Chapter 38 - Best Interests

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In the chapter below, Jake Clouse describes his doomed courtship with Sam. See Sam's perspective of the relationship in Chapter 14 of The Fire Within a Ninjago Cowboy.

The conversation below takes place late one night at Garmadon Ranch, about one week before Christmas...

Chapter 38 - Best Interests

"So, Clouse, you say you knew this young woman several years ago?"

In the main house of Garmadon Ranch, behind the closed door of what used to be Mr. Wu's office, General Chen asked the question of his future son-in-law, Major Jacob Clouse. As the two Purple army officers privately conversed late in the evening, Chen reclined in the desk chair with his feet propped up on the mahogany writing surface, holding a cigar in one hand and a glass of premium whiskey in the other.

The cigar came from his own personal humidor. The small ornate box was a gift from the King on the day that Chen became the leader of the Third Division. The whiskey came from the Garmadon Ranch owner's liquor collection, from which the general had helped himself.

Jake, occupying the guest chair on the other side of the desk, also cradled a glass of the premium beverage. He did not particularly enjoy having to view the soles of Chen's boots, having grown up in a household where elegance was practiced, but he was working on tolerating the coarseness of his future father-in-law.

"Yes, sir," Jake replied to the question. "Sam and I lived about a half-mile away from each other back in Tonbos. She was the daughter of a very successful businessman named Cyrus Borg who sold equipment to railroad companies."

"By the way, Wu has a nice chair, don't you think?" the general suddenly commented. He patted the leather-covered armrests admiringly. After sipping his drink, he added, "And some fine whiskey, too." He wiped whiskey from his mouth with his sleeve. Jake refrained from rolling his eyes at the uncouth action.

The general returned to the discussion about Sam. "So the young lady is well-to-do, then," he remarked.

Jake shrugged. "She definitely was wealthy in the past, and I presume she is now. Shortly after her father died, she sold his company and left the United States to come to this region of Ninjago."

"So she's beautiful AND rich. Why did you not try to make her your wife, Clouse?" Chen asked as he tapped cigar ash directly onto the floor instead of locating a proper receptacle.

Jake partook of his whiskey glass before answering, in order to conceal his annoyance at the slovenly behavior he had just witnessed. "I did try, sir. But her father guessed that I was mainly after her money instead of her, so he forbade it."

"So you had a conniving nature even back then. I'm impressed, Clouse!" Chen chuckled. The general then lazily took his feet off the desk and planted them on the floor, leaned his elbow on the desk, and blew a cigar smoke ring toward Jake.

"Admit the truth, Clouse - I know you did not propose marriage to my daughter because of love. The fact is, you and I are very much alike. We believe that marriages take place in order to form alliances and to gain advantages, not for something silly like love."

Jake blinked away the smoke from his eyes as Chen continued. "But Skylor believes in fantasies like 'happily ever after' and all that nonsense, for she's just like her late mother was. Make sure she keeps believing in those fantasies. I was once careless about keeping my dalliances secret, and when her mother found out about them, she died of a broken heart. Then I had to raise the little imp by myself."

"It's in my best interest to keep your daughter happy, sir," Jake replied.

"Good." Chen took another puff of his cigar and leaned back in his chair. "So...getting back to your beautiful blonde friend, tell that her father is deceased, would you try again to marry her, if you weren't already engaged to my daughter?"

The young major shook his head. "She married a local man when she came to Ninjago Town."

"Oh," Chen frowned. "Where is he right now?"

"Her husband is a Yellow who disappeared while he was on a reconnaissance mission near Ouroborus. As a favor to her, I verified that this man, Kai Smith, is currently being held as a prisoner at Kryptarium. I also verified that the husband of the woman named Nya with the new baby is being held there, too."

The general took a long puff on his cigar, then - as if lost in thought - he quietly watched as his exhaled smoke ring dissipated into the air. "Kryptarium Prison," he finally said, slowly, "where my old friend Doolverr maintains the list of prisoners," he added.

Jake nodded.

"And as you know, Doolverr has a reputation for brutally treating prisoners."

Jake nodded again, not exactly sure what Chen was leading up to.

Chen sensed that Jake was not following his train of thought, so he leaned forward in his chair toward the major and came right to the point.

"Clouse, I want your beautiful blonde friend to become my courtesan during our winter stay here at this ranch."

Chen grinned fiendishly as he continued. "She will be very likely to cooperate if you tell her it will be in her husband's best interest for her to do so, for I'll instruct Doolverr to leave him alone. Otherwise," he shrugged, "it could be a long winter for her husband. A very long winter."

Chen threw his head back and guzzled the last of the whiskey in his glass. Then he slammed the glass down on the desk and focused his gaze on Jake.

"So, Clouse, do what you need to do to get her to appear at my rendezvous place on Christmas Day at two o'clock in the afternoon. I'll let you know where the place will be on the day before then. You are dismissed."

Jake, somewhat taken aback by the suddenness of the command, nevertheless set his glass down, stood up, saluted, and left the room.

He had to admit that, despite his superior officer's boorishness, Chen was a smart man.

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