Zayn Malik

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Full name: Zayn Javaad Malik

Age: 21 

Birthday: January, 12 1993

Height: 5'7

Relationship Stat: Taken by Sam

children: Little four year old Charlotte

Physical feat: Brown deep eyes, long eyelashes (as people say), quiffed black hair

Clothing: jean jackets, white tee, jeans, white converse, lazy sweaters

Personality, quiet, don't really feel to express all my feelings to someone (you have to know me enough to figure out those things), I guess mysterious, not as dark but quite dark, shy

Favorite color: Red

Favorite animal: lion

Fasvorite food: Chicken...though quite picky

Favorite movie: Scarface

Favorite person on account: Niall

Guilty pleasure: Don't think I have one

Man crush: Justin Timberlake

Motto: No matter how hard life is, don't lose hope

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