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It infuriated him. How could anybody treat the kid so cruelly that he needed to go to the hospital to recover? How dare they!

Chris sighed to calm his raging thoughts, running his hand through his hair once again. At least they had been able to save him before it got worse, although it still pulled at his heart to see him in this condition. True, Caleb had gotten better over the past four days and could now move and walk, but the display of pain on his face every time he moved too much was heart-wrenching.

"You seem to be doing really well so far. Do you want to see if we can get you released, so we can go back to the apartment?" Chris asked him. By now, Caleb could function well enough to do anything that wasn't overly strenuous.

Caleb seemed to think a moment. Chris couldn't blame him for being hesitant. Finally, Caleb gave a whispered answer. "T-tomorrow."

"Alright, tomorrow it is." Chris got comfortable in his chair by the bed, ready to spend a fifth day in the hospital. He turned on the tv on the wall opposite Caleb's bed, flipping through channels until one of their favorite movies appeared on the screen. Neither said another word as they focused on the movie, content with each other's company.

The doctor came in shortly after, just to check up on Caleb's condition. "I've never seen somebody heal so fast," he commented as he looked over Caleb's charts.

"Actually, we were thinking about leaving tomorrow since he's doing so well," Chris said.

The doctor seemed to consider it for a moment before nodding. "I'll gather the release forms so you can get them started today."

"Thank you." Chris watched as the man left the room. Caleb had been content to let Chris do all the talking, but when Chris looked at him, he seemed like there was something bothering him. "Are you ok, Caleb?"

"Y-yeah," Caleb said too quickly. He was covering something up. At Chris's raised eyebrow, he caved. "I'm s-scared."

"Of what?"

"Wh-what if... when we go b-back... they c-come again..?" Caleb shivered, and Chris reached over to wrap his arms around him.

"They won't. It was part of the agreement Jason made with them, so don't worry, you'll be safe." Chris gently squeezed Caleb's upper arms, just enough to barely feel the pressure.


"Yes, only part." Chris took a deep breath before speaking again. "He had to do quite a bit of negotiating for it to all work out. So you're going to have to heal quickly." Caleb seemed to be becoming a little nervous, so Chris angled himself to press a kiss to the top of his head, speaking into his hair when he continued. "You have a job now. You have to help us hunt the vampires. Show us where they are, where they go, what they do. And after they're all gone... leave. I'll go with you, but you can't stay here."

"I- but I-" Caleb protested, only to be silenced by a kiss. As soon as Chris's lips pulled away, he continued pouting. "But I g-grew up here, and l-lived my whole life here..."

"Guess we'll just have to explore, then." Chris nibbled Caleb's nose just a bit before pulling back to look at him. "And I'll be with you the whole time, I promise."

"O-ok," Caleb said hesitantly. He obviously did not want to leave, but he accepted it. He was also extremely nervous about facing the vampires again, but he didn't let himself think about it, knowing he'd likely send himself into a panic attack if he did. Chris pulled him against him, letting him lean his head against his chest as they redirected their stares to the tv screen.

After a marathon of movies had passed, as well as considerable snacking, Chris placed a couple soft kisses on Caleb's cheeks. "Get some rest tonight, so you'll be ready to go in the morning." Caleb nodded, laying against him until he fell asleep. Chris decided to stay in the bed tonight, since he didn't want to move Caleb off of him. He followed him into sleep just a few minutes later, after making sure the release forms were completed.

Chris woke up to see sunlight streaming in through the window. He yawned, then stopped himself from stretching when he realized Caleb was still snoring softly on top of him. He smiled a little, then carefully woke him up with a few whispers and kisses.

"It's early," Caleb whined when he was awake enough to process what was going on.

"We don't want to get caught out at midday, do we?" Chris nudged Caleb a little, but he moved off of him when he did so. Taking the hint, Chris started to get up, followed by a mostly steady Caleb. Once they were situated, they stopped out at the front desk, confirming that they were ok to leave. Right before the doors, Chris stopped. "Will you be ok with the sunlight?"

Caleb looked up at him as he replied. "I'll be fine, as long as it's not too much and we don't have to stay out in it."

Chris nodded, opening the door for him as they walked out of the hospital. "We better hurry a bit, then. Actually, I think I'll call Jason to come pick us up. That ok?" Caleb gave a small nod as Chris pulled out his phone, dialing Jason's number. He hung up not a minute later. "He'll be here in five. Come on, there's some shade over here." Chris gently tugged him beneath a particularly large tree with thick branches to wait until Jason's black car pulled up.

"Hey, you two," Jason said, welcoming the two as they climbed into the backseat. "Looking good, kid."

"Thanks," Caleb mumbled quietly.

"Mhm. I'll drop you guys off, but do you want to stop anywhere first? Breakfast, maybe? Since you woke me up?" Jason glanced at Chris in the rearview mirror as he said the last part, causing a smirk to grow on Chris's face.

"Whatever you want," Chris said with a chuckle. Foodies. Upset him by making him wake up early on his day off, and make it all better with a bit of food.

Jason pulled into the sparsely occupied parking lot of a local diner minutes later. "Come on, you two. Best diner around, now out."

Chris got out, helping Caleb, who looked unsure of the whole eating-out thing. "It's ok, Caleb, it's just a restaurant. You'll be fine." Caleb nodded, although he still didn't seem like he believed that.

They all sat down at a booth, with Caleb staying close to Chris's side as they looked over the menus. The waiter came, taking their orders. Chris wasn't surprised when Jason ordered his usual of eggs and bacon, and of course he couldn't go without his sausage patties with toast. Caleb kept his simple and small, just an english muffin and sausage links. The portions at the diner were huge, but they all ate every bite. Chris was glad to see Caleb eating so much, especially after barely eating the bland hospital food.

Jason drove them home with full bellies, dropping them off and waving to them as they walked back into the complex. Chris opened the door to the apartment, leading Caleb in before closing the door behind them.

He noticed Caleb trying to stay close to him as soon as they stepped inside. He couldn't blame the kid; they both remembered what had happened the last time he was here alone. Chris wouldn't let it happen again, though. He would do everything he could to protect him.

Chris looked at the kid. He had made one guess about his age, but he looked a little older now that he had filled out his frame a bit. Besides, he was probably older than he looked. The question came out before he could stop it. "How old are you, anyway?"

Caleb seemed caught off guard by the question, but he answered quickly. "I was born twenty-four years ago, but I was turned when I was twelve... so I would be eighteen."

"So you were born a year before me, yet you're five years younger than me." Chris snickered, grinning as a smile crept onto Caleb's face. "Either way, I'm still calling you a kid." Caleb shot him a good-natured glare, but couldn't keep from laughing a little. "Come on, kid, let's get a movie on." Chris easily led him to the couch, sitting down as Caleb plopped into his lap. Caleb made it through only one hour of the movie before he started snoring softly, drawing a smile from Chris. He turned the tv off and reached for the blanket they always kept on the couch now, pulling it over them as he laid them both down, Caleb in his arms as he fell asleep with him.

Double update!

Merry Christmas everybody!!


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