Chapter Twenty-three

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It was getting late, is Jack not going to text me! Doesn't he understand that I am under a lot of stress and need to hear his voice....or I mean read his texts.

Fuck, what is wrong with me!? Jack has exams too! He is under stress as well. It's not just you, you selfish asshole!

Question 24/25: Can I call you?

Me: Yes please!

I want to hear his voice so badly! I was about to crack with the pressure I put on myself to get good grades. A few seconds later, my phone started ringing. I click the green and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey." I say into the device.

"Fuck even your voice is sexy." Said the most magical sound in the world. I could feel the stress melting off.

"Your voice is definitely sexier Angel." I say. I hear a soft dreamy sigh when I called him angel.

"Are you blushing right now?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

"You have no idea Daddy." Jack tells me. I have to bite my lips to stop the groan that was about to come out of my mouth.

"Fuck, why haven't we done this sooner." I ask.

"No idea but I am not going to stop now." Jack says, I could just see him smiling.

"You know exactly what I need." I tell him, thinking back to how I thought I wanted to hear his voice and boom! Jack texts saying he wants to call me.

"Of course I do Corbs, I'm your baby boy for a reason." Jack said in a smirking tone.

"Your my angel Jacky." I tell him with a smile.

"Just to be clear I may be your angel but that doesn't mean I don't have naughtiness in me." Jack said in a incredibly naughty tone. I couldn't help the small groan that came out of me this time.

"Don't say stuff like that." I say.

"Oh you like it Corbs." Jack says with a giggle.

"Hmmm, maybe." I tell him.

"Okay, got to go Corbs. You did great on the exam today and you are going to do great on the one tomorrow as well. You got this! Bye Corbs." Jack tells me, my spirit going up with each of his words.

"Thanks Angel. Bye." I say with a soft smile, us both hanging up.

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