chapter 2

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My eyes darted across room to the man sitting in the red chair. Smartly dressed in a black tux. The sunlight came through the window , making him seem like a shadow looking at you. I looked into he's eyes intimidatingly.

" I am not marrying you." I  coldly say while glaring at him. He smirks and leans forward into the light revealing those attractive brown eyes.

" Oh darlin , why not ? " he says playfully. I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance.

" I told you not  to call me that ! " I say and  cross my arms. He sighs and walks  around the table. I turn and eyed he's every move. I leaned back onto the edge of the table , arms still crossed. He stopped right in front of me. He lifts my chin making our eyes meet. He leans in and for some reason I didn't move away or push him away. 3 knocks on he's office door interrupted us. The door slowly opened and he's assistant Wisoo popped her head in.

" Kai , your dad want to see you in he's office. " she said. Me and him did not look away from each other.

" I'll be there in a minute." He says still staring at me. I kissed him on the cheek and walk away. I gave him a playfully wink and close the door on he's ass.

" Why does he think I'm easy ? " I say and laugh.

I exit the building , sliding my visitor pass through the checkout slot. It beeps green and I push open the main door. I got into my car and drove off.

The scenery was beautiful and calming. Trees passed by like shadows. The sky was dimly lit with the evening sun setting peacefully. The gradient of pink , yellow and orange painted the clouds perfectly. I run my fingers through my hair , thinking about my decision.

I might be making the biggest mistake of my life or the best decision in my life. I know...I said I wouldn't go back but I just gotta know for sure that I was right.

ugh fuck it .

" this is gonna be a long messy problem huh ? "

Sequel: Fall For Me Again ( Jimin / Kai ff ) ✅Where stories live. Discover now