Chapter 41 - Kai's Christmas Dessert

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In the previous chapter, during a supper conversation, Skylor revealed to Kai that his beloved wife Sam had become a civilian prisoner of the Purple Army.

In the chapter below, Kai and Skylor's supper concludes in a interesting way...

Chapter 41 - Kai's Christmas Dessert

Kai did not like hearing that his beloved wife Sam was a civilian prisoner of the Purple Army, but upon reminding himself that the Garmadon Ranch captives were supposedly being treated fairly, he calmed himself down with an audible exhale of breath.

"Samantha Smith is my wife. She goes by the name of Sam," Kai explained as he resumed eating. "She arrived in Ninjago Town just a few weeks after you left."

Skylor smirked as she picked up her wine glass. "When my source wrote in a letter to me that she was the wife of one of the cowboys at the ranch, it wasn't hard to figure out which cowboy, based on her last name."

Skylor sipped her wine before continuing. "My source tells me Sam inherited a million dollars from her father before she arrived in Ninjago Town."

Kai stopped in mid-chew of a bite of ham, not sure of how to respond to her comment. It was not a secret that Sam was the daughter of Cyrus Borg, the late business tycoon, but he did not want to go into a detailed discussion of her money, for that might make her a target of Purple shenanigans. So he swallowed the bite of ham and answered the question by asking a question of his own.

"Who is your source?" he inquired, helping himself to some wine.

The question distracted Skylor, just like he had hoped. "His name is Major Jacob Clouse. He's my fiancé," she smiled broadly. "But apparently at one time he was Sam's sweetheart..."

Kai's eyes widened.

"...until her father interfered and convinced her to end the relationship with him instead of marrying him."

Something about that story did seem familiar to Kai. Now that he thought about it, he did recall Sam once telling him about a young man who had been courting her and whose proposal of marriage she had turned down, on the advice of her daddy.

Yep, she had told the story to him last year in that jail cell in Noscut on the morning after they had been kidnapped by Morro. It was the morning he himself had tried to propose to her, but she didn't let him, for the jail cell was too wretched of a place for such a beautiful event to occur.

Kai drained his wine glass and refilled it. "So how did you and Major Clouse come to know each other?" he asked.

Skylor sipped again from her wine glass. "A while back, Jake had made contact with one of the original Purple alliance leaders, inquiring about joining our cause, which I already was a part of. It was my job to meet Jake and get to know him and verify that his request to join us was legitimate, and not an attempt by a spy to infiltrate our ranks. So when he arrived in Ninjago Town-"

"Ninjago Town?! You were already working for the Purples while I was courting you in Ninjago Town?!" Kai exclaimed incredulously. "And here I thought you were a writer of articles for some magazine in the United States!" He took a swig from his wine glass and set it down on the table with a little more force than needed. Some wine spilled out.

"I know. I had to lie," Skylor sheepishly admitted as she touched his hand which still held the wine glass. Kai shivered with the contact of her warm, silky smooth skin. He wasn't cold, though - no, his skin burned where she had touched it.

"Here, let me pour some more wine in your glass," Skylor offered. She took the bottle and topped off his glass. He promptly quaffed half the contents.

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