Chp. 35

516 22 1

Oscar's POV

Amaya sat in my car patiently, muted and was starring straight ahead.

"I have to go in. Just sit here and don't move." She looked me and nodded.

I made my way into the 19th street trap house.

"Yo Spooky." The dude who had my new crop greeted me.

With a head nod and an exchange of goods I was on my way.

Before I even got comfortable in my seat Amaya had my glove box open and was stashing everything. It made me laugh.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing. You wanna go back to the party?"

"No. No one recognizes me anymore. Its weird to feel invisible."

"Better than being visible. Means you're blending into everything again."

"I guess. What do you wanna do?"

"Wanna go to the beach?"

"Sure. What else are we gonna do?"

I pulled off in the direction of the beach. Again we both sat in silence, looking straight ahead at the road.

We got to the beach, she got out first and headed towards the water. I lingered behind sitting on the hood of my car. I could tell she needed to be on her own and I wanted to play a couple games on my phone.


Engrossed in my game I hadn't noticed but Amaya was gone from the beach. Searching the beach for the curly haired girl who was once there who was in fact not.

Just as I was getting into my car there she was sitting in the passenger seat.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"Nothing, got cold. You were busy on your phone so I just got in the car."

"You could have just got my attention. We could have left."

"Nah, it gave me a chance to get some things done."

"Okay. You want to head back?"

"First can you take me to the pharmacy?"

"I can do that."

For yet another car ride we were silent. I pulled in and she got out. Minutes later Amaya emerged with bags full of things.

"What's all this?"

"I bought food so I could eat. I can eat broth, popsicles and vegatables. But they didn't have any so just a bunch of other stuff. And my bag full of medications."

"Get anything for me?"

"Red Bull and mango Hi-Chews."

"Those are my favorites."

"They're everyone's favorites."

I backed the car out of the parking lot and we were on our way to her house. She rifled through the bags finally picking out something. At a red light I cracked the Red Bull.

Amaya popped in a couple pills and panicked when she didn't have a drink.

"Here." I handed it to her.

It looked like the smallest sip ever.

"Can't drink that, just needed a little something. Thanks." She pulled a gallon water jug out and chugged a little of it next.

"What were those?

She stopped drinking and wiped her face.

"A pain killer, some antibiotic as well as something else I can't say."

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