Chp. 40

496 30 4

Amaya's POV

Cesar had his friends nose to the ground looking for him. 

That was a change from looking for Lil Ricky for at least two of them.

The first person I went to go see if they knew where Oscar was, was his best friend, Sad Eyes. If he skipped town to do something shady he wouldn't tell Cesar but his next in line.

After tracking Sad Eyes down he kept saying he didn't know where he was at. But he'd get the masses out on the streets looking. Seeing as six months ago 19th Street kidnapped him. Sad Eyes said he would contact 19th's leader to see if they were holding Oscar for ransom or for his power.

Next people to get out looking for him was my Uncle and his gang of two wheelers. Once they mobilized they could cover more ground and move without worrying about Prophet$.

The last people I wanted to tell but definitely needed to was my mom and sisters. They gathered for dinner that night and I was uncomfortable. My sisters really didn't need to be brought into this gang shit but at least they could keep an eye out. My mom would be devastated if anything were to happen to him.

And I was trying to keep calm for everyone's sake.

After looking for an entire week and nothing came up. No one had seen him. His car still missing, there was only one place that we couldn't go to look but he could possibly be.

I had a gut feeling.

A bad gut feeling.

In the dead of night I took my mom's car and rode to the other side of town. I looked in the old junk yards, hang out spots, finally I reached the abandoned warehouse. There was his shiny red beauty being poorly covered by a tarp. Not trying to attract unwanted eyes I left quickly.

Even though Oscar wasn't home, everyone still gathered at his house. Cesar was sitting in Oscar's chair, which was strange. Never mind that, Lupe was sitting in Lil Frankie's lap just next to Sad Eyes.

When I got out of my mom's car I guess they mistook me for her. I got a round of 'Señora' from a few of them.

"Sad Eyes." I gestured for him to follow me.

"What's up?" He said leaning against the car.

"I found the Impala. There was too many eyes looking around for me to really search the area."


"The old cookie warehouse."

"Okay, okay. What's the game plan?"

"Game plan?! I just went to find his car not come up with a rescue mission."

"I can work something out. What do you wanna do about telling the kid? Do you want me to or do you?"

"We don't even now if he's in the warehouse. They could have stashed the car there and then taken him somewhere else."


"We're both thinking Prophet$ right? Or is that just me?"

"No, no. I'm with you on that."

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