Chp. 3

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Oscar's POV

I picked up Guadalupe so she could keep an eye on Amaya. That plan didn't go that well because Lupe texted me that they were going to the mall.

There was no way in hell that I was going to be caught dead in a mall.

Cesar hopped into my car and I dropped him off at the entrance with his orders to keep them both safe.

The mall was kind of that undecided area were the Santos and Prophet$ could both go to but we still had that rivalry.

So knife fights were very common in the bathroom.

Some of the homies and I headed back towards Señora Sanchez's house to give her what she paid me for this afternoon.

"Yo Spooky you gonna claim that hyna again?"

"Maybe. Let's see if Señora Sanchez puts a bullet in me." We all laughed but I was sincerely afraid of what she'd do if Amaya hung around me.

I had a reputation.

I knew that Amaya's reputation exited the minds of people and she was just known as the girl that got out of the ghetto.

I only cared about a few people in Freeridge's opinion.

And that included Mrs. Sanchez.

So hanging around Amaya wasn't gonna be easy if I tried it a second time.


When my mom left, Mrs. Sanchez made Cesar and I food for 2 years. After that I went to jail, I hoped she took care of Cesar.

Seeing that when I came back he was still alive, I knew that she had helped him somehow.

She was his educator and would keep track of whether or not he'd show up to school. Make sure that he had clean clothes. Everything a proper parent should have done.

But both of ours were gone.


We reached the Sanchez house and Pablo hopped out to run inside and finish business.

In seconds he was running back outside with a plate. Pablo got back into the car and handed me a plate of Polvorones Rosas.

"Best cookies in town." Chavez and Romeo reply when they see the plate of pink cookies.

"Hell yeah." Pablo mutters with a mouth full.

"Yo you having a party tonight or not?" I'm assuming that was directed towards me being the only one with a house to throw it.

"You gonna buy the beers?" They laugh. We all know that they're the brokest motherfuckers around.

"Call the hynas. Call the homies." I say backing out of the Sanchez's driveway.

"Hell yeah!" Pablo hollers.

Parties at the crib were usually a bad idea and crowded. But tonight I felt like being around my amigos.

Chilling with a blunt in my mouth and a hyna in my lap.

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