Then vs Now

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They were at a coffee shop sitting on couches and a big sofa around the coffee table drinking coffees, juices refreshments with Becky in the middle to ask her questions about her health.. She seemed that she had changed a lot.. the way she was thinking and talking, he character but also her appearance was different.She was not the same person as 4 years ago..

She was more athletic, with nice juicy curves, her look was simple but always feminine, her erstwhile brown straight hair had been replaced by red and turned into loose curls, she had now, she was putting on her make up more often than before.. It was obvious that she has done a fresh start in her life..She had become a woman than almost no man was resisting to her..But she was more stronger wrestler than before.She was, however, a stronger wrestler than she had left the ring, she was more stubborn, she wanted to win back all those things that Mandy stole from her in one night without her permission.. The flame in her eyes seemed stronger than ever, the stubbornness in her style, her behaviour.. This combination stated that she had come to stay that she would be more explosive than ever.

"So ok.. you had the haematoma, you had the surgery and you got back home in Ireland, what happened then?" John asked..he knew very well what were the effections of such a serious injured..

"Well my doctors made that clear.. I was forbidden to fight in the ring for at least two and a half years.. They would allow me with tests, and the tests would come out as a good as they should, and if I had completely recovered and if my body could respond to what our work needs,I mean maybe its good, maybe its bad, but our bodies we're in a profession where our bodies must be like steel armor and mine after that was like a wet paper.. "she answered while she was pouring her chocolate

"And? what did you do after that? how you felt when they told you that you had to stay off the rings? even if this was for a little period of time" asked Maryse, one of her best friends

"I felt like crap.. I mean wrestling is my whole life, and someone wanted to take it away from me"Her eyes narrowed a little and her fingers tightened a little more the table from the anger that flow through her veins.

"Someone had decided to stole all the things i was fighting for so hard, that day that i left the hospital I swore to myself that I would return. I left Orlando and i go to my parents on Ireland.." she said and she looked at the

"And then?" Roman asked

"Well after that, i was trying to recover in every way i could..Recovery after something so brutal takes a long time.. I was suffering for months, my head was in terrible pain. The were days i just could't even sleep from pain..Some times the pain killers didn't helped at all..I was going for axial and magnetic like 5 times in a month to make sure there was no risk of cerebral bleeding and that the haematoma has completely gone.. Well after a really long time my medical exams were clear.. i was heeling pretty good.. and i was starting to go back on my daily routine i had before the injury.. Starting to workout again..well swimming it was a nice was ok and i didn't feel exhausted.. i mean my body was overworked from the medicines and i was unfit for a very long time.. It was something like.. baby steps.. i mean till that time the only thing i;ve done was walking.. but finally i was back" she smiled

"And for 4 years that's all you've done??" Mike asked curiously

"Of course not.. I took my degree in acting, i had to have a back up plan in case i was incapable to be back on the ring,, actually i liked it.. i was playing some parts in theaters and i was travelling with the plays or.. not' she smiled again

"Yeah.. i saw you were on a trip right before you be back here" Nikki noticed

"Well yeah i was in Iowa before i came here" she smiled and drank another sip of her frozen chocolate

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