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Chris picked up the plate and cup after he double checked to make sure Caleb was asleep, carrying them out to the kitchen to wash. He had given the kid the leftovers from his dinner earlier, but it had seemed like nothing with how fast he had eaten it. It was almost as if the kid had been starved, which - considering how light he was when he had carried him to his apartment - he figured he likely was. That, along with whatever had caused his bruises... It confused him why he was living alone in the woods like that. There was clearly something missing from the picture that he couldn't see, or that Caleb was hiding, but he would have to wait to figure out the mystery. He wouldn't pry the poor guy too much. He already seemed hesitant enough with everything.

When the two dishes were washed, dried, and put away, he returned to the guest bedroom he had decided to lend Caleb until he could find somewhere else for him to stay. While his apartment worked for him, Chris knew that it likely wouldn't be the best for Caleb from what he knew already. First of all, it was small, just a two bedroom, one bath space with a small kitchen and decently sized living room. Secondly, the surrounding area could get rather noisy sometimes, even loud enough to wake the dead a couple of times. It also wasn't the safest place around. Nobody messed with Chris, but the kid would likely make an easy target.

Kneeling beside him, he took the opportunity to get a better look at him in the dim light. He was extremely pale, and his blond hair was a little long, but not overly so. He looked to be no older than seventeen or eighteen, or possibly younger than that. An arm had slipped out from under the blankets and was hanging over the side of the bed. Chris took it gently, earning a small flinch from the sleeping boy's limp body. He could feel every bone in his hand by just running a finger over it lightly, along with a few scars. Too thin. Definitely starved. And I don't like these scars... probably came from the same place as the bruises, if I had to guess. He tucked the twig-thin hand and arm back under the blanket. He didn't even know the guy, yet his heart ached for what had happened to him. Whatever it was, it was definitely not good for it to turn out this way.

Letting out a nearly silent sigh, Chris stood up, making sure everything was ok in the room before heading back out of it. Caleb would probably want a bit of space when he woke up, so he wouldn't crowd him. He closed the door to give him some privacy, then stopped by the bathroom to wash up. He turned the shower on, grabbing a towel and a change of clothes while the water heated up. It was a quick shower to wash off the sweat for the day, not even bothering to wash his hair before getting out, drying off with the towel, and pulling on the pair of pajama pants he had brought in. He hadn't bothered with a shirt, not thinking he'd need one. He had heard a bit of thunder starting while the water was on, along with the onslaught of rain that had been threatening all day, so he decided to check on his spontaneous guest before heading to bed, first throwing his previous clothes in the hamper. The boy was likely scared. After all, from the way he had reacted the other day, the kid was not a fan of storms.

He had intended to just crack the door open and peek in before leaving, but when he saw no shape under the blankets where he had been before, Chris knew that wouldn't be happening. "Caleb?" he called in a whisper, making sure it was loud enough to be heard over the storm. When his only response was a quiet whimper, he looked around the room, only to not find him anywhere. The whimper sounded again when a flash of lightning dimly lit up the room from the window, followed by thunder rumbling several seconds later. Tracing the source of the small sound, Chris lowered himself on the floor to find that Caleb had somehow wiggled himself under the low bed. He was full-on trembling, panting, and had tear streaks down his face that he could see with the next lightning strike. Poor kid. He's terrified.

Chris settled himself on the ground in a sitting position, then offered a hand to the petrified kid hiding under the bed. "Come out from under there. It's ok." Caleb shook his head as another bout of thunder rolled through, retreating a little more in fear. "Come on, Caleb. You're ok." Caleb still didn't cooperate, giving him another head shake, sky blue eyes as wide as saucers staring at him. Chris had to hold back from sighing as he tried again. "Please come out. I'll be here, you'll be safe." Caleb shook his head again, but this time, he actually crawled a hesitating inch or so closer to him. "That's it. You can do it." Caleb moved another unsure inch. The cycle repeated for several minutes, Chris encouraging and Caleb slowly moving towards him, only to freeze every time the thunder and lightning came. When Caleb finally placed a quivering hand in Chris's outstretched one, he carefully pulled the kid out the rest of the way from under the bed and held him in his lap.

At first, Caleb seemed too frightened by the storm to even realize he was in his lap, but the moment he did, he froze up, even the shaking pausing for a split second before resuming with another clap of thunder. "Shhh, it's ok," Chris muttered quietly to him. He wrapped both of his arms around him in a secure hug-like hold, one hand rubbing in up-and-down motions along Caleb's back. After a few minutes, Caleb moved to bury his head against Chris's bare chest, salty tears dripping down onto his skin. Chris started rocking him ever so slightly, doing his best to calm him. Soon, Caleb's quaking had settled into a much more mild shaking, and his breathing was at a controllable level.

Chris knew the storm would likely last all night. They both needed to sleep, and they wouldn't get any on the floor. "I'm gonna pick you up and carry you to my room, alright?" Chris whispered in Caleb's ear, not wanting to startle him when he got up. "You can stay with me for the night." Caleb nodded a confirmation against Chris's chest, which had become slightly damp again from his slowing tears. Chris scooped him in his arms before standing, carrying him back to his own room, where he set him down on the bed. Glancing over at his phone on the nightstand next to his bed, Chris grabbed it, quickly dialing the number of his boss and saying he'd have to take the day off tomorrow. He got away with only being on call, which would at least suffice. He then put the phone away, laying down next to Caleb and tugging him gently into his arms to continue holding him. After a moment of thought and a particularly loud thunderclap, Caleb scooted back just enough so his back was against Chris's chest.

Several minutes later, Caleb seemed to have fallen asleep. That, or he'd passed out from exhaustion. Although he still flinched slightly with every boom that sounded, his breathing had evened out and the shaking had stopped completely. After waiting to be completely sure that Caleb was asleep and ok, Chris allowed himself to drift off. Before he did, one last thought slipped through his mind.

I have to keep him here. 

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