27-happy birthday

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Harry drags two overflowing garbage cans to the curb. He stops and looks down the empty road. Not a single human being in sight.

Flashback: Molly Brown sits behind the wheel, driving slowly along a suburban street talking at high speed. Zayn sits beside her wearing sunglasses. Harry sits in the back.
"Of course, I knew the moment you came off the train what you were looking for... A small remodeled barn, or a carriage house ­ And I just hate to be the one to tell you that sort of thing just isn't available anymore... But I don't want you to despair. There is one place down here I want to show you... Now of course it isn't very desirable at this end. As you see, this road is mostly these little cinder-blocky, pick-up trucky places ­ plumbers, carpenters, little local people of that sort."
Zayn turns around to Harry, lowers his glasses. Harry stifles a giggle.
"But eventually... Eventually it leads up to that road, which is much nicer. Now, the place I want to show you, is a sweet little house and a sweet little setting. Simple, clean lines, good lawns, marvelous for children. It's right around this next curve... Now, you'll see it ­ there." They all look. "See the little white one? Sweet isn't it? The perky way it sits there on its little slope? Charming, isn't it?"
Harry smiles. A smile full of promise. "Oh, yes."
End of flashback.

Zayn stands over Kendall at her desk. A painting lies in front of her. "Now, if you'll look at the design under this flower here, you'll find hidden secrets, and of course a certain brush movement, and that way we can use these movements to our advantage.

She nods, jotting down a note. For the first time, Zayn allows himself to take in her profile, her cleavage, her lips.

"I hope you weren't planning on an early lunch." She says.

"I'm not really hungry. I'll check on you later."

Later, Kendall and Zayn sit in a secluded corner. Kendall sips a martini. She's already a little drunk. "You know something? You're lucky you met me."

"Oh? How's that?"

"I can show you the art to survival here Let me show you what I mean." She waves over the waiter. "Bring me the telephone would you? And two more martinis."

Zayn looks daunted at his empty glass.

The waiter brings over the phone. Kendall dials. She holds her finger to her lips. She uses an authoritative tone. "Hello Mrs. Cadwell. Kendall Jenner here. Just wanted to let you know that I've had to send Zayn Styles Malik down to Visual Aides for me. I'll probably need him the rest of the day... Okay? Fine. You too." She hangs up and smiles at Zayn.
"I never even heard of Visual Aides."

"That's because it doesn't exist." Kendall says, smiling.
Harry moves through the silent house. He carries a basket of dirty laundry on his hip. He pulls the bedding off the couch, the distant sound of children playing.

"Yoo-hoo!" He turns to see Molly Brown at the screen door. Harry manages a friendly smile.

"Hi Molly."

"I can't stay a minute... My, don't you look comfy! I just wanted to bring this sedum for that messy patch in the front yard." She puts it on the table. "All it wants is just a tiny dollop of water for the first few days, and you'll find it absolutely thrives."

"Well, thank you... You want some coffee?"

"Only if you're having some." Molly sits down. With the end of her finger, she pushes a dirty dish out of her way.
"Is there something I can do for you, Molly?"

"Oh... yes, I almost forgot. I do have a small favor I'd like to ask... It's about my son, Lawrence. He's been in the hospital."

'I'm sorry to hear that."

"Well, actually, just for the present, he's in Psychiatric."

Harry knows what it means. "I'm so sorry."

"Oh... Nothing serious. He just got a little run down since the Titanic wreckage. When he heard about it he had thought I died. Things can just get the better of us sometimes. Don't you think?"

"Yes. Of course." Molly smiles. Then, pretending to read the titles on a stack of books on the table...

"It really is a marvellous facility and the treatments seem to be doing him wonders... Anyway, they said getting out for an afternoon might do him some good. I think he finds my friends a little conventional, frankly. I mean, he's travelled. He has a PhD in mathematics. I suppose you could say he's an intellectual. It would do him a world of good to meet a young couple like you. I've told him all about you on the Titanic"

"We'd love to Molly."

"Thank you, dear... Thank you." Harry smiles generously. " I remember when you first came on the Titanic. You were different, somehow." Harry's face brightened "Well, you looked simply ravishing. You just seemed... special... Of course you still are." Harry takes this in.

Harry watches from the picture window as Molly walks down the drive towards her car. His face is reflected in the glass. Something is taking shape in his mind.

Harry is sitting with the box at the kitchen table. It contains various sentimental knickknacks from his past, including photos of the kids, of him and Zayn in New York with old survivor friends from the Titanic, and a photograph of Zayn in uniform beneath the Eiffel tower on liberation day... He studies it.
FLASHBACK: Zayn fixes coffee in the tiny kitchen. Harry is sitting up in bed in the first blue light of day wearing Zayn's T-shirt. He holds a curled collection of black and white photographs in his lap. He stops on the same picture of Zayn and the Eiffel Tower. Zayn comes over with the coffee, and two cigarettes. He lights them both, and gives him one. "You ever been to Paris?"

"I've never really been anywhere."

"Maybe I'll take you with me." He lies down with his cigarette between his teeth. "I'm going back first chance I get. People are alive there. I was there once before Titanic." He stares up at the ceiling. Harry studies him. "All I know now is that I want to feel things. Really feel them. How's that for an ambition...?"
"Zayn Styles Malik?"
"I think you're the most interesting person I've ever met." He looks at him, overwhelmed by his face in the light. "I mean it."
End of flashback.

Zayn's station car turns into the driveway. He sits there a moment in the darkness. He approaches the door with his key. He takes a moment to gather himself, but before he can, the door opens. Harry is dressed in a black cocktail dress. He looks wonderful. He smiles. He steps forward and takes his face in her hands, and kisses Zayn. "Zayn... "

"Why are you all dressed up?"

Harry hands him a glass of whiskey. "First of all, I missed you all day and I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I've been since that stupid play. I'm sorry for everything and... And I love you... Now wait here till I call you. Okay?" He goes, leaving Zayn in stunned silence. He takes a large drink. From inside the house, the sound of the children's voices. Whispering, giggling.

"Alright Zayn! You can come in now!"

Zayn enters the house. He walks through the darkened living room towards the light and enters the dining room. The room is lit by the candles burning on a birthday cake. Jennifer, 7, Michael, 5, and Harry sit around the table wearing paper birthday crowns. They sing Happy Birthday. Zayn had forgotten it was his birthday until this moment.

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