4- forbidden

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^^ I made that. Song: back to Titanic
The next day was a sunny day. Harry and Mohamed eat breakfast in silence, until...

"I was hoping you'd come to me last night." Mohamed looked at Harry.

Harry made an excuse. "I was tired."

"Yes. Your exertions below decks were no doubt exausting."

Harry stiffened. "I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me."

"You will never behave like that again! Do you understand?"

"I'm not some foreman in your mills that you can command! I am your fiancee-"

Moe explodes, sweeping the breakfast china off the table with a crash. He moves to Harry in one shocking moment, glowering over him and gripping the sides of his chair, so he is trapped between his arms.

"Yes! You are! And my husband... in practice, if not yet by law. So you will honor me, as a wife is required to honor her husband! I will not be made out a fool! Is this in any way unclear?" He yells.
Harry shrinks into the chair. He sees Trudy, the maid, frozen, partway through the door bringing the orange juice. Moe follows Harry's glance and straightens up. He walks past the maid, entering the stateroom.

"We... had a little accident. I'm sorry, Trudy." Harry cried.
In Anne's room, Harry helps his mother with her corset. "You are not to see that boy again, do you understand me Harry?I forbid it!" Anne says firmly.
Harry has his knee at the base of his mother's back and pulls the corset strings with both hands.
"Oh, stop it, Mother. You'll give yourself a nosebleed."
Anne pulls away from him, and crosses to the door, locking it. "Harry, this is not a game! Our situation is precarious. You know the money's gone!"

"Of course I know it's gone. You remind me every day!" Harry frowns.

"Your father left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name. And that name is the only card we have to play." Anne tears up a bit.
Harry turns her around and grabs the corset strings again.
Anne sucks in her waist and Harry pulls.

"I don't understand you. It is a fine match with Hadid, and it will insure our survival."

"How can you put this on my shoulders?" Harry says, hurt by his mother's words
Harry turns to her, seeing the naked fear in his mother's eyes.

"Do you want to see me working as a
seamstress? Is that what you want? Do
you want to see our fine things sold
at an auction, our memories scattered
to the winds? My God, Harry, how can you be so selfish?" Anne is a bit furious.

"It's so unfair." Harry frowns with sorrow.

"Of course it's unfair! I'm a woman. Our choices are never easy." Anne says, as Harry pulls the corset tighter.
"Look, you, you're not supposed to be in here." The stewardess stops Zayn, who is trying to get into the Church service to see Harry.

"I was just here last night... don't you remember? He'll tell you." Zayn says, noticing Lovejoy.

"Mr. Hadid and Mrs. Styles continue to be most appreciative of your assistance. They asked me to give you this in gratitude" Lovejoy holds out two twenty dollar bills, which Zayn refuses to take.

"I don't want money, I-"

"-and also to remind you that you hold a third class ticket and your presence here is no longer appropriate."
Zayn spots Harry but he doesn't see him.

"I just need to talk to Harry for a-"

"Gentlemen, please see that Mr. Malik gets back where he belongs." Lovejoy gives the money to the stewards. "And that he stays there."

Titanic: Zarry StylikDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora