Chapter 40

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"When you close your eyes, tell me what are you dreaming, Everything I want to know it all, I'd spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more oh if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours and I might never get there but I am gonna try if it's 10,000 hours or the rest of my life I am gonna love you"
Justin's pov
I rolled over to the night stand and grabbed my phone and turned off my alarm and saw that it was five in the morning and our flight was at seven but we still had to go through security and all that so I got out of bed and walked over to Selena and kissed her lips and then her neck.
End of pov
Selena: (moans and opens her eyes and smiles) well good morning to you too
Justin: good morning beautiful
Selena: what time is it?
Justin: five, I am going to start getting the suitcase in the cars
Selena: okay I'll wake up Clare
Justin: okay (kisses her again and walks downstairs)
Clare's pov
I woke up to my mom lightly shaking me so I turned around and opened my eyes.
End of pov
Selena: good morning baby girl
Clare: morning mom (smiles)
Selena: are you ready to go to Rio?
Clare: yes!
Selena: haha okay let's get up and get ready?
Clare: how long is the flight?
Selena: fourteen hours but we are going on the jet so it shouldn't be that bad
Clare: okay (gets off the bed)
Clare's pov
I walked over to my room and opened my dresser and grabbed pink sweatpants from Victoria secret and a gray long sleeve shirt with sneakers, and walked downstairs to see mom was ready and Justin was putting the last suitcase in the trunk.
End of pov
Justin: ready to go?
Clare: yup
Justin: awesome let's go
(They all get in the car and Justin starts driving to the airport)
Clare's pov
The drive to this specific airport was an hour away because we were going on the jet and considering it was only five thirty I plugged my headphones into my phone, put them on and closed my eyes.
End of pov
Selena: I am so excited our first vacation as a family in months
Justin: I know and I already have so many things planned except today I think we should just chill at the hotel
Selena: yeah I think that's a good idea
Justin: so have you thought about when you want to tell Clare about you know what
Selena: not yet I think we should wait just a little bit
Justin: but we are telling her this week right?
Selena: yeah I am just worried about how she's going to react
Justin: I think she'll be excited
Selena: I hope so
(Justin grabs her hand and kisses it and continues driving)
An hour later
(Justin parks and Selena turns around and lightly shakes Clare)
Selena: we are here
Clare: okay
Clare's pov
We got out of the car and even though we were going on the jet we went through security and thankfully there's was still a Starbucks so we quickly got something to eat I got the caramel frappe and a butter croissant and then we boarded the plane. Justin was able to have WiFi so we got the laptop out and we started watching Disney plus and take a guess on what we watched, if you said wizards you would be right. I mean if I torture my dad and uncles by making them watch Jonas then I should do the same to my mom right? Even though wizards was so much more iconic... but don't tell them I said that.
End of POV
Scene change: a few hours later in LA
(Everyone in the Jonas house is awake and eating breakfast when Tina's phone vibrates)
Kevin: Tina you know the rules no phones when we are eating
Tina: can I just check who it is?
Kevin: you can check after
(Then Alena's phone vibrates)
Dani: check it after
Alena: fineee
Alena's pov
We all finished eating thirty minutes later and I looked at my phone and saw that Hayden was texting me.
End of pov
Text convo
Hayden: hey babe we are throwing a party later want me to pick you and your sister up?
Alena: yeah sure what time?
Hayden: the party's not till later but I'll pick you up in an hour so we can hang out
Alena: okay sounds good
Hayden: bye beautiful
Alena: bye 😘
End of text convo
Alena: hey dad is it okay if Tina and I hang out with Hayden and jack today?
Kevin: where at?
Alena: the mall
Kevin: I guess so your mom and I have to go furniture shopping anyway
Dani: are they picking you up?
Alena: yeah
Sophie: joe and I are going to spend some much needed alone time
Joe: that's right (wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her)
Tina: gross uncle joe get a room
Joe: trust me we will (Grabs her her hand)
Sophie: bye guys have a great day (follows joe out of the house)
Kevin: what about you and Demi?
Nick: demi and I actually have an appointment later
Dani: oh okay is everything okay?
Demi: yeah everything's fine
Dani: okay well kev and I are going to head out do you mind waiting for Alena and Tina to get picked up?
Nick: yeah our appointment isn't for two hours anyway
Kevin: okay perfect (looks at the girls) have fun and behave love you
Girls: love you too
(Kevin and Dani leave the house and the girls go upstairs)
Tina: nice cover up with the mall story
Alena: well I wasn't going to say party there's no way they would let us go
Tina: Clare's rubbing off on you, I like it
Alena: what can I say? I want to have my fun too but we need to find something to wear because our usual is not going to cut it
Tina: doesn't Clare have a a secret drawer in her closet?
Alena: good idea (they walk into Clare's room and open the drawer)
Tina: wow if nick found out she actually owns this she would be dead (pulls out a very black leather mini skirt)
Alena: I call it! (Takes the skirt) and I'll match it with this (takes out a pink tube top) and takes out a pair of heels)
Tina: I love that now I am think I am going to go with this (takes out an aquamarine tight mini dress with heels)
Alena: I love it now let's get our little bags and we'll put them in there so there's no suspicion
Tina: good idea
Alena's pov
We put the clothes in the bag and then we each went into the bathrooms and took showers, I decided to let my curls flow while Tina straightened and just as I was putting my outfit for the day there was a knock on the door.
End of pov
Tina: I got it!! (Runs downstairs and opens the door) hey Hayden
Hayden: hey Tina you guys ready?
Hayden: yeah Alena should be down in a minute
(A few seconds later Alena walks downstairs)
Alena: hey babe (kisses Hayden)
Hayden: hey cutie
Tina: we are leaving uncle kev and aunt Demi!
(Demi and nick walk out to the living room)
Nick: be home no later then eight got it
Alena: can it be nine?
Nick: do you want to make it seven?
Alena: eight's fine
Nick: good and I am sure your dad would have agreed to
Alena: alright bye guys love you
Demi: love you too
Nick: take care of my nieces Hayden
Hayden: I will sir bye
(They walk out of the house)
Hayden: jack's going to meet us at my house since I figured we could hang out there until the party starts
Tina: okay
(They get in Hayden's car and he starts driving)
Scene change
Clare's pov
It's now twelve and we have been on this plane for seven hours now it feels like it would be later then twelve but I guess that's because I have been awake since five. Mom and Justin fell asleep in the back of the plane and left me with the laptop and I was getting bored of watching Disney plus so I decided to log into my Instagram and I saw that hunter and Brandon followed me back! And Brandon was live so I clicked on the live stream and watched him try and pick out an outfit for this event in New York and hunter kept messing with him and then eventually the live stream ended so I decided to scroll through my posts and I noticed that I haven't posted in almost a month... I would post something now but then my family would see it and I am not supposed to be on social media yet. But I did scroll through the comments on the last pic and I saw most of the comments were recent some were "come back to social media I miss you!" "We miss your posts!" "I hope your doing okay after your panic attack" "she's such a baby hiding from the media" "she can't handle the pressure it's pathetic she shouldn't even be in the spotlight" "the fact that she had a panic attack shows how weak she is" "she should stay off for good" "it would be better for everyone if she just disappeared" "her boyfriend is actually hot what is he doing with a mental case like her" that was the last comment I read before I logged off and turned the computer off for good, I closed my eyes and took deep breathes and tried not to let the voices get to me but what if they were right about Ricky? We haven't talked in days, what if he realized that he doesn't love me anymore... I wish I could text him but I don't get service on me phone but as soon as we land in Rio I'll text him again, but for now I'll just close my eyes and go to sleep again so that's what I did.
End of POV
Scene change
Alena's pov
We got to Hayden's house and jack was already there so Tina walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him and they kissed it was very cute. We walked into the house and Hayden said his parents were out of town again so it was just us. Tina and Jack wanted to hang out downstairs and watch a movie but Hayden and I had another idea so we went up to his room and as soon as we were in his room he slammed me against his wall and started kissing me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me over to his bed and straddled me but I decided I wanted to have the upper hand so I flipped him over so I was on top and I started grinding on him.
End of POV
Hayden: don't tease
Alena: (smirks) why it's fun (Runs her hands under his shirt and Hayden sits up and pulls it off of him and takes Alena's shirt off)
Alena's pov
I still had the upper hand but I started kissing his chest and then his abs and my hands went to his jeans and I unzipped them and grinded on him, then gave him a smirk and got off and walked out of the room and downstairs.
End of POV
Hayden: your a tease you know that! I'll get you you back Alena
Alena: looking forward to it babe!
(A few minutes later Hayden joins them downstairs)
Alena: have fun?
Hayden: I am going to get you back for that babe (wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck) so what are we watching?
Tina: fifty shades
Alena: now that's a joke
Tina: no seriously
Jack: no we aren't if we were I would have had you pinned against the wall ages ago, we are watching jumanji
Hayden: cool
(Hayden and Alena go sit down on the couch and watch jumanji with them)
A few more hours later
Alena: so who's coming to the party?
Hayden: Valerie, Chloe, mike, Leo, Aaron, Jason, Carly, Sarah, Katie, and a few of our other friends that you haven't met Daniel, Jackson, David, harry, Liam and probably more from school
Tina: Ricky's not coming?
(Hayden and jack look at each other)
Hayden: oh yeah he's coming too
Alena: what time are they coming?
Hayden: in like an hour
Tina: can we get ready upstairs?
Hayden: yeah go for it
Alena: thanks babe (kisses him)
Alena's pov
We went upstairs and went into one of the rooms and did our makeup and then got dressed and walked downstairs where the boys were setting up the stereo, putting the food and drinks on the counter and clearing the living room so it can be the dance floor, we helped out and around six people started showing up, and the party was just about to start.
End of POV
Scene change
Clare's pov
We finally landed around 7 pm Cali time which meant it was 12 in Rio, so once we landed Justin already had a limo there so we all had to do was put the suitcases in the car and even though we ate on the plane it wasn't the best so we stopped at a McDonald's and ate in the car on the way to the hotel which was another hour drive so we didn't get to the hotel until 1 am and then Justin had to check in which took about twenty minutes but once we finally got to the suite we each took a shower and then fell asleep because this time difference was going to mess us up tomorrow if we didn't sleep.
End of pov
Scene change
Alena's pov
So it's about ten now and the music is blasting, people are drinking, I am with Hayden and we are grinding on each other and I may or may not have had a couple shots but oh well I am having fun!
End of POV
Tina's pov
Jack and I were in the kitchen taking body shots and when I felt his tongue on my stomach I couldn't help but feel turned on, I gasped and grabbed onto his hair and once he licked the vodka from my stomach he brought his lips to mine so that I could taste it, the crowd around us were cheering us on and telling Jake to get some, some people had their phones out and probably recording but I don't care. Jake picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me up the stairs and opened one of the bedroom doors.
End of pov
Jake: dude what the hell! Come on not in my bed
(Ricky stops kissing the blonde girl underneath him and sees Tina)
Tina: how could you Ricky?! My cousin loves you and you cheated on her
Ricky: this isn't what it looks like Tina I swear
Tina: really because it looks like your shirts on the floor and she's half naked under the covers (turns to Jake) your not going to say anything?
Jake: I mean this is Ricky we are talking about... he's not the kind of guy to have a long relationship
Tina: wait a minute are you saying that you knew about this and didn't tell me??
Jake: babe it's not my place to tell you, Ricky does what he wants and I do what I want too
Tina: wow I can't believe your okay with that, would you ever cheat on me if you just "felt" like it?
Jake: no of course not but I am not Ricky
Tina: no but your friends with him and you knew what he was doing and your okay with it (walks away and looks for Alena and finds her kissing hayden) Alena let's go I am over it
Alena: did something happen?
Tina: I'll tell you in the car, Hayden can you drop us off we are dead as it is we should have been home four hours ago
Hayden: uh yeah I guess I'll drop you off let's go
(They start walking out of the house but Ricky catches up to them)
Ricky: please Tina promise me you won't say anything to Clare
Tina: how could you ask me that? She deserves to know
Ricky: I know and I'll tell her myself when she gets back but please don't tell her while she's on vacation
Alena: wait what happened?
Tina: Ricky cheated on Clare
Alena: I was right about you the entire time, come on let's go
Ricky: Alena please don't tell her
Alena: I can't not tell her, do you know how betrayed she would feel if we knew and didn't tell her
Ricky: just wait till she gets back and I'll tell her
Tina: whatever let's go Alena
Alena: okay
(They follow Hayden out of the house and they get in his car and drive them home)
Alena: (looks at the phone) it's eleven and I have thirteen texts and ten missed calls
Tina: me too.. we are so dead
Alena: yup
Hayden: but it was worth it right babe?
Alena: totally (kisses him)
Tina's pov
We finally got to the house and Alena opened the door and we were hoping that we would just get to sneak upstairs but luck wasn't exactly on our side.
End of POV
Kevin: where the hell have you girls been!?
Joe: and dressed like that!
Alena: a party....
Kevin: with Hayden and Jake?
Tina: yeah...
Kevin: did you guys drink?
Alena: maybe a tiny bit
Nick: what's a tiny bit Alena?
Alena: I don't know maybe like five or six shots... give or take
Kevin: I can't believe you Alena, you just started to gain our trust back and then you go and do this
Joe: did you drink to Valentina?
Tina: maybe...
Nick: straight answer Valentina
Tina: six or seven I think
Kevin: unbelievable, go upstairs, change out of those clothes and we'll be up in a minute
Alena: okay
(They go upstairs and sit in the room)
Alena: so... are we going to tell Clare?
Tina: I don't know what if she relapses again or we ruin her vacation?
Alena: I know but what if she finds out that we knew she might never forgive us
Tina: I know but if we tell her over the phone it'll be even worse
Alena: so you think we shouldn't tell her?
Tina: not yet I think we should tell her when she gets back
Alena: I guess...
(Then their door opens and nick and Kevin walk inside the room)
Nick: Valentina what did I tell you was going to happen if I found out you drank again?
Tina: (mumbles) that you were going to spank me with the belt
Nick: what was that? I didn't hear you
Tina: that you would spank me
Nick: that's right now come here
Kevin: Alena you broke curfew which also broke our trust again and you drank so what do you think your punishment should be?
Alena: grounded?
Kevin: oh the both of you are definitely grounded but what else do you deserve?
Alena: a spanking (mumbles)
Kevin: speak up Alena Jonas
Alena: a spanking
Kevin: good now get over here
(The girls go over to nick who's sitting in one bed and Kevin who's sitting on the other and they pull them over their laps)
Nick: I am going to start now (takes his belt off)
Tina: okay
Tina: (crying) I am sorry I promise I won't drink again uncle Nicky
Nick: five more
SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK (nick pulls Tina up from his lap and starts comforting her)
Kevin: alright Alena I am going to start now
Alena: okay dad
(Kevin pulls up a sobbing Alena and comforts her)
Alena: I I am s s sorry d d daddy that I b broke your t rust and I I am s s sorry I drank
Kevin: I forgive you Alena but I am tired of being in the same situation over and over again this will not happen again am I clear? And you girls are grounded until school starts and you will not be allowed to see Hayden and Jake until you prove to me that your responsible to even have boyfriends understood
Alena: but dad that's not fair! I like being with Hayden
Tina: so do i, i don't want to say bye to Jake!
Nick: I am sorry are you girls actually raising your voices after just getting punished? Do we need to teach you a lesson on respect too?
Alena: (lowers her voice) no sir
Kevin: good now get to bed it's late
(Kevin and nick kisses them goodnight and they walk out of the room, nick goes into Demi's room and Kevin goes into Dani's room)
Dani: are the girls in bed?
Kevin: yeah
Dani: do you think moving here is a good idea? I know we already bought the house but look at the girls I have never seen them be this rebellious
Kevin: well that's because we lived in jersey and there wasn't a lot of trouble they could get into, and I know that LA is going to be different but we also agreed it's time for a new chapter
Dani: I know I am just worried that they are going to get caught up in the lime light
Kevin: we won't let that happen (kisses her)
Dani: okay if you say so
Kevin: I do and you know what else I say
Dani: what?
Kevin: I say we have a little fun and maybe start thinking about another baby (kisses her neck, then her lips, then her stomach)
Dani: well what are you waiting for (takes his shirt off and that's how they end their night)

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