Chapter 38

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Clare's pov
"You called me said he broke your heart again, but can I pick up all the pieces baby, you said even though your not with him, that your life's to complicated when your in this situation" this time it was my phone alarm going off for once so I leaned over Demi to grab my phone from the nightstand and turned off XO by emblem3 and saw that it was ten in the morning and since it was Demi and dad's day off i decided to let them sleep in and got out of bed and went downstairs to see Alena and Tina were awake watching suite life on deck on Disney plus so I went and sat with them, and a few episodes later my phone started ringing and I saw that mom was calling me so I answered.
End of pov
Phone convo
Clare: hey mama what's up?
Selena: hey princess so I just got a call from my agent saying that I was invited to the frozen premiere tonight and I am going to pick up Gracie because she's also in LA and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us
Clare: uh yeah sure but only because I haven't seen Gracie in forever
Selena: okay I am going to call Kate and Marc and see if they can get us dresses ASAP and I'll pick you up in an hour
Clare: okay I'll tell dad and have you told him about Rio yet?
Selena: no but I'll tell him today
Clare: okay I am going to get ready, see you in a bit
Selena: okay sounds good bye love
Clare: bye
End of phone convo
Clare: soooo any chance you want to tag along and watch Frozen 2
Alena: (Laughs) no thanks Hayden asked me out for ice cream
Valentina: and jack wanted to see if I wanted to go to beach
Clare: good luck getting uncle kev to agree to that, but I am going upstairs to get ready
Girls: okay
(Clare walks upstairs and as she walks to her room she bumps into joe)
Clare: sorry uncle joe
Joe: it's alright where are you off to?
Clare: mom invited me to go to the frozen premiere with her and Gracie
Joe: oh okay have you told your dad yet?
Clare: no I'll tell him when he wakes up
Joe: okay I am going downstairs
Clare: okay
(Clare goes to her room and joe goes downstairs)
Clare's pov
I walked into my closet and decided on a wine colored off the shoulder long sleeve top with black ripped jeans and my converse since Kate and Marc are probably going to style us when we get there. I took a quick shower because I knew if I took long someone would start to worry and I'd rather avoid that this morning. I got out and got dressed then left my hair down, put my shoes on and went downstairs to see Demi was in the kitchen with Dani and dad was talking at the table with joe and Kevin.
End of pov
Clare: morning daddy (walks over and hugs him)
Nick: (looks suspicious) morning...
Clare: why are you looking at me like that?
Nick: your up to something, you never call me daddy
Clare: haha funny that's not true I called you daddy the other day but anyways mom called and invited me to go to the frozen premiere with Gracie
Nick: I mean I guess that's okay, how do you feel about it? This is going to be your first real public appearance in a while...
Clare: honestly I think I'll be fine it's just a movie
Demi: yeah but paparazzi are going to be there and there going to be taking pictures, can you handle it?
Clare: yeah I'll be fine I promise
Nick: alright then I guess it's okay but if anything happens you tell Selena okay?
Clare: okay
(Demi finishes breakfast and they all sit and eat and that's when Alena and Valentina look at Kevin)
Kevin: oh now what do you girls want?
Alena: can I go get ice cream with Hayden
Valentina: can I go to the beach with jack?
(Kevin and Dani look at each other)
Kevin: is jack the one that's friends with Ricky
Valentina: yeah
Kevin: isn't he sixteen?
Valentina: yeah...
Dani: I don't know Valentina when your dad and I said you could start dating we meant someone your age he's two years older
Alena: what if the four of us go? That way Valentina has a chaperone
Kevin: we are supposed to trust you to watch your sister while your on your own date?
Alena: yeah I'll do that for her, I could just tell Hayden it's a double date
Dani: what do you think babe?
Kevin: (sighs) fine but I want the both of you home no later then seven understood?
Valentina: yes! Thank you! (Hugs them)
Dani: your welcome but no more hickeys and you keep it appropriate young lady
Kevin: that goes for both of you got it?
Alena: yeah
Kevin: good
(They finish eating breakfast and then Clare's phone vibrates from a text and it's Selena who messaged her)
Clare: hey dad mom's outside but she wants you to come outside to talk to you for a minute
Nick: okay let's go
(Clare hugs each of her family members and then her and nick walk outside to Selena's car)
Nick: hey Sel how are you?
Selena: I am good how are you?
Nick: good you know busy in the studio and stuff
Selena: me too but Justin and I have two weeks off from touring and since Clare starts school soon we want to take her to Brazil for a vacation, she has spent the whole summer with you and now she's going to be living with you so I want some time with her
Nick: I understand that and I think a vacation is a great idea but the point of us taking a break from tour is so that we can give her some stability, and I don't know if skipping therapy is a good idea
Selena: she could go to therapy before we leave and we are only going to be gone a week anyway because the second week she starts school
Nick: that's true, in that case yeah you can take her I think it would be good for the three of you to spend time with her
Selena: thanks nick, I'll have her home tonight
Nick: okay sounds good
Clare: bye dad see you later (hugs him and gets in the car with Selena and they drive off and nick goes back in the house)
Demi: what did Sel want?
Nick: (sighs) she and Justin want to take Clare to Brazil for a week, a vacation for the three of them
Joe: what did you say?
Nick: well I wasn't going to say no you can't take your daughter for a week, we have spent the whole summer with her, Clare deserves time with her mom too
Kevin: yeah but do you think it's a good idea?
Nick: I don't know she's been doing good these last couple weeks, she's eating again and her phone was the only trigger and that's taken care of so I don't see the problem
Demi: yeah your right she's been good and if anything happens they can always call us
Nick: exactly
Alena: well on that note Tina and I are going to go upstairs and get ready, oh that reminds me dad Hayden's going to pick us up is that okay?
Kevin: has he ever crashed his car?
Alena: I don't think so...
Kevin: good enough for me as long as you aren't the one driving
Alena: haha very funny let's go Tina
Tina: okay
(The girls go upstairs, leaving the adults to clean up the kitchen)
Scene change
Clare: where's Gracie?
Selena: we are going to pick her up now because grandma wants to see you
Clare: oh okay and where's Justin?
Selena: Jeremy's in town with his family so Justin's spending time with them
Clare: oh cool when can I meet Bay, she's so adorable and jazzy's getting so big
Selena: we having them over tomorrow for a barbecue because Friday we leave to Brazil so do you want to just come tomorrow?
Clare: yeah sure (turns the radio on)
Clare's POV
The rest of the car ride we listened to music and a few minutes later we arrived at the hotel grandma Mandy and Gracie were staying at. Mom parked the car and we got out and called her for the room number and a few minutes later we were got to the room and soon as Gracie saw me she jumped from the bed and into my arms and thankfully I had enough time to catch her and I spun her around until grandma told me to put her down and gave me a hug.
End of pov
Mandy: oh Clare it's so good to see you, I have missed you so much
Clare: I missed you too grandma (hugs her)
Mandy: how have you been? How's staying with your dad and Demi?
Clare: I love getting to spend time with them, and Alena and Valentina are moving up here now too
Mandy: aw that's good honey but don't you miss your mom?
Selena: mom we have been over this...
Mandy: I know but I am just asking Clare
Clare: it's okay and yeah I do miss my mom and Justin but they spent so much time taking care of me everyday and I think it's time for them to focus on their fans again
Mandy: (sighs) I guess but when your mom told me that you ended up in the hospital and that you were going to stay with nick and Demi I thought she was losing her mind a daughter should be with her mother especially if she's sick
Selena: mother we are not having this conversation right now, I have told you the reason why i think Clare is better with nick and Demi and we aren't going to bring Clare into the conversation
(Clare stays out of if it and plays with Gracie)
Mandy: your right I am sorry Clare I shouldn't have brought it up
Clare: it's okay I get it
Selena: alright we better get going if we want Kate and Marc to style us
Mandy: alright what do you think you'll be back?
Selena: ten the latest
Mandy: okay bye Gracie
Gracie: bye mommy! (Hugs her)
Clare's POV
We said bye to grandma Mandy again and then went to the car and Clare sat in the back with Gracie.
End of pov
Selena: are you excited to see frozen 2?
Gracie: yes sissy!!!
Selena: (smiles at the two girls and turns the radio on and starts driving)
Scene change
Alena's pov
I took a shower first and then Valentina jumped in after me, I decided on a navy floral wrap dress bikini with a matching dress and Valentina wore a white floral wrap bikini with a matching dress and sandals. We grabbed our purses and then heard a knock on the door and we ran downstairs to open it first but uncle joe and dad got to it first and I silently prayed that they wouldn't start a full interrogation.
End of pov
Kevin: come on in you must be Hayden and jack
Hayden: hi mr. Jonas
Jack: it's nice to meet you
Kevin: you too and I am sure you remember my brother joe
Joe: I better not get a call that your crashed a car again
Alena: ha ha funny now it's time to let it go
(Danielle walks into the living room)
Dani: hi boys how are you today?
Jack: we are good how are you Mrs. Jonas
Dani: I'll be good as long as you promise nothing will happen to our daughters
Tina: mom not you too
Dani: I am just looking out for you girls
Alena: greatly appreciated can we go now
Hayden: don't worry I promise everything's going to be fine
Kevin: okay have them home before seven
Jack: okay no problem mr. Jonas
Alena: alright let's go before my uncle nick and aunt Demi come downstairs and say something too
Valentina: or we are never going to get out of here
Dani: go on girls have fun
Alena: thanks mom love you bye!
(The girls hug their parents and leave the house and get in the car with Hayden driving, Alena in the passenger seat and jack and Tina in the back)
Alena: sorry about our parents they can be..
Hayden: protective
Valentina: more like our whole family is protective
Jack: it's fine we understand, Hollywood's little princesses right
Tina: haha very funny, please don't call us that again
Jack: why? You guys are the innocent princesses
Tina: I'll show you innocent (leans in and kisses him until they need to stop and breathe)
Jack: (smirks) okay maybe not so innocent
Tina: that's what I thought
Hayden: what about you Lena
Alena: is that supposed to be a new nickname or something
Hayden: do you want it to be?
Alena: fine but only you get to call me that
Hayden: deal
(Then Hayden blasts the radio until they get to the beach)
Scene change
Clare: I don't like this one it's to itchy on the waist
Gracie: me either
Selena: girls this is the tenth dress we have tried on, pick something
Gracie: how about that one (points to a long white one with flowers on it and a blue furry cloak)
Clare: might as well try it on
Selena: okay
Clare's pov
Now I know what your thinking matching dresses with your mom and your aunt that's technically wayyy younger then you isn't something a fifteen year old would be thrilled about and your right but I am doing it to make Gracie happy so I am okay with it even if it's a bit embarrassing but I tried on the dress anyways.
End of pov
Gracie: yes!
Clare: it's not completely terrible
Selena: so is this going to be the dress then?
Clare: yeah sure
Selena: perfect let's take a lunch break and then we'll get hair and makeup done
Clare: okay
Scene change
Valentina's pov
We decided to go to Venice because that's the closest beach to us and even with traffic it took us an hour to get there but once we got there Hayden parked the car and we started heading to the boardwalk.
End of pov
Alena: alright Hayden and I are going to go to cold stone but we'll meet back here at six
Valentina: you mean your not actually going to chaperone us?
Alena: I wasn't going to in the first place now go have fun but not to much fun
Valentina: gross! We are in public Alena
Hayden: (smirks) so?
Alena: don't get any ideas
Jack: come on Tina there's this cool spot I want to show you
Tina: okay
Alena: call me if anything
Tina: you too
(Hayden and Alena start walking to cold stone and jack and Tina start heading to the secret spot he was telling her about)
Valentina's pov
We started walking away from the boardwalk and more towards the beach and a few minutes later we arrived at this private area on the beach where there was hardly anyone around us. Jack took my hand and we sat on the sand and I started to take off my sundress so that I was just in a bikini and once it was off I saw jack was looking at me and I started blushing.
End of pov
Tina: what are you staring at?
Jack: your beautiful
Tina: (blushes) you know that was a very cliche pick up line but I forgive you
Jack: (stands up and takes his shirt off) come on let's go in the water
(Tina and jack go into the water meanwhile Alena and Hayden are at cold stone and Hayden takes his card out and is about to pay for Alena)
Alena: it's okay you don't have to
Hayden: what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't pay for you on our first date
Alena: fine but I am paying next time I don't want you paying for everything in this relationship
Hayden: oh so it's a relationship now
Alena: do you want to be in one?
Hayden: shouldn't I be the one asking you that?
Alena: nah that's what society says
(The ice cream lady hands them their ice cream and they go find a bench and sit down)
Hayden: so back to the conversation shouldn't I be the one asking you to be my girlfriend?
Alena: no that's what society says just like the guy has to pay for the first date which you already did
Hayden: I did it because i wanted to
Alena: well then I want to ask you to be my boyfriend
(Hayden looks at her for a moment and then brings his hands to caress her cheek and kisses her on the lips)
Hayden: does that answer your question?
Alena: (smiles) I think it does (kisses him back)
Scene change
Clare's pov
We finished eating lunch, I successfully ate a salad with some chicken and then we went to hair and makeup and around seven it was time to walk the carpet. We got dressed and then mom's manager came out and said it was time for us to go outside.
End of POV
Selena: okay Clare remember you don't have to answer any questions if you don't want to, we can just go pose for a few pictures and then go inside the theater okay?
Clare: okay (takes a deep breath)
Selena: ready?
Clare: yeah
Selena: alright let's go (takes Clare and Gracie's hand and they walk outside)
Clare's pov
We walks outside and as soon as we were out the flashes started and paparazzi started shouting at us to look there way and pose, we took a few pictures but then the questions started. "Clare how have you been feeling since you got out of the hospital" "why were you in the hospital" "Clare there's rumors going around that your dating Ricky now is that true" "Clare are you happy to be back in the public eye after taking a break" "are you going back to social media anytime soon" the questions kept on coming and the flashes were blinding my eyes and next thing I know my breathing started to get heavier and I could feel my heartbeat racing, my palms started getting sweaty and I really wanted to get out of here. My breathing kept on getting heavier and heavier and i felt my mom grab my arm and we quickly walked off the carpet and into the theater which was crowded with more people and I felt really claustrophobic so mom took me and Gracie into the bathroom and she picked me up and sat me down on the counter and looked me in the eyes.
End of pov
Selena: Clare baby look at me (Clare looks at her) copy my breathing okay (breathes in and out) and focus on my voice okay
Clare's pov
A few seconds later my breathing went back to normal, my heart stopped racing and my hands stopped shaking and I felt a little bit better but not a hundred percent. Mom had a really worried look on her face and so did Gracie which I felt horrible about because i didn't mean to scare her and then I just burst into tears and mom wrapped her arms around me and started running her hands through my hair.
End of POV
Selena: shhh shh it's okay baby, your okay I promise
Clare: (stutters) I I am s sorry
Selena: aw baby you have nothing to apologize for (wipes her tears)
Clare: I c c couldn't h handle the carpet a a and the p p paparazzi and the p people and I s scared g Gracie (sobs)
Selena: aw baby no no you didn't it's okay (hugs her) shh shh calms down it's okay
Gracie: it's okay I love you (hugs Clare)
Clare: (sniffles) thanks Gracie
Selena: alright I think we should go home, I don't want you to have another panic attack
Clare: i I am okay really and Gracie really wants to see the movie
Selena: grandma can take Gracie but right now your more important, now i am going to have Janet clear the paparazzi and bring the car around okay?
Clare: o okay
(Selena takes her phone out and calls Janet and a few minutes later they leave the bathroom and walk out of the theater and get into Selena's car)
Selena: thank you Janet
Janet: your welcome, I hope you feel better Clare
Clare: thanks Janet (gets in the car with Gracie)
Clare's pov
Mom started driving back to the hotel to drop off Gracie and I stayed in the car because I really didn't feel like getting down. I know mom said that it was okay but I feel really bad, I wanted Gracie to have fun tonight and I ruined it by having a panic attack which has never happened before. I have grown up on red carpets and never once have I ever freaked out like that. Mom came back in the car a few minutes later and we didn't talk on the way home because I didn't want to talk but an hour later we pulled up into the driveway and mom and I got out of the car and knocked on the door.
End of pov
?: hey you guys are home early (looks at Clare's red eyes and swollen face) what happened? (Pulls her into a hug)
Clare: I am okay uncle joe, where's daddy?
Joe: I'll call him down, Nick! Demi! Clare and Selena are here
Clare: (whispers) please don't scream
Nick: hey you guys are home early is everything okay?
Selena: can I talk to you and Demi for a minute?
Demi: yeah of course, Clare why don't you go into the living room with your cousins
(Clare just nods her head and walks into the living room where Kevin, Alena, Tina, and Dani are sitting watching tv)
Selena: Clare had a panic attack on the carpet, you were right she wasn't ready to go back into the public eye (starts crying and demi brings her into a hug)
Demi: aww Sel it's okay why are you crying?
Selena: seeing Clare like that... it broke my heart and knowing that the only thing I could do is try and help her out of it... and be strong for her but I felt like I was going to break any minute
Demi: I know and you did the best you could do and you stayed strong which is she needed
Selena: (wipes her eyes)  I better get home I texted Justin what was going on and he's probably worried
Demi: okay
Nick: don't worry we'll take care of her
Selena: thank you guys for everything
Demi: of course
(Selena goes inside to give Clare a hug and kiss goodbye and then she gets in her car and drives home and Demi and Nick go into the living room)
Nick: hey Clare why don't you go upstairs with Demi to take a shower and put on some pj's
Clare: okay
Demi: come on honey (takes her hand and goes upstairs)
Alena: okay what up with Clare?
Kevin: Alena
Alena: what it's just a question
Nick: she had a panic attack on the carpet
Tina: seriously?
Nick: yeah
Joe: has she ever done that before?
Nick: (sighs) no we should probably make another therapy appointment, I know she hates it but if she has anxiety on top of the eating disorder now..
Kevin: (puts a hand on his shoulder) no matter what we'll get through it as a family
Nick: thanks guys I am going to go upstairs, kev or joe can you take care of dinner tonight?
Joe: yeah I'll order a pizza
Nick: that's fine (goes upstairs)
Clare's pov
Demi stayed in my room while I showered with the bathroom door open which we haven't had to do in a while but since my panic attack I am pretty sure they are really worried right now... this is just great I have been actually doing good and now I have a panic attack and all the progress that I have made went down the damn drain. I stayed in the bath sitting in the water for a few more minutes until demi told me to get out because the water was going to get cold so I got out, closed the door and put on my fuzzy pj's with socks and l left my hair alone. I walked into my room and saw dad was sitting next to demi and they stopped talking when they noticed me.
End of POV
Nick: so demi and I were thinking we could watch a movie in our room and then we'll go down when the pizza comes
Clare: can we eat upstairs? I don't feel like being down there with everyone right now
Nick: just this once we can eat in the room okay?
Clare: okay
(Clare, nick and Demi walk into their room and nick turns the Tv on to Disney plus)
Clare's pov
We laid down on the bed and I cuddled into my dad and he wrapped his arms around me with demi on the other side of me. I asked dad to put on wizards of waverly place and we watched that until the pizza came and dad brought it upstairs. I looked at the pizza and instantly felt sick to my stomach, I really didn't want to eat but I know my dad and Demi would be even more worried if I didn't so I managed a couple bites until I told them I couldn't eat anymore and they let me off the hook this time.
End of pov
Nick: we don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to but I am making an appointment with Kelly tomorrow
Clare: daddy please don't make me
Nick: Clare it's not up for discussion your going okay?
Clare: (wants to argue back but decides against it and instead cuddles into him and closes her eyes after a few more episodes of wizards)

Authors note: Next chapter will have the house reveal so if you haven't already go to the previous chapter and comment which house you like the most! I am trying to include as many readers as possible!!

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