Chapter Nine: Reborn from Ash

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Ariel looked at Rhys in confusion. She turned around and saw her reflection in the window. Panic set in over her whole body. She looked at the others not sure what was happening.

"Call Lilith. Call Lilith and tell her I need her and Tannis." Ariel said as her breathing started to pick up.

"Where is your ECHOrecorder?" Rhys asked.

"My room." Rhys left before the words actually left her mouth. When he got back minutes later Lilith and Tannis was with him. Tannis quickly moved over to her and looked over the tattoos.

"What happened?" Lilith asked having a slight idea as to what happened.

"I was arguing with Mordecai and I felt a warmth start in my right and slowly move to my left side then Rhys was asking if I've always had tattoos all over my body." Ariel said confused. Tannis and Lilith shared a look.

"That's extraordinary." Tannis said as she looked over Ariel.

"So my next question is have you ever seen a vision of what you assumed was the future?" Lilith asked making Ariel nod in realization of what she meant.

"Can the rest of us non smart people have an explanation?" Vaughn asked. Lilith looked at them and nodded.

"There are 6 sirens in existence at once. While we could assume that Ariel is the 6th because we only know of 5-"

"Who are the five?" Yvette asked.

"Well there is me, Maya, Angel." Lilith started.

"Commandant Steele." Tannis added.

"Tyreen and Amara." Ariel said making everyone look at her confused.

"Who?" Lilith asked confused.

"I don't know the names just came to me." Ariel mumbled confused by herself.

"Anyway, Ariel is a rare 7th siren that appears every hundreds of years. Legends refer to her type as Phoenix. She has the ability to see what is to come as well as two phase abilities and the automatic ability to teleport just about anywhere." Tannis explained.

"What are your two phase abilities?" Rhys asked her.

"Phaseburst and my phaseblade." Ariel said. "I never thought of it as different and nobody ever pointed it out."

"At least we know why it seemed like your powers were always being held back." Lilith said making Tannis nod in agreement before she added on.

"You just need to relax for the next couple of days. Nothing strenuous." Tannis said quickly with a smile. Ariel nodded and left the office with Vaughn and Yvette. Lilith grabbed Rhys' arm and stopped him.

"You're Rhys right?" She asked with a deadly serious voice.

"Yeah how did you know?" He asked her super confused.

"Brick told us. Anyway, keep an eye on her tonight." Lilith said.

"When a Phoenix is picked she is picked from the sirens that exist a process starts. When the process starts she will become extremely sick and start puking then she will get extremely hot and erupt into flames turning into ash. After a minute the ash will re-erupt. When the smoke clears she will reappear." Tannis explained to him.

"Wait what?!" Rhys questioned.

"Listen she will be fine. We just wanted to make sure you knew." Lilith said making him nod.

"Yeah. Yeah okay. I got it. I got it." Rhys said.

"Good luck Rhys." Lilith said before her and Tannis disappeared. Rhys sighed and walked back to the apartment. He heard Yvette and Vaughn arguing about what movie they should watch while Ariel was nowhere in sight. The two had changed into normal clothes. Rhys grabbed his bag and went to the bathroom to change into comfier clothes. When he came back Vaughn and Yvette were taking up the arm chairs and Ariel was sitting on the couch in a blanket. Rhys sat down next to Ariel and Vaughn started the movie. Rhys could barely pay attention to the movie. He could only focus on watching Ariel out of his peripheral. Some time into the second movie everyone had fallen asleep. The movie played softly in the background but it wasn't the noise that woke Rhys. It was the sudden movement from the end of the couch that woke him. He was barely able to register the movement but when the puking started Rhys was on his feet and to the bathroom.

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