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It was another lazy afternoon for Mukti. Her rehab session was over for the day and she was standing by her bike looking aimlessly at nothing specific wondering where to go next when her phone started to vibrate in her pocket. She jolted out of her trance and picked the phone, it was Navya. "Hey Navya, How are you?"

"I am fine but there is a surprise for you guys, would you mind coming? "asked Navya hesitantly. Mrs Dhawan had asked Navya to invite Mukti,Alya and Dhruv for dinner so that they could also meet Ranbir, she was very excited for all of them to meet him.

" Surprise?" Mukti speculated

"I don't know if it will be a surprise or a shock for you but I think you should come"

"What happened did you child mysteriously came out before time? " Mukti mocked

"Muktiiii Shut up, no , just come and ya please inform the others. Oh and also Aunty is cooking. Got to go, bye" Navya cut the call even before waiting for Mukti's response. Navya was terrified of their reaction, she did not know if they will feel bad or worse. Ranbir was nothing like Cabir, a complete opposite except that he was just as good a man as Cabir and he looked exactly like him, though Mrs Dhawan somehow knew the difference. It only took half a day for Navya and Ranbir to strike a bond considering Navya's chirpy nature and her heightened hormones that made her all the more friendly. Initially it was very difficult for her to look into his eyes as they reminded her of Cabir and she had to explain it to her heart over and over again that it was not him but Rabir understood the hesitance and he tried to make her as comfortable as possible. Mrs Dhawan had been dancing around the whole house and she could not stop working for she was smiling after so long. The air in the house seemed so much lighter, their hearts still ached brutally but a little happiness won't hurt much more than it already did. It was difficult to have Ranbir around but it was also comforting, he could never take Cabir's place but he could create his own.

On the other side, Mukti was bewildered, she could not understand what had happened to Navya but then she shrugged the thought thinking that her pregnancy and her hormones must have been responsible. She anyways was doing nothing so a dinner wouldn't be so bad, at least she had somewhere to go where she had her own people instead of a deserted house. She informed Alya and Dhruv about the dinner and took her bike to reach Mrs Dhawan's house.

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