Chapter Three: Moving Forward

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Ariel was the first one seeming to come out of her silence. She looked around the room. Only Mordecai was in here.

"Maya. Can you guys do me a favor and go tell Marcus, Moxxi, Zed, Tannis, Scooter, and Brick about Roland's death?" Ariel asked. Maya snapped out of her silence and nodded.

"I'll go-"

"No." Ariel stopped Mordecai. "I need you here with me. I have an idea." She said walking to the map. "Come back here when your done vault hunters." Axton stared at her for a moment before Maya pulled him out the door with the rest.

"Axton?" Mordecai asked looking at her. Ariel could hear the annoyance but chose to ignore it so she could get to the point. She looked up at him with a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" She asked looking at him in confusion.

"Come on. Don't make me say it." Mordecai said with a roll of his eyes.

"Say what." She spat harshly. It was moments like these that Mordecai could see her resemblance to Jack (other than the eyes).

"Nothing. Nothing. What do you plan to do once Jack is dead?" Mordecai asked looking at the brunette.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll go take over Hyperion. I mean that is what Dad started training me to do."

"You would leave us." Mordecai said. Ariel had been looking at the map as Mordecai stepped up next to her. Ariel looked down and sighed. She turned her head and looked at Mordecai. There was barely any space between them when Brick walked in.

"I can't believe Jack killed Roland." Brick said making Mordecai jump away from Ariel as she quickly looked back at the map. Brick looked at the two but brushed it off as the vault hunters returned.

"We need to find the vault. To get information like that there is only one thing to do, we need to head to the Eridium Blight. While you guys are there I have somewhere else I want to go." Ariel said.

"Ariel." Mordecai said. He was worried about what she was going to do.

"Relax. My father built a house up there for my great grandmother. An awful woman. Part of the reason Dad lost it. She tried to do the same thing to Angel the one time we were staying with her but I stepped in front of her. It's time to pay grandma a visit."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When they got there Maya went to the bounty board while Ariel summoned a car. Axton grabbed her arm as she went to get in the car.

"You need someone to go with you. At least one of us." He said giving her a side look. Before Ariel could say anything Jack's voice came over their coms.

"Okay. Look, I need your help. I know what you're thinking, 'argh, trap, don't listen.' But it's about my grandmother. I built her a cottage on the Eridium Blight, and I need you to check on her. Please, make sure everything is okay. This isn't for me this is for her, it's for my children; do it for them, please." Ariel looked at Axton with wide eyes then narrowed again.

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