Chapter 44

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Jisoo was definitely not the easiest patient. Jennie found she was unable to be irritated by her constant whining and groaning, not when her cheeks were pink and she had the cutest sniffles – no, even when she sneezed, she was still absolutely adorable, which in turn helped with keeping Jisoo more than tolerable for Jennie to care for.

She'd slept another hour after her mother had left, and Jennie had dragged an armchair from the corner to her bedside and settled herself in it, far enough to avoid full exposure but close enough to keep an eye on her. She slept soundly as one could, but Jennie couldn't help but notice the fever was making her look sweaty and clammy; she was tossing and turning every now and then, evidently uncomfortable in her current state, and when she woke up about an hour later, she was extremely grumpy.

"My head hurts," Jisoo grumbled.

Jennie set her book aside, took the glass from Jisoo's bedside table, and went over to the bathroom to fill it up. She then gave Jisoo a painkiller and the glass, and offered her a tentative smile as she did – but Jisoo just frowned, and Jennie couldn't help but chuckle.

"How are you doing?"

Jisoo shot her a glare. "I'm dying."

"No, you're not."

"My back aches. Everything aches," the dark-haired whined. "How can something like this happen overnight?"

"Clearly it's a strong virus."


"Are you hungry?"

Jisoo's eyes lit up. "Oh my god, yes."

When Jennie returned with a tray with two bowls full of chicken soup, Jisoo flashed her a thankful smile, and she took the bowl into her hands eagerly. But the first spoonful was too hasty, and she burned her mouth, the frown returning to her face.

"Today is not my day." She decided.

"Aw," Jennie smiled. "It's not so bad, is it?"

"Everything hurts, my brain is dying, my nose is itchy and now my mouth is burned. Oh, and I got stabbed."

"It was just a needle."

"What do you know, you didn't have it puncturing your skin."

Jennie leaned in and kissed Jisoo lightly on the cheek. "My sick little baby."

"Don't come so close or you'll get sick too."

"Jisoo, I literally slept on you last night. I've probably already gotten sick. It's just a matter of time."

"Still. I'm all gross and snotty."

"You're adorable."

"I'm gross."

Jennie rolled her eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to Jisoo's lips. "You're beautiful and not at all gross."

"What if I sneezed on your face? Would I still be not gross?"

"Please don't."

Jisoo put another spoonful of soup into her mouth and smirked. "I might."

As if on cue, Jennie sneezed – it was more like a tiny little cry, adorable and endearing and so gentle – and Jisoo gaped at her, mouth open and eyes wide.

"Holy shit."

Jennie sniffled. "Shut up."

"You're sick."

"Shut up, Jisoo, I'm not sick yet. I just sneezed."

"That sneeze just made my day infinitely better. It was so cute."

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