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"Guys, the forms for Musicana are out", Cabir shouted as he entered the jam room. He was breathless as he had been running.

"Calm down, Cabir. Take this" Mukti passed him a bottle of water, and he took it.

"We should fill the form" Dhruv kept his guitar aside.

"Yeah, it will be a hat trick for us this year", Alya shouted, thrilled.

"Oh yes. Last year of college and our last win," Manik added

"Exactly, That is why I came running. Let's make it big this time," Cabir said.

"If we come to realise, then we just have a few months left at college", Mukti said, and all of them looked towards her as the realization hit them too.

"Then what?"

"We will perform as a band. We will make music, do concerts, we will tour across the country. We will be the biggest youth band in the country, and we will cut albums one after the other." Cabir stood up on a bench and gave his speech enthusiastically.

"Come down, Cabir. It's easy said than done. It's not about if we will be famous or not, it's about what we want to do. Is music the only sole thing we want to do in life?" Mukti asked, pulling him down.

"I think Mukti raised a valid point. I have wanted to talk to you guys about it. Dad wants me to contribute to the business, and I don't know what to do. For a fact, I know that I can never let music go for anything, but I don't want to upset dad as well."

'Wait, wait, wait, Manik, does that mean that you are thinking of joining the business?" Cabir asked, surprised.

"I don't think anything is wrong with that. I have been thinking about it too, and I would like to explore the fashion industry along with music," Alya said.

"But if we start thinking about other things, music will slip out of our hands." Cabir could not believe that his friends were thinking about anything else but music.

"Cabir, we are really young right now, and I think we should explore more. Music is always there and not like we are leaving it," Alya tried to explain to him.

"What do you think, Dhruv?" Manik asked him, wondering what thought was he lost in.

"I think I would like to dance again as well" Dhruv looked up to face everybody.

"But we are FAB5. We can't just leave music."

"Tch nobody is leaving FAB5. We are just going to invest a little time of ours in something other than music. Now when college is over, we should be able to explore ourselves. We will definitely continue with your very explicit plan." Mukti said

"We will work really hard to reach where we thought we want to see FAB5, but along with that, I think we can try other stuff too," Manik added.

"Okay, but I want you guys to promise that we will never compromise with music. FAB5 will always be our priority, and everything else will come after that."

"Of course" All of them came together and had a group hug.

"I hope we don't want to get late to fill that form and win it again."

"Yes", All of them hooted.

FAB5 went to the registration desk, filled the form and signed it.


Manik was leaning on his car in front of Nandini's college, waiting for her. He was busy talking to someone over the phone when Nandini was exiting the college with her acquaintances. He was casually leaning while he did not know the impact he had on Nandini and the people around him. He looked dapper in his business suit and his 5 o'clock shadow beard. She guessed that he had returned from the office and directly came to pick her up. She had warned him several times to not show up at her college and look sinfully hot. It becomes challenging for her to handle the gossips around the batch, but who was he to listen? He was Manik Malhotra, after all.

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