chapter 1

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~~Nagisa's POV~~

I was about to leave for school till I heard my mom yell for me so I walked to the kitchen where I heard her yell from "I would for you to come straight home after school and wear what I have laid out for you, oh and I would like for you to wear a female school uniform from now on" I like wearing girls clothes

-probably because I'm an omega-

But I don't like wearing the clothes she picks out....there too showy or too flashy but I don't want to make my mom angry again and hurt me so I just do what she says.

I looked at her "are we have company over or something" she stopped chopping and out the knife down as she turn d towards me "yes and I would like for you to look lovely for them" I nodded my head and made my way to the door.

~~time skip~~

Just as I was about to open the classroom door I heard someone call out to me "hey Nagisa wait up" so I turned around and saw Kayano along with Sugino

"oh hey Kayano, Sugino how are you guys"

As we walked into the calls room they said that they were good and asked how I was so I smiled at them and told them that I'm good and I walked over to my seat and sat down as did Kayano and Sugino.

Once everyone was in their seat Kuro-sensei started class and as always Karma isn't here, I don't k ow why but recently he's been on my mind as well as the other 2.

-I wonder if I can ever see them again-

After a while the bell rang and I was about to stand up till I felt my phone go off so I grabbed it from my pocket and saw that my mom was calling so I quickly ran outside to answer it.

"Hi mom what's up"

"I'm sorry sweetie but mommy won't be able to make it back tonight so I want you to look after our guest tonight, also I won't be back for at least 2 or 3 months so keep the house clean till I come back alright"

"Alright mom see you when you get back"

I ended the call and went back to the class room.

~~time skip to the end of school~~
~~3rd POV~~

Just as Nagisa was about to walk out of the school building he was stopped by Kayano, Karma, Sugino and Okuda who all were walking up to him but it was Sugino that started to talk first "hey Nagisa do you want to come with us to my house, I'm having a party and of course the boys are sleeping over"

"no sorry, my mom wants me to go straight home because she invited some people over for dinner, sorry"

With a sad face he grabbed his things and started to walk away from them Kayano was the first to speak up this time "what up Nagisa" while the others just looked at each other, Karma was the one to answer her

"I don't really know, I never meet his mom or dad so I don't really know, maybe he's hiding something from us"

Everyone just looked at him and shook their heads and of course Sugino was the first to defend Nagisa "no way Nagisa tells us everything so there is no way he is hiding something from us" the others just nodded their heads in agreement as they all made their way to Sugino's house.

-over to Nagisa-

Once Nagisa got home he went straight up to his room and start to change into what his mom picked out but then he realized that his mom won't be home tonight so he changed into what he wanted to wear.

Once Nagisa got home he went straight up to his room and start to change into what his mom picked out but then he realized that his mom won't be home tonight so he changed into what he wanted to wear

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{What his mom picked out}

{What his mom picked out}

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{What he picked out}

Once was changed he made his way to the kitchen to start making the food for the guest but little does he know that his big brother and little sister are guest he's preparing for.

Like I said this story an adoption of the original story from HopeMayFaith

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