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Cabir, Navya and Alya reached Cabir's mom's house in Alya's car. In the car, they did not talk much as Cabir wanted to see everybody first and then tell everything and listen to everything. It was a short journey home; Alya had already called and told Mrs Dhawan that they had a surprise for her and Ranbir.

Mrs Dhawan answered the door on the second ring and found Cabir on the door. She turned back and saw Ranbir talking to someone on the phone to confirm if it was him. She looked back and front two times to confirm while Cabir, Alya and Navya waited patiently.

Then the realisation hit her. "Cabir ", She said softly.

"Mom", Cabir went and hugged her tightly. Tears started flowing from her eyes almost instantly.

"Oh my god, Cabir! How? When?"

"It's a very long story, mom. At least let me in first" Mrs Dhawan separated from the hug and hit Cabir playfully.

Once inside, Cabir tapped Ranbir's shoulder to grab his attention. Ranbir turned and dropped his phone, seeing Cabir with his eyes wide open. Cabir smiled and took him for a hug swinging on each side. Ranbir was astonished and could not say a word. He was elated that the brother he assumed to be dead was alive.

"Okay, Okay, I know you would have a lot of questions, but before that, let me tell you that Manik and I both were alive. I was badly injured, and Manik was in a coma." All of them gasped at that. "Now what happened and how it happened, I will tell you in a while. First, I need something to eat."

Mrs Dhawan went and got sandwiches for him as he recited the entire story to them. He also told them about Neel, and they were happy for him, especially Mrs Dhawan. She accepted the truth warmly. In the three months, she had realised that nothing was more important to her than her son; everything else was insignificant.

When Cabir was over, he asked what happened in Mumbai. Alya, Navya and Ranbir told him everything.

"Abeer. Where is he? ' Cabir asked when they reached the delivery part.

"He is sleeping," Mrs Dhawan told him.

"Can I see him?" Navya went inside the room to get him and gave him to Cabir. He could not remove his eyes from Abeer. While Abeer was sleeping in his arms, the other filled him in with further details.

After all of them were done with the history revisit, they decided that they need to party, but they wanted to wait for others to come back.

That night all of them stayed at Cabir's place, and Mrs Dhawan and Alya took care of all the arrangements. They spent the night teasing and playing with Abeer as he refused to sleep at night.

Alya had a word with Dhruv, and he confirmed that they would be a day late. Mrs Dhawan spent the entire day pampering Cabir as she was on cloud nine.

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