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This time, coming back to consciousness wasn't that bad. There was a slight coolness, even though he could feel a light blanket on him to keep him from getting too cold. And unlike normal, his injuries had a slight numbness to them that allowed him to block out the remainder of the pain. Must've been the medicine Chris had applied earlier. Caleb yawned a little and started to sit up, scooting himself back against the pillows as he did so and pulling the blanket with him, remembering he only had on his boxers. He was just glad that Chris hadn't commented about all of the strange marks. If he would have asked about them, Caleb probably would've just ran, especially if it was about the cuts on his arms. And if it would've been the two tiny red dots on his throat... He sighed, quickly shaking his head slightly to clear his head of the thoughts. Wrapping the blanket completely around his body like a towel, Caleb took his time as he moved off the bed and onto his feet, taking a few steps to be sure he was steady before heading out of the room.

"You're awake again. How do you feel?" Chris asked him as soon as he stepped out. He was lounging on the couch, a sports game on the TV playing quietly, even though it didn't seem like he was watching it.

"Better," Caleb said quietly. He truly did feel better; the medicine helped tremendously. Without it, he probably would still be struggling to sit up right now.

"Come over here and sit down," Chris invited, motioning with his head to the rest of the couch and the two chairs. Caleb swallowed nervously but did as told, sitting on the chair further from him. "So," Chris began. Please don't ask, please don't ask... "How did you get all those bruises and scars, anyway?"

Dangit. "I-I, uh, I," Caleb stammered, instantly so anxious that his palms were sweating and he was starting to shake again.

"Calm down. You don't have to answer now." That made Caleb start a sigh of relief, but as soon as Chris spoke again his breath hitched in his throat. "But I want to know eventually. And I want to know who hurt you." They held each other's gaze for a long moment before Chris said, "Caleb, breathe."

Not having realized that he was holding his breath, Caleb let it out, only to enter a coughing fit as he did so. Chris started to get up, likely to help him somehow, but when Caleb flinched and moved further back against the cushions of the chair, he stopped and dropped back into the couch. It took several minutes for Caleb to catch his breath. "I-" Caleb stopped for a moment, tensing as he coughed again, but when it didn't evolve into another fit, he continued. "I'm s-sorry..."

"Don't apologize. Do you want a drink?" When Caleb simply nodded, Chris got up and left to go to the kitchen, filling a large cup with water to bring back. Caleb reached up to grab it, but hesitated when he saw his shaky hands. Without a word, Chris softly pressed the cup against Caleb's lips and lifted it slowly. The water felt amazing running down his parched throat as Caleb drank the entire cup. "You ok, kid?" He set the cup down on the coffee table, kneeling by the chair Caleb was in.

"I-I don't know," Caleb whispered. He wanted to lie and say yes, he is ok, but it was too obvious that he wasn't ok. Chris opened his arms to offer a hug if he wanted it, but Caleb just shook his head. He didn't want any contact right now. If anything, he just wanted to disappear... He pulled the blanket so it was completely covering him, shrouding him in warm darkness.

He stayed that way for a while. How long, he lost track. At least Chris seemed to take the hint to just let him be. When he had calmed enough, he let the blanket fall off his head to allow him to see. Chris wasn't in sight, but he could hear the water running beyond the closed bathroom door, as well as see the light peeking out from under the crack. A few minutes later, Chris emerged in a towel, going straight to the kitchen. Caleb wasn't sure if he had noticed him watching or not, but Chris didn't seem to mind one way or the other. During the brief second he was facing him walking out, Caleb couldn't help but notice the muscles on the man. He had a full six-pack, as well as well-defined muscles everywhere else Caleb could see. He was large, although not to the point of being extremely bulky. And there was likely barely any fat on him. I wish I could look like that... instead all I have is a skeleton, not to mention covered in bruises and scars.

Caleb took his time as he dared to venture off the chair. Chris had clearly noticed him by then, but seemed to be waiting for Caleb to speak before saying anything. He inched up to the side of the kitchen counter, watching him with his gaze angled slightly downward before mumbling an apology.

"For what? There's no need for you to be sorry," Chris said, sparing Caleb a glance before it returned to the food on the stove to make sure it wouldn't accidentally burn while he was looking away. He stirred the rice and chicken a little bit more.

"I don't kn-know," Caleb admitted. He stared at the countertop for a moment before his eyes followed Chris's hands, which picked the pan up and off the heat, moving it onto a hot pad he had set out. Chris started dividing the food between two plates, but when he went to hand Caleb one of them, Caleb didn't take it. "N-not hungry," he lied. He was hungry, but it was normal for him. Besides, he for some reason felt like he didn't deserve the food. Chris had been so nice to him, but he couldn't answer simple questions...

"Your stomach is growling like there's no tomorrow. Caleb, don't lie to me. What's wrong?" Chris bent down to look up at Caleb's downturned face. Caleb just shook his head, trying to stare at his feet, but he couldn't keep from looking at Chris every few seconds. Chris took Caleb's chin in his hand gently, guiding it so they were looking each other in the eye. "Caleb. Please eat. I want you to eat something, ok?"

Caleb just sighed and grudgingly nodded as well as he could without pressing his jaw into his palm too much. Chris stood back up, handing him the plate once more, plus a fork. Caleb accepted both, trying to eat it slowly, but like the previous meals, he devoured the entire plate within only a matter of minutes. Neither of them even bothered to sit down, since the 'table' had been removed.

"Isn't that better?" Chris asked him as he took the empty plate to wash off with his own. Caleb nodded. He hadn't left a single piece of food on the plate. Once the plates and forks were dried and put away, Chris turned to him again. "I have to go to work tomorrow, so I'll probably be gone most of the day. I'll come back here to check on you if I can, though. Will you be ok?"

A few unneeded thoughts nagged at Caleb's mind, but nothing seemed important enough to worry about. "Yes, th-thank you."

Chris nodded, arms opening in a second offer. Caleb accepted it this time, walking into them and allowing his muscular arms to wrap around him softly, although he didn't hug back for several minutes. He eventually did, though. "Do you want me to hold you for a while?" Chris murmured against his head.


Chris began to move slowly toward the couch, with Caleb shuffling at the same pace until they both lowered into it. Caleb nuzzled a little against Chris, making himself comfortable with his warmth and arms just barely laying over him. With his head on his chest, listening to Chris's heartbeat, Caleb relaxed himself, letting sleep take over.

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