Chapter 9: the Talk, and Training

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 In the forest outside of Tazuna's home, naruto is talking to Inari. Inari asks, "Why did you bring me out here?"

Naruto answers, "You are not the only one who lost precious people. I never met my parents. They died shortly after I was born. They were fighting a great, and powerful opponent, who could destroy this village with a swipe of his hand. I was always told they loved me, but how can I know? I never met them! I never felt the warmth of their hugs, or the love in their kisses!"

Kurama says, "More like I could destroy a village with the swipe of my tail."

Naruto inwardly smiles, as he asks, "So how was your nap?"

Kurama answers, "It was good, Gaki. Now get back to your Talk no Jutsu!"

Naruto then says, "You know the silver-headed man?" Seeing a nod from Inari, Naruto continues, "His name is Kakashi Hatake. He's known a "Genius among Prodigies" He knows over one thousand Jutsu. Kakashi is one of the strongest people I know, but he has deep seated trauma. First, around the age of six his real Tou-san (Father) died. Then a couple years later when he made Jounin his best friend died. After that his other friend was dying, she had a great being sealed inside of her. The being was killing her from the inside, out. So she ran in front of his attack killing her instantly. Next were my parents. They treated him like a son, and Kakashi thought of them as his second parents, but as you know they died. It tore at Kakashi's mind. He's fine, but he doesn't do much."

This shocks Inari. Then Naruto says, "You know the "Duck Butt"?" Again Seeing a nod from Inari, Naruto continues, "His name is Sasuke Uchiha. He is the "Last Loyal Uchiha of Konoha". His Nii-san (brother) killed every member of his clan. Sasuke looked up to his Nii-san. His Nii-san is named Itachi. He was a prodigy just like Kakashi, but the horror of the Third Great Shinobi World War turned him into a pacifist, but he knew he still had to kill. The Uchiha then planned a coup, because of the attack during my birth. So when the threat of war peaked, Itachi killed every member, but his Otōto (Little Brother), Sasuke. Itachi loved Konoha, and would do anything to insure it's protection. Going as far as to kill his whole family, but he loved Sasuke more.

Kurama says, "The only good Uchiha!"

Naruto replies, "You just had to ruin a moment, didn't you, Furball?"

Kurama is silent. Which irkes Naruto to no end. Naruto then asks, "Inari, what is your pain?"

Inari is shaking. He didn't think He then answers, "My stepfather died protecting our family, and Nami no Kuni (Land of Waves). He once told me "If something is truly important to you... even it's heart-breaking, even if it's sorrowful... you keep on trying and trying, even if you lose your life, you keep on protecting it with these two arms!! ...Then, even if you die, you leave behind the proof that you are a man... forever..." He was a hero, and I believed it, until he died. Gatō sent some of his men to find my stepfather. They cut off his arms, and then was executed in public for everyone to see. I felt betrayed. He said that he'd be there for us, but he died..."

Naruto went done one one knee, grabs Inari by the shoulders, and pulls the little boy into a hug. Inari starts to cry. The blonde says, "That's it, cry. It's okay to do so. Cry when your sad, cry when your happy, but don't be a coward. Would your stepfather like to see you like that?"

Inari gets out of the hug, with anew resolve. He answers, "No he wouldn't! Thank you Naruto-nii!"

Naruto smiles, and they walk back to the house with a smile on each of their faces.

When they got back to the house, Kakashi says, "Today we are going to be training. Actually, we'll be training for the rest of the week. You'll be briefed by Darui about my team's situation."

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