chapter 10

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" Move ? Seriously ? "

I dreaded moving back to Korea again. For one , it's gonna be a bitch to pack and transfer everything. Secondly , Mina will be whining about it for 3 weeks straight. Thirdly , Nayun Kim.

By the time we are all settled in , it would be Christmas Eve. Mina gets crazy during Christmas , I mean that's how she got Christan to be her boyfriend. They met during a Christmas party 2 years ago. Mina and Christan was playing 7 minutes in heaven with the rest of the guest and well you could say that they took more than 7 minutes that's for sure.

" Oh c'mon , couldn't you just take the private jet home and to work ? " She whined.

" Yeah cause doing that everyday is such a good idea." Christian said sarcastically.

" You don't even try to start with me boy ! " She bickered.

" I'm not starting anything , grandma." He argued back.

" ExCusE mE !? Grandma !? Who you calling grandma !? " Mina said , offended.

" You heard me you witch."

" OH you Wanna gO bAggY pAnts."

Me and Felix shook our heads. We started to wrap the fragile and valuable things in bubble wrap. Laughing hysterically at the two 5 year olds bickering at each other.

" Oh God bless us please." Felix prayed and I giggled. This is going to be a long weekend.


We were finally all packed and ready to go. The movers were going to be here in an hour or so. I went to my now emptied room and looked around. Although I've only lived here for a few months , I'm going to miss this bed. No , the twins are not selling this house. They still need it in case they come back to America again. As for me and Mina , our house will also be the same. We got it renovated so that's the reason why we were staying at the twins house. I always miss the window of this house. There's bean bags placed infront of the windows where I spend my time drawing or reading. Still trying to finish up my previous book.

I left the room in awe. I pouted sadly to myself. I'm really going to miss that room. My eyes wondered to Mina who was admiring Christian from a far. I know they still love each other but as lovely as both of them are , they are also stubborn. They don't like apologising and admitting it was their fault so when they fight , one is always waiting for the other to apologise first.

" Take a picture Mina , it'll last longer." I said out loud , teasing her. Her cheeks gave out a deep red colour. She looked away from me to hide her embarrassment.

" I don't know what you're talking about." She says and walks away from me. I roll my eyes at her goofiness. But ain't it crazy though ? ain't it crazy that you can loose someone you love just because of a petty fight ? It's so stupid to think of it later like " Damn , how childish that whole situation was."

| a note 🌹|

You wanna know something though babygirl ? Yes. You. The one reading.You are so motherfucking strong. You've been through hell and back multiple times and you're still thriving so give yourself some love. Do a favor for me real quick. Go to the mirror. You at the mirror ? Get your ass up and look in the mirror. Look at yourself. Look at that strong beautiful woman right there. I know you're looking at all your imperfections and it's okay to be insecure. It's okay that you're not like everyone else who has it all. It's okay. Remember this love , you are going to be who you are no matter what people say. Now look at that mirror and say " I fucking love you. Yes , you. " God made you the way he made you because he knows that he was making someone beautiful , confident and strong. You need to know you are worth it , strong , gorgeous in every way. Yes everything hurts right now but everything can heal. With time and with lots of love for yourself. You are a sun amongst all these small stars babygirl. You need to know that. And the boy you've been crying about , the one that was the cause of your heart falling into pieces , the one that made you feel special and then threw you away like you're nothing , the one that hurt you so badly that you started doubting your self worth ? He's going to realize that he lost someone who truly cared and love him when no one did. He's going to realize he lost a Queen. A goddess. And if you're chasing after that one guy who doesn't care enough to even give you his time then know this sweetheart , If you are not enough for yourself , you are never enough for someone else. Love yourself. Care for yourself. It's time you think and care about you then trying to save everyone because it's drowning you deep in hatred and bottled up feelings. " You deserve to be completely found in your surroundings , not lost within them." and stop lying to yourself that you are okay. It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to have a full mental breakdown at 3 am eating ice cream because deep down you know you're going to get through it. You Will get through it. And don't think that no one loves you because in order for someone else to love you , you need to love yourself. Who the fuck cares about what other people think huh ? That jacket you always wanted but never bought because you think other people is going to judge you Well go and buy it. Show this judgmental society that you can Rock it. Say " fuck it " to the world once in awhile. And you may be asking me , but delfie what do you know about loving oneself ? I don't. I don't know shit about it. Even after the long break , I'm still a mess but I'll always keep my head up. Do I have it all figured out ? No. Am I truthfully happy ? No. But will I try to love myself even though it seems like the hardest thing in the world ? Yes. Yes I fucking will. Listen here bae , society will throw so many things at you and step all over you countless of times but guess what ? They are not relevant in your life or mine. Don't make it relevant. The more you do , the more they keep walking all over you. Be your own happiness because when one day everything fails and you get back into the hole and repeat everything , you have only yourself and your mindset to be there for you. I will say one thing , I AM PROUD OF YOU QUEEN. I am. Don't let someone make that crown on your head fall. Don't make someone think your replaceable. Don't let someone crush your heart like that again. Don't ever let someone steal that crown of yours. It's yours and yours only. You are uniquely you. And that's all that matters. You earned your crown queen and it's time to let everyone know that you're the boss of your own life.

" Be the one that's in control of your life , Queen. "

A/N : I thought maybe y'all needed this. This long break DIDN'T fix everything but sometimes it's good to just take a breather and look at the world. Society is fucked up and we can't change that. This is by far the most proudest chapter I have wrote. I didn't cry , I was writing to make a statement. Queens and GODDESSES never falls. Our crowns will always be worn on our heads.

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now