Harry Styles

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Full name: Harold Edward Styles

Age: 20

Birthday: Febuary 1, 1994

Height: 5'11

Relationship stat: Taken by Mira :) Love you babe.

Children: Four year old cutie Jason Styles

Physical feat: Curlssss, dimples, supposively 'charming' but I honestly don't see it in myself

Clothing: Err skinny jeans are honestly comfy, white plain t-shirt, ehhh and occasional flannel.

Personality: Love to stay laid back, relax, caring, thoughtful, I don't like hurting anybody and knowing that I caused the hurt...

Favorite color: Orange

Favorite animal: Cats and turtles

Favorite food: Tacoooos

Favorite movie: Love Actually

Favorite person out of the account: Louuu.

Guilty pleasure: Gettin naked and stealing food off your plate

Hobbies: Enjoy relaxing, going for a stroll watching a movie, and spending time with my love :)

 Motto: a little party never killed nobody

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