Jason Styles

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Full name: Jason Eddie Styles

Age: 4

Birthday: December 28

Height: 3'5

Parents: Harry is my daddy's name and I don't remember my mommy's name.

Relationship stat: Daddy says I can't get a girlfriend because I don't know how to flirt yet. -pouts-

Physical feat: brown, straight hair. (I know don't be surprised. -Harry) dimples, dark green eyes

Clothing: striped t shirts, cargo shorts, converse

Personality: What's a personality?

Favorite color: Purple!

Favorite animal: Hippopotomamamamous

Favorite movie: I like despicable me because the minions go BANANA!

Favorite person on the account:Uncle Niall and uncle louis is funny

Hobbies: Daddy is teaching me how to sing and play football. I also like wrestling with uncle liam. I always win.

Man crush: Um. Cookie monster. Yes,

Motto: if you don't go haha then you have no ife.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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