Chapter 28 - Before the Next Tour of Duty

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The chapter below begins a few evenings after Kai has returned from serving in the Yellow Army...

Chapter 28 - Before the Next Tour of Duty

Kai and Sam sat on the porch swing of their cottage after supper on an early autumn evening, several days after his return to Garmadon Ranch. After Kai's day of tending the cattle and Sam's day of tending to the household, they welcomed the opportunity to simply sit and be with each other.

The cowboy had his arm around his wife, but their mood was not a happy one. They were discussing the prospect of his reenlistment in the Yellow Army. They had postponed the discussion ever since he had returned from his three-month tour of duty, but they knew that the subject could not be put off any longer.

"This time, they've increased the enlistment period. Soldiers who voluntarily sign up will now have to serve 180 days instead of 90," he told her. "The Purples are proving to be a lot stronger than anyone ever expected. There's even talk of a draft being instituted this autumn, and drafted men are likely to be required to serve for a period of at least one year."

"What has Jay said he's going to do?" Sam asked, settling in closer to him and resting her head on his shoulder.

Kai rested his cheek on top of her golden blonde tresses. "Just today while we were on the range, he told me that he and Nya decided it would be better for him to reenlist instead of waiting to be drafted. For a couple of reasons. Enlisting means there's a choice to join a cavalry, but being drafted means he'll be forced to join an infantry."

He continued. "Either way, enlistment or draft, he'll be missing the baby's birth, but he reckons he can leave the army sooner and miss less of the baby's growth if he voluntarily signs up again, and Nya would much prefer that."

"Oh, and Jay said something else." Kai raised his head up suddenly, causing Sam to lift her own head to look at him. "While he's gone, Nya is going to live with his mama and daddy at their new home in Barrburg. She'll have the baby there, and her in-laws can help her care for the little shaver. Jay felt that if he couldn't be around for the baby's birth and first few months, at least the love from the baby's grandpa and grandma could somewhat make up for him being gone."

Sam felt a little sad at the news that Nya was going away for the next few months. The raven-haired beauty was the first friend Sam had made upon moving to Ninjago Town to work at the Morro Saloon a little over a year ago. During that time, Nya and Brooke - who had been dearly missed by Sam ever since the brunette left with Cole for Ogacich several weeks ago - had become like sisters to the Ninjago newcomer. But she understood that living in Barrburg would be the best choice for the mother-to-be.

She nodded. "Jay's mama and daddy will give the baby lots of love, no doubt!" she agreed.

Kai reached for her hand. "One good thing about me reenlisting with Jay is that if we rejoin the Yellow army by the end of the week, we'll be given the rank of corporal, and that's worth a few extra dollars in our pay."

He gave her hand a squeeze. "The bad thing is that I won't be with you on your birthday." September 22nd was still two weeks away.

"Oh, Kai, I don't care about that," she protested, giving him a nudge. "It sounds like the best thing for you to do is sign up again. Sign up now, so you can be home again sooner. Home again with me." She let go of his hand and cupped his cheek.

He gazed into her earnest blue eyes. "I love you, Sam," he said quietly. Usually he followed this statement with a kiss, but now he simply studied her face, to memorize her beauty in the twilight.

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