Chapter 43 - A New Year Begins Badly in a Prison Camp

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In the chapter below...well, the chapter title says it all...

Chapter 43 - A New Year Begins Badly in a Prison Camp

"Skylor!" Kai reached behind his neck, firmly taking the red-haired beauty's hands into his own and breaking her embrace of him. Holding her hands tightly in front of him, he looked into her emerald green eyes.

"You're a beautiful woman, Skylor, heart belongs to Sam, and I pledged to love and cherish her for the rest of our lives together. And what about Jake? You promised yourself to him when he gave this ring to you." Kai tapped on the piece of jewelry on her left hand.

Skylor looked down, tears filling her eyes. "Oh, Kai, I'm just so unhappy. When I first joined the Purple cause, I was happy that Daddy was finally pleased with a choice I'd made. And, at first, being an army officer seemed glamorous and exciting, especially when Jake and I began courting."

She wiped a tear. "But now every day I'm surrounded by dirt...and smells...and cussing, and I haven't seen either Daddy or Jake in months, and no one treats me nicely, and I'm so lonely..." She cupped her face in her hands and sobbed.

Kai felt badly for her and patted her on the shoulder. "Oh, Skylor, don't cry. I'll be -"

He was suddenly interrupted by the sound of commotion outside the closed door of the office room.

"What in the deuce is going on around here?" a booming voice roared in the main room. "I go away for one week and the discipline around here flies out the window!"

"Oh, no!" Skylor gasped. "It's Colonel Doolverr! He wasn't supposed to return from his holiday furlough until tonight! He won't do anything to you, but my reputation is on the line!" She looked around quickly before throwing herself backward on the sofa.

Kai didn't need Skylor to tell him who the voice belonged to. He recognized the voice of the burly Purple officer who had interrogated Kai and Jay when they were first brought to Kryptarium Prison. The same man who had burned Kai's foot with a fireplace poker.

The office door swung open to reveal the menacing frame of Colonel Doolverr, closely followed by two of his subordinates. Sergeant Brossette, who had been on sentry duty in front of the registration building, stood in the back with a worried look on his face.

For a moment, Doolverr's narrowed eyes surveyed the scene.

"Major Amber, what is going on here?" he demanded, noticing her tear-stained face.

"Colonel Doolverr, I'm so glad you came when you did!" Skylor lied as she stood up and rushed to the side of her superior officer. "I was just about to bathe when this prisoner somehow sneaked in and tried to assault me!"

Kai's jaw dropped at hearing the whopper Skylor had just told.

"Lieutenants, secure him!" the colonel barked. The two subordinates came out from behind the ranking officer, and each grabbed an arm of Kai.

The colonel peered intently at Kai. "Well, if it isn't Corporal Smith," he gibed. " Can't say I'm too pleased that I have to deal with you, too, along with the other problems I've discovered after returning from furlough only a HOUR ago!"

He continued. "It's a shame I was told not to torture you as long as your wife cooperates in satisfying certain...demands of" - he glanced at Skylor - "a high ranking officer from the Third Purple Division."

Skylor inhaled sharply. Which officer? she wondered. Do Daddy or Jake know about this?

Kai glared at the commander, his eyes narrowed in anger at the thought of his beloved Sam being mistreated. "What do you mean by 'demands'?" he wanted to know.

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