Chapter 15: Another Day In Konoha

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 It's another sunny day in Konoha. The birds are chirping, the kids are playing and laughing, their parents smiling at them as they play, the shinobi are running building to building. It could be considered picturesque, but this village has a darkness, a stain called Danzo Shimura.

Danzo hates Naruto, and it not just because of the fox. The aged shinobi couldn't care less about the fox. He just hated Naruto. You could say this stemmed from the rivalry between the Sandaime, and him. Danzo just had to hate his rivals successor, and that also meant he hates the successor's son. The Shimura just wanted the boy out of the village, and would do so in anyway possible.

Right now though, the Raikage is having a meeting with the Hokage. The Raikage says, "Hokage-dono, a week before we came here, Naruto was attacked by an ANBU unit called ROOT. He told me it is led by one Danzo Shimura. I may be unruly, but not unsensible. So for an alliance to happen, I'd like for the execution of Danzo Shimura!"

The Hokage thinks about it, and asks, "Do you have the bodies?"

The Raikage answers, "We do. They are sealed up in an Uzumaki-level storage scroll."

The Raikage then throws the scroll at the Hokage, who catches it, and opens the scroll. In the scroll is neatly folded clothes, and masks, and a pile of more scrolls, which is where the bodies are.

The Hokage says, "I just found out that Danzo lied to me, when he told me that he disbanded ROOT. This is punishable by death. After his death, let's agree to the terms of the alliance." He calls an ANBU to call Danzo to his office. Hiruzen keeps a set of clothes, and mask out, resealing the rest into the scroll.

As Danzo walks through the door of the Hokage's office, an hour later. Danzo then asks, "What the reason for calling me to your office, Hiruzen?"

The Hokage answers, "It is the Hokage to you, Danzo. Anyway, I thought I told you to disband the ROOT Organization?"

Danzo begrudgingly replies, "I did, Hokage-sama."

The Hokage then asks, "Then what's this uniform?"

Danzo answers, "The uniform of ROOT."

The Hokage replies, "That is correct, Danzo. Do you wanna know where, or who I got it from?"

Danzo answers, "Sure, tell me."

The Hokage says, "I just got it an hour ago, from Raikage-dono. After he had just got done telling me that people in this uniform attacked one of his shinobi a week before they left Kumo to get here."

Danzo asks, "What shinobi did they attack?"

The Hokage answers, "One Naruto Uzumaki." Hiruzen then continues, "As you can see their mission failed. You have committed many laws. The blatant disobeying of the Hokage's order, and lying to their Kage. These crimes are punishable by death.

ANBU, take Danzo to T&I, and lock the key. Also, Tell Ibiki to have fun with him. I want to know everything that Danzo has done since the creation of ROOT! After we find everything we can, Danzo will be executed!"

The ANBU appear near Danzo, grabs the man, and then pulls him towards T&I.

What's T&I? It means the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force, which is shortened to the Torture and Interrogation Force, and it shortened even more to just T&I. It is headed by Ibiki Morino. Ibiki is a Tokubetsu Jounin.

Ibiki is a very strict person, and has even been described as being a sadist by Kakashi Hatake. Compounded with this is his belief that pain is an effective form of communication, which he employed whenever he carries out his duties of torture and interrogation. His mental fortitude is formidable as, in the anime, even after being horribly tortured by Aoi Rokushō, Ibiki never revealed any information to the latter, who years later openly acknowledged Ibiki's fortitude.

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