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"Cabirrrr here", Mukti shouted, tiptoeing, waving her hand vigorously in the air. Cabir turned to the sound of his name and spotted Mukti. He smiled and walked towards her, pushing his cart.

"Mukti" Cabir sang her name and let go of the cart as he opened his arms to hug her.

"OHG! Do you have any idea how long have I been waiting for you in this damn crowded airport with these?" she pointed towards her suitcases and glowered at him in annoyance, separating from the hug.

"How long?" He raised his left brow teasingly.

"That was rhetorical", She screeched, keeping her hands on her waist and looking him directly in the eyes.

"Okay! Okay! I get it, but it was not like I could have asked the pilot to fly any faster, now could I? Moreover, you should be thankful that I was the first one to show up." He smirked, and she let out an incredulous gasp.

"Fine, whatever" She dismissed the conversation.

"So now that you are done wailing, how have you been?" she turned and glared at him.

"Sorry correction, not wailing but scratching like a wild cat", that earned him a smack on his head.

"I really thought that in all these years you must have matured a little, but who was I expecting from" she gestured towards him "and to answer your question, I have been tired" She dropped her shoulders ", but I missed you guys. I have been so busy with seminars after seminars."

"Awwww, the cruel world has put so much pressure on our little Mukti. Not fair" he gave her a side hug teasing her just like old times. It was not like they were meeting each other after a very long time, it must have been nearly 15 days, but it was just how their friendship was. All of them had to see each other, or they would lose their sanity. They were sitting on the bench outside the arrival, waiting and catching up. Mukti was ranting about this fan she met who would not let her stay in peace when they saw Navya coming from the arrival gate with a five-year-old Abeer holding her hand. Mukti and Cabir stood up as Navya approached them.

"Mumaaaaa Cabir Mama and Mukti massi" Abeer jumped up and down, pointing towards them, evidently excited to see them after a while. Cabir came forward and picked Abeer in his arms, and twirled. Abeer smiled and kissed Cabir on the cheek and bent forward to do the same to Mukti. Navya hugged Mukti and side hugged Cabir.

"You guys don't know how excited this little one was to see all of you. I am tired of listening to his rant." Navya smiled

"Oh, he sure is. Right Aberr?" Cabir spoke in a babyish tone, and Abeer nodded frantically. Everybody giggled at that.

"How was your recording, Navya? I heard your label was trying something different." Mukti turned towards Navya.

"Yeah, we kinda want to record a rock-folk song. The folk part is done, but the rock part isn't. We are looking for someone. My label approached your manager, but all of you had a tight schedule," Navya explained.

"Oh, you did. The manager didn't tell me anything. Cabir, did he inform you about this offer" Mukti turned to Cabir, who was playing with Abeer.

"No, but considering we were packed for the entire month and did not have a formal meeting with him, it must have slipped ", Cabir answered casually.

"Our manager is anyways trying to rope you guys in, even if it means waiting for another month." Navya shrugged

"Oh, It will be so much fun" Mukti's eyes widened.

"Well, right now, my idea of fun is dying because it has been 30 minutes that I am at this airport like a stray", Cabir whined.

"Oh, Cabir, look, Dhruv and Alya are also exiting" Mukti pointed towards them. Alya noticed them from afar and waved at them. Dhruv and Alya walked towards them, holding hands.

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