Chapter 15

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 "So am I to assume that divorce is out of the question?"

The insufferable grin on her mother's face caused Jisoo to groan. Jennie only smiled and nodded shyly, . She was quickly growing to like Jisoo's mom, even though she was yet to figure out just how to conduct herself around the woman. Dara seemed kind and open-minded, and Jennie had not yet seen any judgement from her part on Jisoo's marriage other than the fact that it had taken place in Vegas on a whim while drunk.

"Yes, Mom, you can inform the rest of the family that I've tied the knot."

"The rest of the family?"

Jisoo glanced at Jennie and grinned. "Don't worry, I just mean my uncle Taeyang."

"Oh, he's coming tomorrow. You can tell him yourself."

Jisoo yawned then, and received a pointed tut from Dara. "You haven't been sleeping much, have you?"

"We've been driving since 5am, Mom." Jisoo whined. "Don't judge me."

"It's almost ten. You should go to bed."

Jisoo glanced at Jennie. "Is it okay if she sleeps in my room?"

Dara laughed heartily, and Jennie could've sworn she heard Lisa giggling in the lounge as well. She just blushed, embarrassed, and concentrated on Jisoo's hand in hers, warm and soft and somehow both gentle and tight at the same time.

"Considering she's your wife, I don't think I have any say in that," Dara chuckled. "I put some sheets on the bed. You can get another pillow from the attic."


They started off towards the stairs, but Jennie was stopped by Dara's hand gently touching her arm.

"Can I give you a hug?"

Jennie stared at her, wide-eyed, unsure of what to say. She felt Jisoo's hand slip from hers, and was still unable to speak when she felt Jisoo's finger poke at her side.

"She's not like your mom, you know. She won't bite."

Jennie blushed again, and allowed Dara to wrap her arms around her. Jennie could count the number of people that had hugged her on her fingers, but never had she been hugged by a mother.

She felt comforted and small, and so incredibly accepted she was sure she'd cry.

"Welcome to the family, Jennie."

Jisoo smiled gently as she saw Jennie swallow hard. She knew this was new to her, and was overjoyed to find that her mother understood that Jennie needed overwhelming acceptance. She had been prepared to talk to her about that, but clearly there was no need.

Sometimes she forgot her mother knew her so well.

When Dara pulled away, Jennie smiled shyly and tried to think of something to say.

"Well, good night," Dara said softly, promptly hugging Jisoo tightly before throwing them one amused glance and disappearing into the kitchen.


Jennie looked at Jisoo, still reeling from whatever had just happened.

"You ok?"

"Uh, yeah."



"Well, let's go to bed. You can reel from everything there."

Jisoo grinned widely and took Jennie's hand, promptly dragging her along to the stairs and up to her room. It wasn't very large, but featured a queen-sized bed in one corner and a desk in another and an endless amount of drawings and paintings pinned to the walls. There was just about anything, ranging from tiny scribbled sketches on the backs of receipts and bus tickets pinned with thumbtacks and needles to framed three-foot-wide acrylic paintings, and anything in between. There wasn't a single spot on the walls that wasn't covered with something, and for a while, Jennie just stood there, not sure where to look.

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