Chapter 28

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"They come, they go but they don't know that you are my beautiful, I try to come closer with you but they all say we won't make it through"
Clare's pov
I groaned and got off my bed and walked over to my dad's phone and turned off the alarm and yes please be mine is his new alarm I don't know why and I didn't ask, I turned it off and walked back over to my bed and curled under the covers and tried to go back to sleep.
End of pov
Nick: nice try time to get up (opens his eyes)
Clare: were you awake the whole time?
Nick: yeah
Clare: then why didn't you turn the alarm off?
Nick: because I knew eventually you would get out of bed and do it
Clare: it woke me up (whines)
Nick: that's the point
(Demi mumbles with her eyes closed)
Demi: what time is it?
Nick: nine thirty
Clare: ugh it's too early (pulls covers over her head)
Nick: no no don't go back to sleep we have a photo shoot at eleven, meet and greet at two, sound check at four, and the concert at seven
Clare: (groans) finee I'll get up (takes the sheets off her head)
Demi: I am going to go shower (gets off the bed)
Nick: I am going to go next door to wake up everyone else, start getting ready
Clare: okayyy
(Nick gets off the bed and leaves the room and Clare walks over to her suitcase)
Clare's pov
What to wear, what to wear after debating for five minutes I decided to wear floral button front tie top with a jean skirt and some flats and since dad was out of the room and Demi was in the shower I decided to just change really quick and let my curls free. Five minutes later dad walked back into the room.
End of pov
Nick: we are going to wait for demi to get out of the shower and then go next door to have breakfast
Clare: okay
Clare's POV
Since I was already dressed I just sat back down on the bed and grabbed my phone and posted some of the pics that we took yesterday in front of the colosseum and some of the footage from the play and not even a minute later the comments started coming in some were saying "we love you Clare" "we miss the rebel clare" "bring rebel clare she was cooler" "Clare's not as edgy as she used to be" "she's a fake one minute she's Hollywood's princess the next she's smoking a joint" "Alena is the smart one like Kevin, Valentina's funny like joe but Clare is nothing like nick or Selena" "Clare had to have been adopted she's nothing like the rest of the family" "she looks like she's gaining weight, she should lose a few pounds" "I agree but she'll never be as pretty as her mom or as successful as her dad" "they must be so disappointed in her" I stopped reading the comments and I didn't realize I had tears coming down my cheeks until I saw a drop fall onto my phone.
End of pov
Nick: baby girl are you okay?
(Clare quickly wipes her eyes)
Clare: yeah I am fine my eyes are just irritated
Nick: are you sure? You were looking at your phone and tears started coming down
Clare: daddy I am fine I promise
(Demi walks out of the bathroom dressed)
Demi: your turn babe
Nick: okay you can go next door Kev ordered room service, I'll meet you there when I am ready
Demi: okay (pecks him on the lips) ready Clare?
Clare: yeah (gets off the bed and grabs her purse)
Demi: okay let's go
(They leave the room and walk next door)
Joe: morning dems, morning Cutie (hugs Demi and Clare)
Clare: morning uncle joe, morning everyone
Them: morning
(Joe looks at Clare and sees her cheeks are a little puffy)
Joe: are you okay Clare your face looks a little swollen?
Clare: yeah uncle joe I am good
Kevin: good because I got you chocolate chip pancakes with bacon
Clare: thanks uncle Kevin but I think I am going to just settle for that bowl of strawberries next to the pancakes (walks over to the food and grabs the strawberries)
Alena: are you sure?
Clare: yeah
Demi: you can't just eat strawberries at least have one pancakes too
Clare: I really don't want to please don't make me
Demi: I won't but your father will
(Nick walks into the room dressed)
Tina: speak of him and he arrives
Alena: like the genie
Tina: I was thinking more Voldemort but genie works too (laughs)
Dani: Tina that's rude! Apologize
Tina: I was only kidding
Nick: don't worry kid I know
Demi: so Clare are you going to have a pancake or not?
(Clare glares at demi but takes a pancake off the plate)
Demi: don't look at me like that or I will tell your dad
Nick: tell me what?
Clare: nothing it's fine, see I am eating (takes a bite of the pancake)
Demi: thank you
Clare's pov
I love demi but in this moment I don't like her, I didn't want to eat the stupid pancake there's to many calories in it and I don't need to gain anymore weight, and now I won't even be able to go to the bathroom because there's too many people in the room but maybe when we get to the studio where the photo shoot is going to be, I would have to go while Alena and Tina are doing their pictures though so they don't follow me again. Thirty minutes later everyone was done eating and we piled into the car and started driving to the studio. I had my headphones plugged in and I was listening to bad bunny when my phone vibrated so and I saw that Ethan texted me in the chat.
End of POV
Group chat (Dolan twins)
Ethan: hey Clare!
Clare: hey how are you guys?
Grayson: good we haven't talked in a couple days so we wanted to check in and say what's up
Clare: not much I am in Verona right now
Ethan: cool! Gray and I want to go there eventually we have fans that have asked us to go so we are thinking about
Clare: you should it's beautiful
Grayson: we are definitely thinking of planning it, anyways we have to go because we are about to shoot our next video but let us know when your in Cali, so we can hang out!
Clare: I go back to Cali tomorrow!
Ethan: awesome let's do something Tuesday
Clare: okay sounds good!
End of group chat
Kevin: we are here (parks in front of the studio)
Joe: I see paparazzi by the doors
Nick: you girls remember the rules?
Alena: don't say anything and stay by you guys
Joe: that's right now let's go
(They get out of the car and walk towards the building and lights start flashing them)
Paparazzi 1: Clare any comment on the boy from the US!
Paparazzi 2: Alena, Tina did your cousin make you go out with her in Miami!?
Paparazzi 3: nick how do you and Selena feel about your fifteen year old daughter having a girlfriend?!
Paparazzi 4: joe, Sophie are you guys going to have any kids soon?
Paparazzi 5: are you already pregnant Sophie?
(They ignore the paparazzi and walk inside the building)
?: we are so sorry about that we have tried to get authorities to come and remove them them but technically since they aren't on the property we can't
Kevin: it's okay don't worry about it...
?: my names felicity and I am going to be helping you guys out with the photo shoots today along with my assistant James and our photographer Micheal
Joe: it's nice to meet you guys
James: you too
Felicity: alright so I will handle the girls, James will be with you guys and let's have joe and let's get you guys ready
Nick: okay sounds good
Clare's pov
We got taken into the dressing room and they basically dressed us up in these ridiculous outfits, Alena, Tina and I had to wear a corset and we don't even wear corsets and that was very tight just saying. Joe and Sophie went first and they did ten pictures, then they had dad, demi and I go and do ten pictures and then uncle Kevin and his family went to do their ten pictures and I took that as my opportunity to go use the bathroom because dad was in the dressing room getting ready for the next set of pictures and felicity was giving demi her outfit.
End of POV
Clare: felicity where's the bathroom?
Felicity: you leave the dressing room, go straight and it's on your left
Clare: okay thanks, I'll be back demi
Demi: do you want me to go with you?
Clare: no I am fine, I'll be back in five
Demi: okay take your phone just in case you need to call me
Clare: okay I will (opens the door and leaves the dressing room)
Clare's pov
I went in the direction felicity told me too and sure enough there's a bathroom so I opened it and I made sure it was completely empty and locked then door and went over to one of the stalls and just stuck my finger in my mouth and disposed of the horrible calorie filled pancake along with the strawberries. A minute later I was done but I felt a little dizzy so I sat down until my vision cleared and walked over to the sink and opened my mouth, my throat was all red and irritated, my face looked even puffier than this morning so I turned the sink on and just wet my face and rinsed my mouth and popped a piece of gum inside my mouth and walked back to the dressing room.
End of pov
Felicity: alright now that Demi's done let's get you ready dear
Clare: okay
(Felicity dresses Clare and then the entire family take ten pictures with different poses, each niece with a different uncle, then the wives together and they finish the photo shoot at one)
Michael: okay so what we like to do next is just have everyone look at the pictures and you can give us the approval of which ones to use for our cover story
Nick: okay
(Felicity puts the pictures on the screen and flips through them)
James: so just say yes or no okay?
Jonas family: okay
Clare's pov
Every single picture I was looking at myself and this little voice in the back of my head just kept saying your face is swollen, your stomach is fat, your hair is ugly, your arms and legs are too fat, your face isn't even pretty but of course I could tell them no for every single picture so I just said yes like Alena and Tina who looked flawless next to me. Ten minutes later we finished approving the pictures and said bye to felicity, Michael and James and then headed back to the car while paparazzi kept flashing lights at us until we were back in the car.
End of POV
Joe: okay so it's off to the meet and greet right?
Nick: yeah and I got told the security guards are going to meet us out front and escort us to the booths and from there the meet and greet will start
Joe: okay sounds good
(Joe starts driving)
Tina: are you okay Clare, you have been quiet today
Clare: yeah I am fine I guess I am just tired
Alena: you can take a nap if you want, I'll wake you up when we get there plus you'll need the energy
Clare: your right I think I am just going to get some sleep (plugs in her headphones and lays her head against the window with her eyes closed)
Tina: does she seem okay to you?
Alena: not really but she won't tell us anything
Tina: do you think we should tell nick and Demi about what happened the other day?
Alena: I don't know i mean she ate breakfast yesterday and this morning so maybe we don't have to
Tina: but what is something's actually wrong with her
Alena: I don't Tina she could just be tired
Tina: and if it's more then just tiredness
Alena: then she'll tell us (mumbles) I hope
Dani: what are you girls scheming back there (looks behind her shoulder)
Tina: scheming? What are we? Five
Kevin: you girls have been scheming since you could walk
Alena: no that's Clare and she's passed out
Demi: (looks over her shoulder) really?
Tina: yeah I told her we would wake her up when we get there
Demi: yeah but she slept last night, right babe?
Nick: I am pretty sure she did, I didn't hear any tossing and turning
Alena: maybe the photo shoot drained her energy
Demi: maybe (looks over at nick)
Nick: (looks at Clare with a worried face and then back at demi) when we get to Cali I am taking her to the doctor
Demi: I think that's a good idea
A few minutes of driving later
(Alena lightly shakes Clare)
Clare: hmm (opens her eyes)
Alena: we are here
Clare: okay (stretches her arms)
Tina: how did you sleep?
Clare: as fine as someone can in the car
Nick: are you feeling okay?
Clare: yeah, can you please stop hovering over me you and Demi have been doing it all day
Nick: we are only doing it because we care
Clare: I know but lighten up just a little bit
Nick: okay come on let's go
Clare's POV
We got out of the car and I stumbled just a little bit but I don't think any one noticed. The security guards met up with us and we started walking to the building where the meet and greet was going to be held and along the way there were more paparazzi taking pictures and flashing lights at us, that's probably what's bothering me today those lights are incredibly annoying. A few minutes later we were inside and they were setting up the booths they decided it was going to be Kevin, joe and nick in one, Sophie, demi and Dani in the second and us girls in the third and they were going to have one line so each fan can come and take a picture with each of us and get something signed, my signature is pretty simple it's a just CJG for Clare Jonas Gomez, Alena's is AJ and Valentina is VJ. Once we were all settled the security guards started letting fans through and I knew this was going to be a long two hours which will either go good or bad, we'll just have to see.
End of pov
Alena: (smiles) hi how are you today
?: I am amazing, I can't believe I am meeting you guys!
Tina: aww your so sweet, what's your name?
?: aurora
Clare: like sleeping beauty
Aurora: exactly!
Alena: well let's take a picture and We'll sign whatever you want us to
Aurora: okay!
(They take the picture and sign her Jonas brother book and she moves onto the next table and the next fan comes up)
Tina: hi what's your name (smiles)
: Greta
Alena: that's a really cool name sounds like Hansel and Gretal
Greta: haha yeah people say that a lot
Clare: so be honest who's your favorite Jonas brother?
Greta: haha I love all of them
Alena: but if you had to pick one who would you choose?
Greta: (blushes) joe
Tina: good choice
(They take the picture with Greta and move onto the next fan)
Clare: hey girl what's up!
?: hi I am Alice and I am a huge fan!
Tina: we are getting a lot of story book names it's really cool
Alice: yeah that's a popular thing here in Italy
Alena: it's cool
Alice: what's been your favorite part so far?
Clare: we got to go watch Romeo and Juliet yesterday which was really cool
Alice: I love Romeo and Juliet
Tina: us too now let's take a picture
Alice: okay!
(They take the picture with Alice)
Clare's pov
This process went off for ten more times and we weren't even halfway done with the fans but this next fan came up and I just got this gut feeling that this was about to get messy.
End of pov
Alena: hi! What's your name?
?: I am Nicole and I love you guys!
Tina: aw thanks we love you too, would you like a picture?
Nicole: sure, but can I get one with each of you?
Tina: sure
(Alena gets up and poses with Nicole, then Tina and then Clare)
Clare's pov
I got up and stood next to her and as she held the phone out to me she whispered in my ear "pretend to smile at the camera while I tell you how fat, worthless and a disappointment to your whole family is, your always going to be your parents mistake" now I don't know if it was what she said that triggered me to do this or the fact that I was already at my boiling point and she just tipped me over the edge but the next thing I know is I slap her, she slaps me back and pulls my hair so I tackle her to the ground and we start having a full fight on the floor, I punched her in the stomach and then I see the fans take out their cameras and the security guards are walking over to us and trying to pull us off each other but it wasn't working and we kept punching each other and it wasn't until I realized what I was doing until I heard my dad yell.
End of pov
(Clare and Nicole stop long enough for the security guards to grab them and another one to call the meet and greet to an end)
Clare's pov
Shit shit shit what did i just do? Oh my god my dad's going to kill me and so are my uncles. A few minutes later the boys apologized for what happened but the security was still ending the meet and greet so we got escorted back to the car and everyone was quiet. Demi, aunt Sophie and Aunt Dani were speechless, Alena and Tina looked shocked and the boys well you know those cartoons when a character gets so mad that their head explodes well they look something like that. Uncle Kevin had to start driving to the venue of the concert because it was already three thirty. We got to the venue and dad just looked at me and held his hand out and I knew that meant to give him my phone so I did.
End of pov
Nick: you better be on your best behavior the rest of the or so help me Clare I am going to make sure you can't even sit on the plane tomorrow, do you understand!
Clare: yes sir
Nick: good now let's go inside
Clare's pov
They did sound check and later on was the concert and if I am being honest I never wanted the concert to end because I knew what was going to happen when we got to the hotel and I was dreading it. The concert finished and we were back at the hotel by ten.
End of POV
Kevin: girls I think the restaurant downstairs is still open if you want to go have dinner
Dani: okay I'll get you something too
Sophie: joe you want anything?
Joe: yeah a Burger with fries
Sophie: okay
Demi: I know what you want nick and I'll bring mac and cheese for Clare
Nick: thanks babe
Demi: don't go to hard on her (pecks him on the lips and the rest of the girls leave)
Clare: I suppose sorry isn't going to magically make it go away
Nick: what do you think?
Clare: yes (says hopeful)
Joe: you got in a fight with a fan at at a meet and greet in front of thousands of people and you think sorry is going to fix it!!!
Nick: you not only embarrassed yourself by doing that but you embarrassed me, joe and Kevin
Kevin: not to mention the fans are going to post that fight all over the internet now, how do you think that makes us look?
Clare: did you ever stop and as yourself why i did it? What did she do to cause the fight? All I am hearing is how I embarrassed your image but not once have you asked what actually happened!!
Nick: fine what happened?
Clare: she was saying really rude things and she took it too far
Joe: there's always going to be people that are going to say stuff, that doesn't give you the right to get in a fight!!!
Nick: joe's right Clare whatever she said you were the one that hit her first and you know violence is never the answer and because you got in a fight at OUR event your getting punished by me, joe and Kevin
Clare: but that's too much dad!
Nick: you should have thought about that before getting into a fight now get over my lap
Clare: that's not fair I was defending myself!
Joe: who threw the first hit?
Clare: me but
Kevin: she might have instigated it but you were the one that threw the first hit
Clare: but
Nick: no buts now get over my lap
Clare: daddy please
Nick: Now Clare!!
Clare: ugh fine (walks over and lays over his lap)
Nick: we are giving you ten each
Clare: but that's thirty!!
Nick: I know maybe this will show you not to get in another fight
Clare: I am sorry (tears in her eyes)
Joe: I know you and your not sorry yet, your saying that to try and get out of it and it's not going to work, now get over my lap
Clare: uncle Joey don't make me
Joe: now Clare or I am going to include more
Clare: ugh fine
(Joe starts)
Clare: (crying) uncle Kevin please don't I won't get in another fight again
Kevin: I know you won't baby but I am going to make sure you don't over my lap and if you try to fight me I'll add more
Clare: okay (lays over his lap and he starts)
(Kevin let's her up and she's crying on his shoulder and he's hugging her)
Kevin: shh shh shh it's okay (rubs her back)
Clare: (crying) I am sorry
Joe: it's okay (runs his hands through her hair)
Clare: it won't happen again
(Looks at nick and he holds his arms out for her so she climbs off Kevin and goes to nick)
Nick: I love you baby girl (kisses her forehead)
Clare: I love you too (wipes her eyes)
Clare's pov
After that the boys stayed in the room and we waited for the girls to come back and thirty minutes later they did so we each said goodnight, demi gave me the Mac and cheese which I ate and later disposed of when I went to take a shower and then changed into my pajamas and walked over to nick and Demi's bed.
End of POV
Clare: can I cuddle with you guys guys tonight?
Demi: (smiles) of course you can
Nick: come here (picks her up and puts her in the middle of them)
Clare: I love you guys
Nick: we love you too now get some sleep
Clare: okay
(Nick turns the lights off and they all go to sleep because they have a long flight back to California tomorrow)

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