie says, trying to get Mohamed's attention.
Moe looks at his gold pocket watch, and scowls, not listening.
As the furnaces roar, Zayn kisses Harry's face, tasting the sweat trickling down from his forehead. They kiss passionately in the steamy, pounding darkness.

Zayn and Harry enter and run laughing between the rows of stacked cargo. Harry hugs himself against the cold, after the dripping heat of the boiler room. They come upon William Carter's brand new Renault touring car. It looks like a royal coach from a fairy tale, its brass trim and headlamps nicely set off by its deep burgundy color.

Harry climbs into the plushly upholstered back seat, acting very royal. There are cut crystals bud vases on the walls back there, each containing a rose. Zayn jumps into the driver's seat, enjoying the feel of the leather and wood. "Where to, Mister?"

"To the stars." Harry whispers. He pulls Zayn over the seat into the back. He lands next to him, and Zayn's breath seems loud in the quiet darkness. He looks at Harry and he is smiling. It is the moment of truth.

"Are you nervous?" Zayn asks.

"Au contraire, mon cher." He responds.
He strokes Harry's face, cherishing him. Harry kisses his artist's fingers.

"Put your hands on me, Zayn." Harry whispers.
He kisses Harry, and he slides down in the seat under his welcome weight.
The sparks gap of the Marconi instrument as 24 year old Senior Wireless Operator Jack Phillips rapidly keys out a message. Junior Operator Bride looks through the huge stack of outgoing messages swamping them.

"Look at this one, he wants his private train to meet him. La dee da. We'll be up all bloody night on this lot." Bride complains. Phillips starts to receive an incoming message from a nearby ship, the Leyland frieghter Californian, which jams his outgoing signal. At such close range, the beeps are deafening.

"Christ! It's that idiot on the Californian." Cursing, Phillips furiously keys a rebuke.

Meanwhile, on the Californian, Wireless Operater Cyril Evans pulls his earphone off his ear as the Titanic's spark deafens him. He translates the message for Third Officer Groves.

"Stupid bastard. I try to warn him about the ice, and he says "Keep out. Shut up. I'm working Cape Race." Evans complains.

"Now what's he sending?" Groves asks.

"'No seasickness. Poker business good. Al'. Well that's it for me. I'm shutting down." As Evans wearily switches off his generator, Groves goes out on deck. He reveals the ship is stopped fifty yards from the edge of a field of pack ice and icebergs stretching as far as the eye can see.
Harry and Zayn lay there, staring at each other's beautiful bodies. They were about to make love. Zayn slowly prepares Harry before entering himself. It was better than everything they could imagine. It was love.

Uh oh, the Californian tried to warn Titanic... Anyways. I think I figured out what I'm gonna do. With Zayn. But I'm still not 100% sure. But if I do what I'm gonna do, don't leave, becauseeeee it'll get better :)

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