Chapter 8

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(The alarm goes off and Demi turns it off and looks at nick and kisses him)
Nick: (smiles and kisses her back and opens his eyes) good morning
Demi: morning babe how did you sleep?
Nick: I slept great how about you?
Demi: me too these sheets are so comfortable
Nick: I wish we could just stay under the covers and not get up
Demi: me too but we have a big day ahead
Nick: I know but one more kiss before we get up
Demi: okay (kisses him)
Clare's pov
I woke up hearing my dad and Demi be all lovey with each other and I decided to let them have their moment before I "woke" up but then I heard them kiss again and I decided to open my eyes and say something before they try and go any further.
End of pov
Clare: you guys just can't keep your hands off each other, should I go to uncle Kevin's room and let you guys have morning sex
(Demi blushes and puts her head in nick's chest)
Nick: good morning to you too Clare how did you sleep?
Clare: the Better question is how did you two sleep? You didn't do anything when I knocked out did you
Demi: Clare we would never do that in front of you! (Throws a pillow a her) don't take it so far
Clare: (laughing and catches the pillow) haha okay okay
Nick: (turns over and grabs his phone) alright it's nine thirty time to get up
Clare: do we have too
Nick: yeah we have to be at the radio station in an hour and we still need to have breakfast
Demi: and you need to check your blood sugar
Nick: I'll do that now
Clare: okay let me get dressed and then you guys can do your thing, also dad can I have my phone to call mom since I haven't talked to her in a couple days?
Nick: yeah it's in my bad in the front zipper
Clare: okay thanks (gets out of bed and grabs her clothes and phone and walks into the bathroom)
Clare's pov
Once I was in the bathroom I put on a red halter top with white skinny jeans and some black sandals that had a little heel on them, and since we are going to an interview I decided that I would just touch up the curls again and I put a little more makeup on then usual and I was ready but before I walked out of the bathroom I decided to call my mom.
End of pov
Phone convo
?: hey Clare how are you?
Clare: hey Justin I am good I just wanted to call you guys since I haven't talked to you in a while
Justin: yeah your mom's not too happy about that but she understands your busy
Clare: good is she around?
Justin: she's actually recording right now, can I tell her to call you after?
Clare: sure... I miss you guys
Justin: we miss you too, are you having fun with nick?
Clare: yeah we are in New York today and on Wednesday we are flying to Miami
Justin: awesome we'll have fun and I'll tell sel that you called
Clare: okay thanks love you
Justin: love you too
End of phone convo
(Clare walks out of the bathroom where Demi and nick were already dressed)
Clare: hey daddy I was wondering...
Nick: wondering what?
Clare: if I could have my phone back pleaseeee
Nick: you think because you didn't get in trouble yesterday that you can have your phone back?
Clare: pretty please with a cherry on top
Nick: cute but I'll make you a deal you behave today and I'll think about giving you your phone back tomorrow
Clare: (pouts but hands him her phone) fine
Demi: alright let's go next door
(They leave their room and head over to Kevin's room where joe and Sophia are ready)
Kevin: great everyone's ready and I just called the front desk so they could get the car
Joe: great let's head downstairs
(They all leave the room and head down to the lobby)
Alena: so what did you do last night when you got back to the room?
Clare: well I would have watched a little bit of Netflix but I still don't have my phone back
Tina: that sucks when do you think you'll get it back?
Clare: dad says maybe tomorrow it depends on what happens today
Alena: well that doesn't sound so bad, you stayed out of trouble yesterday so you can do the same today
Clare: we'll see trouble seems to find me
Dani: girls the car is here let's go we need to stop at Starbucks first to get breakfast
Girls: okay
Clare's pov
We got to Starbucks and it literally took thirty minutes just for them to get all of our stuff since we are such a big group and then headed to the radio station where we met the host Michelle and she got us all situated until we went on air.
End of pov
Michelle: good morning New York City! I am your host this morning along with my co host Eric
Eric: what's up everyone! It's a beautiful day here and you know what makes this morning even more special Michelle
Michelle: let me guess we have the whole Jonas family in the studio today
Eric: that's right we have joe and his wife Sofia, Kevin and Danielle with their girls Alena and Valentina and nick and demi with their daughter Clare!! How's everyone this morning
Kevin: we are doing great how are you?
Michelle: we are great and we are so excited that your here especially since this is Alena and Valentina's first interview is that right?
Alena: this is our first radio interview but we have done a couple tv shows and red carpets
Eric: that's right and Clare I think the last time we saw you, you were with Justin and Selena and you were thirteen is that right?
Clare: yeah and I am fifteen now but I have never met Michelle so you must be new
Michelle: new ish but it's such an honor to be able to have everyone, why don't you tell us a little bit about what's going on?
Nick: well my brothers and I are on tour and since it's summer we thought it would be great to have the whole family together
Michelle: that's awesome, are you girls excited to be on tour?
Valentina: yeah I was a baby the last time I came on tour with my dad and even though I have seen him play concerts it'll be cool to see different places
Alena: yeah plus getting to be together is the best part
Clare: yeah I agree
Michelle: that's good, now Clare you have been in the tabloids a lot lately and you haven't really said anything about it so would you like to say something about the incidents that happened
Clare: (says with attitude) you know Michelle I think it's one of those things that I am just going to say that it wasn't the smartest decision but I am a teenager and I am going to experiment and I would like to have done it without the cameras being around
Michelle: and what about the mystery boy?
Clare: what about him? He's just a guy that I wanted to make out with like any other teenage girl, any more questions your honor
Nick: Clare! That's enough
Clare: why because we are on air and everyone else can hear what I am saying
Kevin: think wisely about what your going to say next because you are making a fool of yourself
Clare: you know what I am done (takes the headphones off and walks out of the studio)
Dani: give us one minute I am so sorry about that (takes off the headphones and she along with Demi and Sofia walk out of the studio)
Joe: teenagers am I right
Eric: haha I have three of them and they aren't easy that's for sure
Nick: tell me about it
Scene change
Demi: Clare Marie Jonas get back here!
Clare: why are you guys following me?
Dani: because you just ran out of an interview! What were you thinking
Clare: what was she thinking asking me those questions! She had no right to ask me about the tabloids
Sofia: I hate to break it to you but paparazzi caught you and it's public so people are going to ask you about it and you have to deal with it
Clare: no she asked me that question just to spite me, it's obvious I was kissing Ricky and it was obvious I was smoking weed it's in the pictures so why ask about it!
Dani: because she probably wanted to give you a chance to defend yourself
Clare: yeah right you know how these radio people are, they want to get a rise out of someone and they accomplished
Sofia: if you knew that's what she wanted then why do it?
Clare: (stays quiet for a minute) I don't know she just pissed me off
Demi: well your dad's not going to like that answer
Clare: (calmed down) he's probably super pissed right now
Demi: yeah and I am too
Sofia: why don't you guys go back and finish the interview and i'kk stay with Clare
Demi: okay
Dani: alright
(Demi and Sofia walk back inside and Clare sits on the step outside)
Clare: I don't know what happened she just made me so mad because I knew she did it just to get a rise from me
Sofia: sweetie these people are always going to try and get a rise from you, there going to say things that are going to annoy you and make you want to slap them
Clare: (laughing) see you get it
Sofia: but that doesn't mean I act on it, if I did that my career would be down the drain if I let myself show how upset I get
Clare: so what do you do?
Sofia: you answer the question as politely as you can and then when your in a car or at home you can rant all you want
Clare: I bet uncle joe has gotten used to that
Sofia: oh trust me he's had an earful
(A few minutes later everyone comes out of the studio and they get in the van)
Nick: your mother called while we were in the studio (hands her the phone) call her back and don't think for a minute your off the hook
Clare: okay (takes the phone and calls Selena)
Phone convo
Selena: Clare Marie Jonas!
Clare: are you mad because I didn't call you or do you have physic powers and know that I am in trouble
Selena: what do you think?
Clare: I think it's the second one but I want to say the first so I am going to say the first reason
Selena: you know it's your mouth that gets you into trouble
Clare: so you did hear me on the radio
Selena: of course we heard you! We were driving home when Justin turned the station on and what do you know I find my daughter yelling at the host
Clare: did you hear the entire conversation?
Selena: no and I don't have to know what the conversation was, do you realize that you just got in trouble in front of the public and you go and do it again! What were you thinking?
Clare: I wasn't thinking, she just got me so mad and I said the first thing that popped into my head
Selena: well you can't do that, you need to think about what your going to say before you say it I shouldn't have to tell you this!
Clare: your right I am sorry
Selena: (sighs) it's okay besides I am sure your father is going to give you an earful
Clare: and uncle joe and uncle Kevin
Selena: good, but let's move on other then today have you been having fun?
Clare: yeah we walked around Times Square last night and I managed to not get in trouble but I guess I broke that streak now
Selena: it's okay your a teenager but that's not an excuse to not think before you say something
Clare: I know, I love you and I am sorry
Selena: I love you too, call me tomorrow okay?
Clare: okay byee
Selena: bye honey
End of convo
(Clare hands her phone back to nick and the rest of the car ride is silent till they get to the venue)
Nick: come on let's go talk in the dressing room
Clare: I really don't want too can't you just wait till we get back to the hotel
Nick: okay I'll give you a choice either you deal with it now and it won't be that bad or you wait till the hotel and it'll be worse
Clare: I'll take my chances at the hotel
Nick: okay fine suit yourself, let's go to sound check then guys
(Joe, nick and Kevin walk off)
Alena: you should have just done it in the dressing room now it's going to be worse for you
Clare: I don't care, I don't want to risk one of the management team walking inside
Tina: so your embarrassed?
Clare: duh
Dani: well you should be, but not because of the punishment but because you yelled at a host in front of the entire public that was probably listening
Clare: yeah... I really should think before I speak
Demi: I think that's a good idea, now I am going to go join the boys because I am getting on stage tonight too
Tina: awesome! Can we go watch?
Demi: sure let's go
Clare's pov
We watched the sound check and then it was time for the concert which was incredible to say the least. I love watching my dad and uncles doing what they love up there and these are moments to really appreciate the fans because they are at a concert and it's for them. We aren't trying to have family time or out eating, it's time to actually pay attention to the fans and I am okay with that. The concert ended and it was time for the meet and greet where they came backstage and we took more pictures and signed some stuff and things were going really well but I needed to use the restroom so I stepped away and these girls started following me and they were wearing a top that could be a bra and a skirt that barely covered anything but I am not judging because I would wear it too but their makeup was a little to much for my liking.
End of pov
?: hi I am Elizabeth and this is Zoey and we just wanted to tell you that you don't deserve to call yourself a Jonas daughter
Zoey: I bet nick is embarrassed that your his kid, I mean the way you dress and the way you act your the disappointment in the family
Elizabeth: and the slut (slaps her across the face)
Clare: you did not just hit me
Elizabeth: she did so what are you going to do about it
(Clare takes a deep breath)
Clare: nothing but I am going to walk away and you better get the hell out of this venue because if I see you again, I will beat your ass
Zoey: (smirks) you wouldn't because you know it would be all over E and TMZ and you would just dig a deeper hole and everyone will know you wouldn't just be the rebel but you would be crazy too (punches her in the stomach)
(Clare gasps from the pain but stands up and slaps both of them in the face and walks out of the bathroom and back to her family where the meet and greet was ending)
Tina: is everything okay?
Clare: yeah why?
Alena: your face is red
Clare: it's just hot in here
Alena: okay if you say so
Joe: you girls ready to go?
Girls: yeah
Nick: alright let's go
Tina: do we still need to go to James Corden?
Kevin: I called and told them we'll go tomorrow night for now let's just get something to eat and head to the hotel
Girls: okay
Clare's pov
We got inside the van and instead of getting food on the street we decided to just go to the hotel and we can order room service.
End of pov
Tina: how about we have a movie night?
Sofia: that sounds like a good idea
Joe: yeah we can shower and then go to kev's room and have them bring the food there
Nick: okay sounds good
(They all walk into their rooms)
Demi: I am going to shower and let you guys talk
Nick: thanks babe
(Demi grabs a towel and pajamas and walks into the bathroom and nick looks over at Clare)
Clare: I am sorry daddy I know your mad at me
Nick: (sighs) I was mad at you, I am still upset but not as much as I was earlier
Clare: oh how come?
Nick: because I understand why you said it and I know that Michelle just wanted a story from you
Clare: so I am not in trouble?
Nick: oh no your in big trouble because you still gave her an attitude and you lashed out and maybe after your punishment you'll start to think before you speak
Clare: how many am I getting?
Nick: I am just going to give you fifteen with my hand
Clare: okay (lays over his lap)
Nick: thank you for cooperating I am proud of you (starts)
Clare: I am sorry (hugs him with tears her in her eyes)
Nick: I forgive you baby but from now on think before you speak understand?
Clare: yes sir
Nick: good (kisses her on the forehead and demi gets out of the bathroom)
Clare: I am going to shower now
Nick: okay
(Clare gets off of nick's lap and grabs her pajamas and walks into the bathroom)
Clare's POV
Once I had the door locked I took my shirt off and looked at my stomach to see that it was still red where Zoey punched me but I don't think it's going to bruise and I can still breathe so she didn't crack a rib and my face doesn't look red anymore and she didn't slap me hard enough to leave a mark so I am pretty sure I can just keep this a secret. But as I was looking in the mirror I started to think maybe I am gaining a little stomach or a little bit of weight and maybe if I lost some the fans wouldn't hate on me so much. I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head and jumped in the shower and got out and put on my pj's and walked out and dad jumped in and demi and I decided to go next door to uncle Kevin's room and dad met us a few minutes later until we were all in the room and had ordered the food. I just got a macaroni and cheese but I only ate half of it because I wasn't that hungry.
End of pov
Dani: are you sure that's all you want Clare?
Clare: yeah I am just not hungry
Joe: are you feeling alright baby?
Clare: I am fine I am just full
Joe: okay
(Alena and Valentina look at each other but stay quiet)
Kevin: so what movie should we watch?
Clare: happy time murders
Nick: yeah right not going to happen pick something else
Tina: fine how about the maze runner
Adults: sure
Clare's pov
We all sat in different areas of the room and brought blankets out and I decided to cuddle with dad and Demi and I layed my head on his shoulder and we enjoyed each other's company until midnight when we said goodnight and went back to our rooms and fell back asleep.
End of pov

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