Chp. 34

529 20 0

Amaya's POV

I woke up the next morning in the hospital. My mom was at my side asleep in a chair. I had been diagnosed with vasovagal syncope and I had smacked my head twice, so they wanted to monitor me all day.

The doctor came in to explain everything that had happened. Vasovagal syncope was triggered from the amount of pain I was experiencing in my stomach. I also suffered a mild concussion when I went down. 

But the worse news was the pain in my stomach was gallstones.

Having gallstones twice now put me at a greater chance of getting my gallbladder removed. I had gallstones once when I lived Portland, the doctor put me on meds and I was fine.

"Hija, I need to check on your sisters and I'll be back at 3 o'clock."

"Mami just go take care of Sara and her party. Her twelfth birthday needs to be better than mine."

She looked at me, tears in her eyes, hair messed up, red in the face.

"I want to take care of you. Why won't you let me?" She said with the smallest voice.

"Mami...I'm fine. I'm in a hospital, there are nurses and doctors. Katia, Lilia and Sara need you to take care of them, they're still kids. I'll I'm going to do today is sit in this bed, watch some bad tv and have you staring at me like I'm gonna die. Please, just go take care of them, that's how you can take care of me."

"First off Amaya, you are still my kid."

"But I'm also a grown ass woman. They're barely teenagers, they don't need to know that either one of us is worried right now. I'll be fine. Go home."

Mami wiped her eyes and nodded at me. She didn't say goodbye or hug me, she just went straight out the door.

The nurse came around for my vital signs, she gave me some painkillers knocking me on my ass.

Good thing I was already laying bed.

I woke up to the sounds of Dorothy making fun of Rose on Golden Girls.

"Hey sleepy head. Doctor said you can get discharged. I have a packet full of information for you on all your diagnoses. No work for at least a week, low fat diet, some prescriptions to be picked up. Just need to know how you're getting home and I'll be right back with the papers." The nurse who was previously giving me meds said to a startled me.

"Ummm I'm gonna take a taxi."

"Okay. Be right back." She waltzed out of the room and I found myself free of my IV. 

I quickly got up to change back into the dress they brought me in with. I was so grateful that I'm a lazy heel hating bitch and had put on Nike's last night.

Sliding those on, the nurse was there and waiting.

"Sign these three things and you'll be on your way Ms. Sanchez."

I did just that. "Thanks."

"I'll show you to the elevators."

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