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Chris walked through the aisles of the pharmaceutical section of the mega store silently, searching for any medication that may help bruising. If it helped with pain, too, then all the better. He eventually narrowed it down to two: a squeezable lotion to rub on, which claimed to help tremendously and numb it as well, and a bottle of pills. Never having been one to believe much in pills, he decided on the lotion. If it didn't work, he could always come back.

He then started looking through all of the food sections. What kinds of food would he like? Chris found himself thinking as he scanned the shelves. He ended up just getting a few things he would have needed soon anyway, plus a little extra for the kid.

"Didn't expect you to call in sick, then be shopping," a voice said from behind him. Chris turned around, a smirk playing on his face. He would recognize the voice of the guy with light brown, nearly blond hair paired with dark brown eyes anywhere.

"Jason, what are you doing here on your day on the job? Besides, I'm on call," Chris returned, picking up one more item before walking in the general direction of the checkout all the way on the other side of the store. As he assumed he would, Jason followed him.

"Had to get a few things for the office," Jason explained, showing him a package of beef jerky and some peanut butter crackers that made Chris chuckle. The guy was always eating, and wouldn't let himself run out of snacks; somehow, though, he never gained any more weight than he already had. His metabolism made Chris jealous. "Still doesn't explain you. And what's this, hurt yourself again on the stairs half-asleep or something?" Jason picked out the tube of medication from the pile in Chris' basket to examine. Chris was normally too stubborn to use a cart, but he had decided it would be easier today than carrying everything himself as he usually did.

Chris snatched the tube right back out of Jason's hand, holding it rather than setting it back in the cart. "No, I did not."

"Then what's it for?" Jason pressured.

Sighing and knowing his best friend wouldn't give up until he gave an answer, he just spilled. "Found a kid in my sector of the forest. Don't know what happened to him, but he's in pretty bad shape. I'm keeping him at my apartment until he gets better."

"A kid, breaking through that tough wall of yours?"

"Oh shut up," Chris teased back, giving him a shove on his shoulder that made Jason laugh.

"Whatever, you better get back to your new kid, and I better get back to my job. Don't wanna fake sick like you," Jason said, sneaking in a shove of his own before disappearing into one of the checkout lines, leaving Chris to find one for himself.

He shoved the bags into his car, driving back to the apartment and letting his mind wander as he did so. Somehow, it always turned back to the kid. I hope he's alright. Of course he should be, there's nothing that can happen, he reassured himself. When he pulled into the parking spot just outside the apartment building, he hopped out and grabbed the bags from the back, going up the stairs to his third-floor apartment at a slightly hurried pace. He shifted all the bags to one muscular arm while he fished in his pocket for his key, then unlocked the door and pushed it open, nudging it closed behind himself.

He had expected - or hoped - to see Caleb in the living room or maybe the kitchen when he walked in, but as luck would have it, he wasn't in sight. Chris carried the bags until he set them down on the kitchen counter, then checked the two bedrooms. Nowhere. He wasn't in the bathroom either; the door was wide open. "Caleb?" He looked around as he called out for him, starting to get worried until he heard a barely audible shifting in the otherwise silent apartment.

Following the sound, he found himself looking into the small closet of the guest bedroom to see Caleb comfortably curled up, sound asleep. Why he was sleeping in the closet, he had no idea. At least the kid's getting some rest, though, he thought to himself with a minuscule shrug. He returned to the kitchen to put away everything he had bought. When all that was left was the medicine tube, he turned to see a sleepy Caleb standing in the doorway to the guest room. His hair is a mess, but it looks so cute- He stopped the thought before it could go further, but it was already there.

"Wh-what's that..?" Caleb asked quietly, clearly fighting back a yawn as he eyed the tube.

"It's a medication I found for your bruises. It should help pretty quickly. I'll put it on for you, but I'll need to see and touch wherever's bruised." Caleb froze at Chris's unspoken insinuation that he would have to take his clothes off. "I won't do anywhere uncomfortable for you, but at least let me get where your shirt is, and your legs if they hurt too." The statement seemed to both calm and upset Caleb, confusing Chris. What was the problem with removing his shirt? Not like it would show anything inappropriate. True, it would be a little awkward, but it would help and he would stop if he asked him to. "Please."

After several seconds of hesitation, Caleb finally managed a reply. "G-give me a m-minute," he muttered as he quickly retreated into the bathroom, shutting the door. Chris assumed it was to feel more comfortable undressing what he would, although there was a chance it could be to check or hide something as well. Chris waited patiently on a barstool in the kitchen until the door opened, and he couldn't help but stare.

Caleb was wearing only a pair of boxers, but unlike what he thought he probably would stare at, Chris stared at the now exposed skin. Most of what he could see was marred. There were bruises all over him, black and purple tones splattered across his otherwise pale skin. Scars were scattered everywhere, clearly from different injuries with different causes, although on the inner crease of his elbows and on his wrists there seemed to be disturbing cut marks, the most recent of which was still scabbing on his left wrist. Now that it wasn't covered, Chris could also easily see the protruding ribs along his chest. Now I see why he was so hesitant and uneasy, and why things seemed to hurt him so much... There's no other option for this that I can think of besides abuse, and whoever did this to him was ruthless.

After the first couple seconds of Chris's silent examination, Caleb had lowered his head, chin pressing against his collarbone as he stared at the floor between his feet, shifting his weight nervously every so often. He was clearly anxious and self-conscious about his injuries, and he appeared so ashamed that it seemed to hurt just to show them to him. Chris could even see a few droplets fall from his face.

Chris slid off the stool and walked over to him slowly, but when he lifted his hand to place it gently on Caleb's shoulder, the boy fidgeted, clearly forcing himself to not pull away, even though he still flinched with the contact. "I'm not going to hurt you, Caleb," Chris murmured quietly, gingerly setting his hand on him as his thumb traced over one of the scars running down his shoulder and onto his arm. Caleb refused to look up from the ground. Deciding it wouldn't be a good time at all to question him about it, he simply began to guide him toward his own room, medicine tube still in his other hand. "Come on, let's put some of this on." Caleb nodded, watching their feet as they moved.

Without even needing to ask him to, Caleb crawled onto the bed, laying down on his stomach so Chris would have to work on his back first. He did silently, squeezing the lotion onto his hands before gently gliding them over the damaged skin, adding more gradually until the entire surface had received a decent amount. When he carefully nudged Caleb to turn over, there was no response. His breathing had evened out. The relief must have felt so good, it put him to sleep... As carefully as he could, he slowly moved Caleb's body so he was laying on his back, then applied the lotion to his front side in the same manner. He then screwed the cap back on the tube, setting it on the nightstand. Before walking out, he pulled a thin blanket over the kid, enough to keep him warm while not being heavy on him at all. He halfway closed the door to give him some privacy as he left the room.

Poor kid. 

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