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The rest of the week passed much in the same way. The two would cuddle until Chris's alarm went off, then Caleb would typically fall back asleep by the time Chris left, but most times there was some kind of breakfast sitting out for him and sometimes a note along with it. While Chris was at work, Caleb would pass the time in the apartment with the tv on to keep his nagging thoughts at bay. Chris always came home to make or bring him dinner, and they cuddled some more until they both fell asleep, with a movie in the background some nights. With the medicine to help his injuries and enough food to actually keep him sustained, he started feeling a lot better throughout the week, which he was grateful for. When Chris was home, the other man seemed to notice the improvement too. There was such a difference by the end of the week that half of the bruises had already disappeared, and although he continued to use the medical lotion to help the remaining ones heal faster, he no longer needed it for the pain. Not saying it didn't still hurt if he moved it wrong, but he was able to bear it easier with each passing day. He also no longer had the intense pangs of hunger he had grown so used to. And on top of that, the two of them became closer every moment they were together.

"Can we go outside, please?" Caleb asked with pleading eyes the moment Chris got home from work, since he didn't seem too tired. He had stayed in the apartment for almost two weeks now, and he needed a breath of fresh air. He didn't like feeling cooped up in one place all the time. He felt ready to explore the city, even if just a little bit.

Chris seemed to hesitate, thinking it over before giving a small shrug. "Sure. Just let me shower and change into something a bit more normal, first." Caleb nodded eagerly, waiting until the moment he could step foot out that door. "Stay close to me though, alright?" Chris warned when he returned, an undertone of concern unnoticeably tinting his voice

"Ok!" Caleb nearly jumped out the door in excitement, following right next to Chris as he led him out of the apartment building.

The street was dark as the last streaks of light fled the sky, chasing after the setting sun, but Caleb could see like it was day. Streetlamps lit with an eerie glow illuminated just enough for humans to see by, but it was enough for Caleb to make out every detail, right down to the cracks in the sidewalks and flaws in the paint job of the walls they passed by. He took everything in with enthusiasm; the sound of footsteps around him, the smell of blown-away smoke from an hour ago, another faint scent that seemed vaguely familiar...

"Caleb," Chris said, gently tugging his arm to pull him to a sidestepping stop. Caleb had gotten so caught up in absorbing everything around him, he hadn't been looking directly in front of himself and almost ran into the person he now looked up at apologetically.

"S-sorry, Tr-" Caleb suddenly froze with a sharp gasp, breath catching in his throat as a deep panic started welling up in his chest. He moved behind Chris in an instant, hiding from the smirking Treston who likely would've took him right then and there if he had been alone. How didn't I guess, I should've known there would be a vampire out here, wh-

"Caleb." Chris turned around and knelt down to Caleb after a moment of giving Treston some kind of look Caleb couldn't quite catch. "Do you know him?" Chris's tone was tender, but Caleb was too scared to answer, just staring at him wide-eyed, glancing up at the vampire every few seconds. Gathering an answer from his lack of one, Chris stood up again, turning halfway so Caleb could still fit his trembling body behind him, but he could face Treston. "You know him somehow," he told Treston accusingly. It was not a question.

"I do not," Treston replied nonchalantly.

L-liar..! Caleb remained silent, though, reaching up to grab onto Chris's hand and clutching it like it was his last hope.

Chris glanced back down at him, then returned his gaze to Treston. It was as hard as when Chris had confronted Caleb on the first day they met in the forest. Completely expressionless, although Caleb almost thought he could see a hidden flare of anger in his eyes, and possibly... protectiveness? But why would he protect me..? "He's clearly terrified of you. And he was starting to say your name, so yes, you are somehow connected with him. Now tell me how. Or should I guess?"

"Not like you could guess." Treston bent down to stare directly into Caleb's eyes with that same piercing stare he always had. He could see the hint of fangs gleaming in the dim light, unnoticeable to a human with how little showed as he spoke. "You wouldn't like that very much, would you, little-"

"N-n-no," Caleb stammered quickly as he shook his head, forcing the word out before Treston could finish his nickname. He hoped it would keep the second half unspoken and his secret safe, for now.

"I thought so," Treston sneered, standing back up to his full height to stare Chris directly in his eyes. "So I wouldn't pressure it, if I were you." Treston then turned to walk away, moving out of sight behind the corner of a building. Chris went to follow, but Caleb still had a hold on his hand, stopping him. By now, Treston had probably already disappeared. He could probably be back at the house in under a minute if he wanted to be.

And now they know who I'm with... Caleb shuddered at the thought, so lost in his mind that he didn't notice Chris was trying to talk to him until he felt a miniscule squeeze on his hand. He looked up at Chris, since his head had lowered to stare at the ground after Treston had left. Without saying another word, Chris pulled Caleb against his chest, embracing him. Caleb practically clung onto him while trying to keep the tears from escaping his eyes, bottom lip quivering. The only way he could tell that Chris had even picked him up and started walking was by the grip holding him up and the slight motions of each step.

When Chris laid them both down on top of the sheets in his bed, clothes, shoes and all, Caleb let out the salty flow of tears, unable to hold it back any longer. Chris rubbed soothing motions along his back, still holding him. "Go ahead, cry it out. You're safe here, I'll protect you." Although Caleb couldn't help but question it, Chris's tone left no room for doubt to take over. The waterfall pouring down his cheeks finally slowed after a while, and he just soaked in Chris's much-needed comfort, waiting as his jagged breathing gradually calmed. Eventually, he was too exhausted to even think, and slipped into a world of nightmares.

Caleb was woken by something moving his shoulder, which he instantly flinched away from. "Caleb, it's me," Chris's concerned voice whispered. Caleb relaxed a little hearing it, but not completely. Chris shifted to hold him against his chest a little better. "It's ok, it's just the two of us here. Just you and me. No one else."

Caleb had to take several minutes to calm himself from the nightmare that still plagued him. "S-sorry," he mumbled when he was finally composed enough to speak and not send himself into another panic attack. Chris just nodded, chin brushing lightly against Caleb's forehead with the motion.

They laid there for several more minutes before Chris broke the silence that had settled over the room. "You don't have to tell me now, or even today," he started, keeping his tone quiet. "But eventually, I want you to tell me who that was. Whenever you feel comfortable enough talking with me about it."

It was Caleb's turn to nod. He knew, and had known, that he would have to tell him at some point. He was just relieved that Chris would be patient and not try to force it out of him. His eyes finally cracked open, seeing mostly Chris's shirt, which his face was tucked against. But what confused him was that he also saw lines of light streaming from the blinds covering the window. "D-don't you have to w-work..?"

"I called this morning to say I wouldn't be able to make it," Chris explained. That makes sense... but why? Almost as if he read his mind, Chris continued. "I'd rather stay with you to make sure you're ok. I'll make sure nobody bothers you."

"Th-thank you," Caleb mumbled, snuggling back into him even as Chris held him even closer to him. He fell back into the darkness of sleep moments later.

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