Chapter 17

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Ring ring ring ring
(Clare rolls over and unplugs her phone and answers it)
Phone convo
Clare: hello
Selena: good morning honey
Clare: morning mom
Selena: did you just wake up?
Clare: (yawns) yeah what time is it?
Selena: ten I wanted to know when we should pick you up for breakfast?
Clare: I thought we were all going to go together?
Selena: that's fine talk to nick and let me know
Clare: okay I'll text you
Selena: okay love you
Clare: love you too
End of convo
Clare's pov
I really wanted to just pull the sheets over my head and stay sleeping for as long as possible to avoid going to the restaurant because I really don't want to eat, but I can't cancel on mom and Justin so I rubbed my eyes and climbed down the bunk bed and walked to nick and Demi's room and gently shook dad awake.
End of pov
(Nick groans and opens his eyes and looks at Clare)
Nick: I must be dreaming because there's no way your up before any of us
Clare: haha funny If it were up to me I would be sleeping but mom wants to know if she should pick me up or are we all going out for breakfast?
Nick: well we have to be at the venue in a few hours so just have Selena pick you up and she can drop you off tonight at the venue or after the concert
Clare: okay I'll tell her (walks out of the room and grabs her phone)
Text convo
Clare: dad says you can pick me up because they have to be at the venue so you can just drop me off later tonight
Selena: okay Justin and I will pick you up in an hour
Clare: okay I'll send you the address to the resort
Selena: okay
(Clare sends the address to the resort and then walks over to her suitcase)
Clare's POV
What to wear, what to wear I feel like I ask myself the same question everyday and since I don't know what we are doing today I'll just dress casual. I chose a yellow floral romper with some brown strap on sandals and decided to braid my hair and once I was ready I just turned the tv on until the girls woke up.
End of POV
Alena: what are you doing up?
Clare: I am capable of getting up you know
Tina: yeah right what's the reason
Clare: my mom and Justin are picking me up for the day
Alena: cool have fun
Clare: thanks (her phone vibrates and it's Selena telling her she's outside) alright I'll see you guys later
Tina: byee have fun
(Clare hugs them and then walks to the kitchen where demi and nick are making coffee)
Clare: mom's here
Nick: okay have fun (hugs her) and behave
Clare: always am
Demi: that's a joke (hugs her)
Clare: yeah yeah I'll call you when I am on my way back
Nick: okay
(Clare walks outside and sees Selena and Justin in a rental car)
Selena: my baby!! (Gets out of the car and hugs her) I have missed you so much
Clare: aww mom it's only been a month
Selena: a month is way to long I think I am going to reconsider this whole you staying with your dad
Clare: then how would you go on tour?
Justin: she has a point babe
Clare: hey Justin!
Justin: hey baby girl, I'll give you a hug later for now just get in
Clare: okay
(Clare and Selena get back in the car)
Justin: so where do you want to go have breakfast?
Clare: I don't know what do you guys want to eat?
Selena: well we were thinking of going to Disney springs I know there isn't any breakfast places but there are restaurants and we could just do a brunch
Clare: yeah that's fine with me
Justin: okay
Clare's POV
The car ride to Disney springs was just us talking and catching up Justin told me about this clothing line he wants to open but he's also really focused on the tour and writing music. My mom was telling me how she has this collaboration opportunity with Dj snake who worked with Justin on a song a little while ago and Ozuna as well as Cardi which I think would be awesome!! But mom's not sure when she should do it because she's also focused on the tour and she loves being back on the road and taking time to talk to the fans again. I told them about how happy I am with dad and spending time with Alena and Tina and soon enough we arrived at Disney springs and parked in the line garage. Mom and Justin put on sunglasses and we got out of the car.
End of pov
Clare: I don't think glasses is going to stop fans from recognizing you
Selena: I know but today's all about you baby girl
Justin: yeah so we are going to do everything we can to enjoy today
Clare: okay (hugs them)
(They decide to eat at planet Hollywood so they walk towards there and a hostess shows them to a booth and a few minutes later a waitress walks up to the table)
?: hi my name is Molly and I am going to be your waitress today so can I start you off with anything to drink?
Clare: a water please
Justin: I'll take a lemonade
Selena: me too
Molly: okay I'll be right back while you look over the menus
Selena: thank you so much
(Molly walks away)
Clare's POV
I really really don't want to eat but if I don't they are going to know something's up and I can't tell them the truth they'll make me stop or they'll tell nick and Demi and then they are definitely going to be on top of my eating so not eating isn't an option but maybe I can look for something small like I did yesterday at be our guest. They have a spinach and berry salad, I'll admit I am not a fan of spinach but it's the only thing on this menu that doesn't look too heavy so I can tolerate it.
End of pov
Justin: what are you thinking of having?
Clare: I think I am going to go with the spinach and berry salad
Selena: you hate spinach
Clare: I used to hate spinach, Dani made it before we want on tour and I actually liked it
Selena: I am glad they are getting you to expand your taste buds
Justin: it's about time too
Clare: haha very funny what are you guys going to get?
Selena: I think we are going to split the buffalo wings what do you think babe?
Justin: yeah that sounds good to me
Selena: okay
(The waitress comes back and takes their order and a little while later she brings them the food)
Selena: this looks so good
Justin: yeah take a bite first
Selena: okay (grabs a rib and takes a bite)
Clare's POV
I took a bite of the spinach and I nearly gagged because I hate the taste of spinach and that's never going to change, so instead I grabbed my fork and grabbed the blue berries and ate them along with strawberries, walnuts, and tomato.
End of pov
Selena: I thought you said you liked the spinach
Clare: I do that's why I am saving it for last (takes a bite) see yum
Selena: hmm
(They finish eating and leave planet Hollywood and decide to walk around)
Clare: can we go into Alex and Ani?
Selena: sure
(They walk into Alex and Ani and they walk around until Clare sees a guardian angel necklace)
Clare: I like this one
Selena: yeah that's ones pretty you want it?
Clare: yes please
Selena: okay, let's see if we can find a matching charm bracelet so you start collecting charms if you want too
Clare: yeah I have been wanting to do that for a while
Selena: okay
(They walk to the bracelet aisle)
Clare: I found it (grabs it)
Selena: it's perfect, do you want anymore charms?
Clare: not right now
Selena: okay then let's go
(They walk to the cashier and buy the bracelet and necklace)
Clare: mom can you help me put it on?
Selena: yeah (puts the necklace on her) I love it
Clare: me too, thanks mom
Selena: your welcome
Justin: where to next?
Selena: Sephora
Justin: okay
(They walk into Sephora)
Clare: I am going to look at the lip sticks and eye shadow
Selena: okay I'll be by the foundations
Justin: okay I am going to go across to Lacoste
Selena: okay we'll meet you there
Justin: okay (walks out of the store and Clare walks over to the eye shadows)
?:you know there's not enough makeup in the world that will make you look pretty
?: yeah so don't even try because it's just going to make you look like an ugly clown
(Clare turns around to see two girls Tara and Lilly standing behind her)
Clare: how about you guys just go away before my mom sees you picking on me
Tara: she's not going to do anything and neither are you because it would cause a scene
Clare: your right so how about instead of insulting me you walk away
Lilly: no it's more fun messing with you since you know your the pathetic Jonas
Clare: fine then I am just going to walk away before I do something I am going to regret
(Clare starts walking away but Lilly slips a small eye shadow palette into her pocket)
Lilly: get ready to get your phone out Tara this is going to be good
Tara: already ahead of you
Selena: ready to go?
Clare: yeah
Selena: you didn't see anything you liked?
Clare: no but it's okay I have enough makeup
Selena: okay
(They start to leave the store but then the detector starts beeping)
Worker: I am sorry miss I am going to have to check your bag
Selena: sure that's not a problem
(The worker looks at the bag and at the receipt)
Worker: okay now her
Clare: I don't have anything on me I promise you can check
(Worker puts her hand in the pocket and pulls out the eye shadow palette)
Selena: Clare is there something you want to say?
Clare: I swear I have no idea how that got there mom
Worker: it was in your pocket miss
Clare: I know it was in my pocket but I didn't put it in there
Selena: then who did!?
(Clare looks over at Tara and Lilly who are filming)
Clare: why don't you guys ask the two girls who are filming
Lilly: who us? We aren't filming we are taking selfies
Tara: yeah we would never film you guys it's not respectful but if you don't mind we would love a picture!!
Clare: you can't be serious! Mom who are you going to believe your daughter or these two sluts
Selena: language!! I am so sorry about this I will pay for it if you guys need me too
Worker: no it's okay just make sure it doesn't happen again
(Justin walks out of Lacoste and walks to the girls)
Justin: what's going on?
Selena: we'll talk about it in the car let's go
Clare: mom I swear I didn't do anything! They are lying
Selena: I said let's go before you create another scene
Clare: no I am not going anywhere until the two sluts admit that they were the ones that put it in my pocket!!
Tara: your such a joke Jonas, you know your making yourself look crazy In front of everyone right?
Lilly: we can show you our phone if you want we didn't film anything
Justin: no it's fine girls, Clare let's go now
Clare: fine but I am just need to do one thing (walks over to Tara and Lilly and slaps them in the face) you guys couldn't just leave me alone could you
(Justin walks over to her and pulls her by the arm)
Justin: alright that's enough let's go
(They leave Disney springs and get in the car)
Selena: I can't believe you Clare! What were you thinking? I even asked you if you wanted anything and you said no!!
Clare: for the last time I didn't put the palette in my pocket, I didn't even like those colors
Justin: then how did it get in your pocket?
Clare: I told you already those girls you call fans put it in my pocket
Selena: and why would they do that?
Clare: for the same reason every other fan that has a problem with me does, to either get your attention or just to spite me
Justin: even if that was the case you shouldn't have slapped her you should have just walked away
Clare: and let them get away with it, no way
Selena: (sighs) I am calling nick to find out where he is
Clare: go ahead
(Selena grabs her phone and calls nick)
Phone convo
Nick: hey sel how's the day going?
Selena: it was going great until our daughter decided to shop lift
Nick: she what!?
Selena: yeah she put eye shadow in her pocket, I'll tell you the full story when we drop her off where are you?
Nick: at the venue getting ready for sound check, I'll send you the address
Selena: okay thanks
(Selena hangs up and nick sends her the address and they start driving to the venue)
Clare's pov
This is unbelievable I can't believe that I am about to be in trouble for something that I didn't even do! And I told them the truth and they still don't believe me! When I act bad I get punished when I act good I still get punished... maybe I should just go back to being the girl that didn't give a fuck. The rest of the car ride was quiet and thirty minutes later we arrived at the venue and security led us to the dressing room where everyone was hanging out before the show starts.
End of POV
Clare: hey guys
Kevin: hey that's all your going to say really?
Clare: I already told mom and Justin the truth if you guys don't believe me that's not my problem
Nick: how about we tone down the attitude and you tell us what happened
Clare: fine I was looking at the palettes when these two girls came up to me and insulted me, I told them to walk away and they didn't so I walked away but one of them put the palette in my purse so that I would get caught and then they wouldn't admit what they did so I slapped them, I am telling the truth
Demi: we want to believe you but you haven't earned our trust back yet and this wouldn't be the first time you shop lift
Clare: your right but the difference is when I do I own up to it, I am not going admit something I didn't do!!
Nick: alright why don't you go to the dressing room next door while we talk about this okay?
Clare: whatever (walks out of the room)
Joe: I'll let you guys talk and I'll be back
Nick: okay
(Joe walks to the room next door and opens it to find Clare sitting on the couch)
Joe: hey
Clare: are you going to tell me you don't believe me because if you did I wouldn't blame you
Joe: I believe you
Clare: really? Why?
Joe: because you do admit it or you'll get defensive
Clare: can you tell them that?
Joe: yeah just look me in the eyes and promise me you didn't do it
Clare: (looks at him) uncle joe I didn't take take the palette
Joe: okay I'll be back
Clare: okay
(Joe walks back to the room where they are talking)
Joe: she didn't do it
Nick: how do you know?
Joe: because she looked me in the eyes and said it
Nick: oh
Kevin: fine maybe she didn't do it but she still hit the girls and that's not okay
Selena: I agree
(Alena goes on twitter and the video that Lilly took is trending)
Alena: guys look (shows them the video with the caption "rebel Jonas strikes again literally")
Selena: they told us they weren't filming
Justin: well they obviously lied
Selena: which means Clare was telling the truth and we didn't believe her
Kevin: at least you guys didn't punish her yet
Selena: I know but she still knows she can't just hit someone physical violence is never the answer and she disregarded that completely
Nick: your right so I think we should punish her but only for hitting the girls, since she obviously didn't shop lift
Selena: I agree but let me go talk to her first
Nick: okay
(Selena walks next door and walks into the room)
Clare: what's the final verdict?
Selena: well we know you didn't shop lift because the girls posted the video and Alena saw it trending on Twitter
Clare: so I am off the hook?
Selena: no because you still hit them and you know that's never the answer
Clare: but they deserved it!!
Selena: you could have just walked away when we told you too and you wouldn't be punished at all
Clare: that's not fair I was defending myself!!
Selena: you went about it the wrong way, they didn't put their hands on you
Clare: so what!? They still hurt me verbally and that counts for something!!
(Nick hears the yelling next door and decides to intervene)
Nick: lower your voice young lady you are not in the environment to start screaming
Clare: this is so unfair I shouldn't be getting punished at all, she insulted me verbally so I hurt her physically it's the same thing!
Nick: no it's not and even if it was you don't have the luxury of just hitting someone because it ends up on the internet just a few hours later and it makes you look bad not them
Clare: the only reason it doesn't look bad for them is because they only showed half the story, the video obviously doesn't show them insulting me
Selena: unfortunately there's going to be girls that insult you because they are jealous of you but you have to learn to deal with it and not resort to violence that's why your getting punished
Clare: whatever I still think this is totally unfair
Selena: I am going to leave you two alone (walks away)
Nick: come on Clare let's just get this over with
Clare: can't you just tell mom you did it and we can move on?
Nick: you didn't just seriously ask me that did you? Get over my lap and don't make me say it again or I'll add more then I was going too
Clare: fine (walks over to nick and he pulls her over his lap)
(Nick stops and sits her on his lap)
Nick: I don't want this happening again, because next time I need to pull you over my lap for hitting someone or getting in a fight I will use my belt, understand?
Clare: (wipes her tears) yes sir
Nick: okay (hugs her and kisses her on the forehead) come on the show's going to start soon
Clare's pov
The rest of the night went smoothly, mom and Justin stayed for the concert and after they joined for the meet and greet with the VIP fans I decided to stay in the dressing room for that because I canny deal with anymore fans today. After the meet and greet everyone was hungry so we found an apple bees and I just ate some mozzarella sticks using the excuse that I wasn't hungry and thankfully they didn't question me probably because they just didn't want to deal with the argument that would happen if they interrogated me. At the end of the night I said bye to my mom and Justin and we went back to the resort and fell asleep because tomorrow it's off to North Carolina. End of pov

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