17-i'm all she has in the world

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Song: Nearer my God to thee
Moe comes reeling out of the first class entrance, looking wild-eyed. Waltz music wafts over the ship. Somewhere the band is still playing.

A little girl, maybe two years old, is crying along in the alcove. She looks up at Moe beggingly. Moe moves on without a glance back... reaching a large crowd
clustered around collapsible A. He sees Murdoch and a number of crewmen struggling to drag the boat to the davits, with no luck.

Moe pushes forward, trying to signal Murdoch, but the officer ignores him. Nearby Ed and Niall are being pushed forward by the crowd behind. Purser McElroy pushes them back, getting a couple of seamen to help him. He brandishes his gun, waving it in the air, yelling for the crowd to stay back.

Lightoller, with a group of crew and passengers, is trying to get Collapsible B down from the roof. They slide it down
a pair of oars leaned against the deck house. "Hold it! Hold it!"

The weight of the boat snaps the oars and it crashes to the deck, upside down. The two Swedish cousins, Olaus and Bjorn Gunersen, jump back as the boat nearly hits them.

Zayn and Harry run up seemingly endless stairs as the ship groans and torgues around them.

Murdoch, at Collapsible A, is no longer in control. The crowd is threatening to rush the boat. They push and jostle, yelling and shouting at the officers. The pressure from behind pushes them forward, and one guy falls off the edge of the deck into the water less than ten feet below.

"Give us a chance to live, you limey bastards!" Ed yells.
Murdoch fires his Webley twice in the air, then point it at the crowd.

"I'll shoot any man who tries to get past me." Murdoch yells.
Moe steps up to him. "We had a deal, damn you."

Murdoch pushes him back, pointing the pistol at Moe. "Get back!" He throws the money back at Moe.

A man next to Ed rushes forward, and Ed is shoved from behind. Murdoch shoots the first man, and seeing Ed coming forward, puts a bullet into his chest.

Ed collapses, and Niall grabs him, holding him in his arms as his life flows out over the deck. "BASTARD!" Niall yells.
Murdoch turns to his men and salutes smartly. Then he puts the pistol to his temple.
"No Will!" One of his men shouts.

He drops like a puppet with the strings cut and topples over the edge of the boat deck into the water only a few feet below.
Moe stares in horror at Murdoch's body bobbing in the black water.

The crew rush to get the last few women aboard the boat.

"Any more women or children?! " McElroy yells.
Moe remembers the child crying in the alcove. Moe scoops her up and runs forward, cradling her in his arms, forcing his way through the crowd.

"Here's a child! I've got a child! Please! I'm all she has in the world"

McElroy nods curtly and pushes him into the boat. He spins with his gun, waving it in the air to keep the other men back. Cal gets into the boat, holding the little girl.
He takes a seat with the women. "There, there."
Thomas Andrews stands in front of the fireplace, staring at the large painting above the mantle. The fire is still going
in the fireplace. The room is empty except for Andrews. An ashtray falls off
the table. Behind him Zayn and Harry run into the room, out of breath and soaked. They run through, toward the aft
revolving door... then Harry recognizes him. He sees that his lifebelt is off, lying on a table.

"Won't you even make a try for it, Mr. Andrews?"

"I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Harry." He says, as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"It's going fast... we've got to keep moving." Zayn points out.

Andrews picks up his lifebelt and hands it to Harry. "Good luck to you, Harry."

"And to you, Mr. Andrews." He hugs him. Zayn pulls him away and they run through the revolving door.
The band finishes the waltz. Wallace Hartley looks at the orchestra members.

"Right, that's it then."
They leave him, walking forward along the deck. Hartley puts his violin to his chin and bows the first notes of "Nearer My God to Thee". One by one the band memebers turn, hearing the lonely melody. Without a word they walk back and take their places. They join in with

Hartley, filling out the sound so that it
reaches all over the ship on this still night. The vocalist begins: "If in my dreams I be, nearer my God to thee..."

A seaman pulls off his lifebelt and catches up to Captain Smith as he walks to the bridge. He proffers it, but Smith seems to stare through him. Without a word he turns and goes onto the bridge. He enters the enclosed wheelhouse and closes the door. He is alone, surrounded by the gleaming brass instruments. He seems to inwardly collapse. Andrews stands like a statue. He pulls out his pocketwatch and checks the time. Then he opens the face of the mantle clock and adjusts it to the correct time: 2:12 a.m. Everything must be correct.
In Moe's parlour suite water swirls in from the private promenade deck. Harry's paintings are submerged. The
Picasso tranforms under the water's surface. Degas' colors run. Monet's water lilies come to life.

There are two figures lying side by side, fully clothed, on a bed in a first class cabin. Elderly Ida and Isador Strauss stare at the ceiling, holding hands like
young lovers. Water pours into the room through a doorway. It swirls around the bed, two feet deep rising fast.

In a steerage cabin somewhere in the bowels of the ship, the young Irish mother, seen earlier stoically waiting at the stairs, is tucking her two young children into bed. She pulls up the covers, making sure they are all warm and cozy. She lies down with them on the bed, speaking soothingly and holding them.

A wave travels up the boat deck as the bridge house sinks into the water.

On the port side Collapsible B is picked up by water. Working frantically, the men try to detach it from the falls so the ship won't drag it under. Colonel Gracie hands Lightoller a pocket knife and he saws furiously at the ropes as the water swirls around his legs. The boat, still upside down, is swept off the ship. Men start diving in, swimming to stay with it.

In collapsible A, Moe sits next to the wailing child, whom he has completely forgotten. He watches the water rising around the men as they work, scrambling to get the ropes cut so the ship won't drag the collapsible under.

It's getting worse and worse... Oof
Things happen so fast ahhh

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